Haseo walked out of the Weapons Shop, as it's rusted doors closed themselves behind him. "Wierd thing." He said, still bored, and still wandering around. He decided to do what anyone would do while bored: Evesdropping. He quickly jumped into brush that surrounded a house, and started to evesdrop on Riku, Kairi, Axel, and Roxas.
Haseo noticed Zexion wasn't going to try to defend the attack, so he immediently stopped the ChainSword. "Your just going to stand there, unresponsive, eh? Well then, it seems there is no reason to fight you." Haseo put his ChainSword away, shook his head, and then walked outside of the shop, and wandered around the island, trying to find something to lapse his boredom. 'Fight, maybe? Nah, when I do a finishing move, the person is unresponsive.' Haseo kept walking, and shrugged, as he walked in front of the Weapons Shop, and opened the rusted doors. "Hello? Anyone there?" He yelled, as he walked into the old shop.
Unfortunatly, there isn't a code for those just yet. Well, I don't have the ARMax versions of the codes, butt here are some crappy codes on ARMax.com that only work if you use one of them. :( Otherwise, I don't have any ARMax codes. Sorry.
"Heh, fine by me." Haseo said, smirking, and putting the Dual Guns away. He then took out his large ChainSword, Broad Legged, and then grinned. "Are you ready? 'Cause I'm not gonna hold back!" Haseo yelled, as he ran straight towards Zexion, and then jumped over him and did a spin-around, and swung his ChainSword at Zexion's waist.
"Spoiled Brat?" Haseo said, taking out his Dual Guns and then pointing them at Zexion's Scythe, and then shooting it our of his hands. "If I was a spoiled brat, well, I have no clue...'Cause I'm not a spoiled brat." Haseo said, as he pointing his right gun at Zexion, and then another one at his arm. "You try and attack me again," Haseo said, "Then you'll have nothing to attack with." Haseo said, as he pointed his left gun at Zexion's left shoulder blade.
Haseo wandered away from his backward where he was sharpening the blade on his Scythe, and he went to the Weapons Shop. "Open, eh? Might as well get some weapons..." He said, as the silver armor he had reflected the sunlight. Haseo heard someone yell their name in a different store, so he decided to go to the Weapons Store later. He walked into the other store, and then looked at Zexion after he had yelled his name. "Nobody cares who you are." Haseo said gruffly, crossing his arms.
Username: VideoSpud Character Desigered: Haseo Why You Want To Join: This is my first RPG on here, and I really want to participate.
My favorite Villian would have to be Sephiroth, 'cause of his mad skillz with the long sword, and also because he knows how to kick ***.
M) CB6+/GS3+/XP4+ 901300D0 0C04BFDC M) CB/GS/XP F01300D0 0000000E Save Dump (7Mb) 20145B50 3C030010 20145B54 3C050070 2045BD58 00100000 2045BD4C 00700000 Jokers D0452842 0000???? D0452942 0000???? Inf Money 209F9FD0 05F5E0FF Exp Mod D0555B28 00000292 20555B1C 2403???? Use Item For Max Items 201EF904 2403270F Gain Item For Max Items 201EF9C4 2402270F Gain Money For Max Money 201EA7EC 2403270F Gain 1 Item For Max 001ef9d6 00000000 001efafe 00000000 Gain Money/EXP for ???? (Needs testing) 201ea878 10000003 201ea880 10000003 Inf Item Usage (May Want to joker 201ef908 00000000 (Off Code for Jokering use with above) 201ef908 a5230002 Max Keys 20A07640 00630063 Max Greeting Cards 20A03210 63636363 20A03214 63636363 10A03218 00006363 00A0321A 00000063 No Play Time 209F9FC8 00000000 Max Play Time 209F9FC8 05F5E0FF Character Mod 10A023F4 0000???? Party Member Mod 10A023F6 0000???? 