You said you have the IQ of a wooden spoon. I think thats above wooden plank, because at least that this point you're useful for something, although its not very much.
Those aren't even tags on the forum, and its not clever using tags that don't exist. Don't even pretend it is.
Im not done, I decided to pull an all nighter.
For the love of christ, capitalize the ****ing d. It looks borderline as ugly as Im sure you do in real life. Jube get on MSN, I added you because you're cool.
What can I say, I'm just one man.
Darky Sucks.
this thread is never ending. Next time I'm bored of living life I'll make v2
Im tired, I'm out, hf in my absence, it was fun times.
2008 KHV nominee for ****** of the year. edit: ROFL HE POSTED IT BEFORE ME.
That was single handedly the most ******ed post in this thread. You win.
the only person you pwned was yourself.
I wouldn't mind someone insulting me if they were capable of doing it in a meagerly intelligent or creative manner.
Stupid needs to take a long walk off a short pier =_=
Assain < Assassin it has less *** in it =(
In cased you missed the memo, I was a test tube baby.
I'm glad you changed your sig to something uglier, it suits you.
Did your mom smoke pot while she was pregnant with you?
Just a massive p****. mar...lux...lets just call you stupid. Stupid, I humbly regret to inform you that in the last testing of "people joseki will make fun of and ignore" you have passed. We can move you up to the intelligence of a small worm, or maybe an amoeba. you'd like that huh?
Did you even read the title of the thread? this isn't "Make fun of joseki" its "Joseki makes fun of you" get it right, I've been over this before, learn to read PLEASE. You absolutely fail at this. wow have you pansies serious had enough? =_=