Lucky for us this "god" has never shown himself to us in any way, shape, or form. Imagination 1 - 0 Human Beings First of all, this is exactly why no one believes in your "religion" if you even want to call it that. People have conflicting beliefs so you flame them? oohhh such a loving god, such a loving organization that kills millions of people and takes their money. Seriously bro, I can be mean, and I can be nice, and people like you give me a lot of reasons to be mean.
Stop Quoting Freakin Massive Pictures, Hell, I Can See Them The First Time Not 10000 Times T_t_t_t_t_t_t
Darky Owns Lol
You're a poopnose.
I dont really look up to anyone really =_=
How so? O_O
Lol... You can't "get your virginity back" first of all. If you break a girl's heimen, 'god', if one exists, won't magically replace a piece of skin in your vag. Sorry, it just won't happen. You CANNOT possibly lose your viginity through anything but sexual intercourse. This is a FACT. Any scientific definition in the whole wide world will say that a virgin is one who has not participated in sexual intercouse. Oral sex is forplay, and has 0 to do with sexual intercourse. Next, you were sexually abused. Why are you praying for forgiveness you moron? Its not god's fault, its not your fault. Its the sick *******'s fault who did this to you in the first place. If my best friend asked to suck my **** I'd tell him to take a long walk off a short cliff, period. You should stop all this praying bull**** because you're still a virgin, and you were sexually abused as a child. See a phycologist for the love of christ.
B&W is better in this case, only because the red is entirely out of place and is drawn (from what I can see) in no way from the stock to match any sort of theme or continuality that you can offer. Generally speaking, I hate this sort of randomness involving checkerboards and random streaks and such. Its very very distracting to my eye and I don't know where to look! This sig was a really good example of how to make a person's eyes flow from thing to thing. In the sig you made it just looks like a big much of patterns with a picture in the middle. Its ok though, for whats its worth you cant get em every time. Overall the sig was just poorly composed/conceived and isn't visually appealing ultimately.
Cin, that purple border is just retarted, straight up xP
Thanks Darky =O Now I want cin and bk to comment and my life will be complete. :3
C&C I used a sprite tut, I think it came out ok. =O EDIT: IMPROVEMENTS
Meh, the evidence stacks up much better than the bull**** the Feds said.
Cin, its happy and peaceful until you or your family is killed in the world trade center by your own nation to start wars to gain power. Its happy and peaceful until the one world government exists, and the world is a dictatorship. The problem is "oh this doesn't effect me" is only true until it does, and then its too late.
gg ipraise's false beliefs.
Im not a fan of either, but for the love of god kill the pink.
Darky and I have been known to show off our mad skills down at the local arcade (aka max 300 on heavy :3) fyi - speed modifiers are THE GAY. Play for realz yo. Once you start getting better I found that the best way to improve overall skill is tsugaru on heavy, great overall skill song. =)
Darky can thank me for showing him this :3 The part about reliegeon I knew already, I didn't need to see that part, but its good they are dispelling the myth hehe. The government part knew mostly, and yea, its a shame that the united states would kill 3000 of its own people, but hey, its their way of controlling people. Great movie, doesn't really change me as a person, but a good eye opener for those believers in the great lie.
wow get these digemon **** out of our freakin thread. Digemon BLOWS. xD POKEMON FOR LIEF.
IM Lickitongue. =O PS: The ladies love me.