10A023F8 0000???? FFFF= no friend 0001= Atori 0002= Kuhn 0003= Pai 0004= Silabus 0005= Gasper 0006= Pirosi 0007= Yowkow 0008= SakuBo 0009= Endrance 000A - Antares(Fully Playable but can't kick or active objects) 000B - Matsu (Fully Playable but can't kick or active objects) 000C - Yata (Trying to set a Skill Trigger kills the game. Can go to fields and fight. His weapons aren't visible) 000D - Ovan (Can go to fields and fight, but his attacks doesn't connect to enemies, neither does his skills. He pretty much just knows how to pose and look badass x3) 000E - Zelkova (Can't go to fields and can as such not fight. Got a SICK scythe o.o) 000F - Taihaku (Actually FROZE randomly when running around in Mac Anu. I think it happens when you put your stick up to the left ;P) 0010= Gabi 0011= Crash 0012= Tenrow (Can't go to fields and can as such not fight) 0013= IYOTEN 0014= Asta 0015= Crash 0016= Bordeaux 0017= Sakaki 0018= Crash 0019= Crash 001A - Crash 001B - Azure Kite (not floating and can't go to fields) 001C - Crash 001D - Crash 001E - Negimaru (Fully Playable but can't kick or active objects) 001F - Grein (Fully Playable but can't kick or active objects) Sell Item in town for 90 items 10A08C28 00000303 00A08C2A 00000003 00A08856 0000005A 00A08858 0000005A Sell in Guild Shop to max 15 00A089C4 0000000F Max Arena Win Points 10A082B0 0000270F Haseo Max Weapon Skill 109FAB0E 0000000A 109FAB10 0000000A 109FAB20 0000000A 109FAB32 0000000A 109FAB44 0000000A 109FAB56 0000000A 109FAB68 0000000A 109FAB7A 0000000A Sickle addition to arms proficiency of Hasewo 009FAB0C 00000002 109FAB12 0000000A Platform enhanchment 00A0232C 0000003B 00A08C2B 00000003 Haseo Mod 10A024D7 00000256 Item Mod 01 009FC114 000000yyÂ@Classification 109FC116 0000zzzzÂ@Type 109FC118 0000ssssÂ@Ability 1 109FC11A 0000ssssÂ@Ability 2 109FC11C 0000ssssÂ@Ability 3 109FC11E 000000xxÂ@modifier value (?)-> maybe weapon attack value, dont know yet. Item Mod 02 009FC11E 000000xxÂ@ Correction value (?) 009FC120 000000yyÂ@ Classification 109FC122 0000zzzzÂ@ Type 109FC124 0000ssssÂ@ Ability 1 109FC126 0000ssssÂ@ Ability 2 109FC128 0000ssssÂ@ Ability 3 modifier value xx=00(+0)~63(+99) Classification yy=00 (weapon),01 (cloth),02 (decoration, like rings etc) Type zzzz=in the different list Ability 0000 (fire attack attribute) 0001 (water attack attribute) 0002 (wind attack attribute) 0003 (earth attack attribute) 0004 (light attack attribute) 0005 (dark attack attribute) 0006 (poison attack attribute) 0007 (curse attack attribute) 0008 (sleep attack attribute) 0009 (seal attack attribute) (from this value and below, this maybe a value for Vol.2 so it may be freeze in this vol.1) 000A (freeze) 000B (freeze) 000C (freeze) Kaishiki/Twin Sword (sword name, prerequisite level, rare value) 00 ->akutabane 01 ->kouga 02 ->banjaku 03 ->ransetsu 04 ->chirimukuro 05 ->hikou 06 ->madarame 07 ->yama arashi 08 ->naginata 09 ->koshinata 0A ->kebari 0B -> nodogirimaru 0C -> haine shin, lv1 rare value 1 0D -> haine shin, lv1 rare value 1 0E -> kaita zangeki 2, lv51 rare value 1 0F -> kaita zangeki 1, lv74 rare value 2 10 -> kai Twin Lancer 1 lv 62 rare value 2 11 -> Chainsaw2, lv87 rare value 2 12 -> rare kaita zangeki, lv94 rare value 4 13 -> kaikari aitemuwaku, lv999 rare value 1 14 -> kaikari aitemuwaku, lv999 rare value 1 15 -> kaikari aitemuwaku, lv999 rare value 1 16 -> kaikari aitemuwaku, lv999 rare value 1 17 -> Chainsaw3, lv101 rare value 2 18 -> kaita zangeki, lv113 rare value 2 19 -> rare kai Chainsaw5, lv999 rare value 2 1A -> kai Twin Lancer2, lv125 rare value 2 Some rare or special sword might have very cool appearance like in the FMV, which one I don't know yet. Why there's a prerequisite level of 999 if your max level in this game is just 50? I really don`t know.... Haseo weapon Kaishiki/Twin Sword 00~1D Taiken/Big Sword 20~38 Taikama/Big Sickle/Scythe 3C~49
Do you have an All Weapons code? 'Cause I need it...
I also wish KH2: FM will come out in the US, 'cause unlike KH: FM for the first one, the 2nd FM will be loaded with more features then the first....So let's cross our fingers and hope it comes.
I'll be sure to read teh rules again.:)
Thank you, Rikku.:)
On teh other version, I would usually give new pplz cookies...But might as well take the Reeses.
Nice to be here, on the new version of teh KH Vids...It's awesome.
How 'bout the 'All Items' code?
Goofy. Not only does he have a nifty shield on him at all-times for defense, but he can also have good attack and magic skills.