ahhh sweet. I've never been a big GTA fan personally, but its always good to see some more info. ^^
You know nothing has killed more people than wars fought over religeon :3
Its "gay" xD that gay is an insult, but really, thats just modern slang. Its quick and easy to say, and is pretty much equivalent to stupid these days. That doesn't make it right however, and I try pretty hard to not use it a lot, but sometiems Im just like "man, thats so gay =/" and eh, I dont feel bad about it. Same sort of thing as calling someone a ******, its not right, but it works, and obviously you don't mean it literally.
it works just fine as an analogy. Its one or the other (and I guess both for some people) and honestly, if my best friend, just suddenly said he was gay, it'd be the same as if hes like "man, I think I like pepsi a lot more than coke". Because it doesn't change who they are as a person! =D
Heh, fights are hilarious, wtf are you talking about. Its entertainment when people are fighting. Watching the war in iraq on tv is like watching a live action movie. Doesn't get much better than that. =_= Your sexuality isn't chosen by you, you are born a certain way. There are *some* people who just are bi for attention, etc, and thats just ****ty teenage girls anyway, but w/e =P
Its strange, I actually like gay people more than regular people. They are generally a lot more down-to-earth. What I REALLY don't like is when straight guys don't acknowledge when another guy looks hot/attractive. like that somehow makes them gay. Hell, I know when a guy is hot, and I say it most of the time =P Anyway, back on topic, Gay marrage rules, woot!
yes, because you have the right attitude. =)
I respect you.
Heh, The_King should just post in every thread ever, it would make it vastly more interesting to read these threads, I love ignorant people, they're pure entertainment. Well anyway King, saying that christianity is a myth isn't attacking you, its stating an opinion. If you dislike that opinion, ooooowellllll thats your **** to work out. =P Also, you're egomaniacal, egocentric, conceded and stuck up. I'd work on those before posting anymore because it won't be welcomed with open arms.
My intend was to offend him to be totally honest with you, so if anyone was here defending me I'd slowly back away. Furthermore, everyone has prejudices, but some are more acceptable than others. Hating another human being without knowing anything about them just because they like the same gender is purely sick and horrible, you cannot slice it any other way. FYI, you cannot intelligently argue with a Christian, because ultimately, their only argument is "the bible says it is true" and therefore, all you have is facts vs fiction and you already know who wins the "argument" I made King angry to prove that he is a blind Christian who will get absurdly upset and offended with a blind intent offering no critical evidence to support anything. Furthermore, God must have created the gays, because they were born that way, so I bring up the new topic for discussion - If man was created in God's image, can that mean...GOD IS GAY?!?! =DDDD
Meh, I hate christianity about as much as the next lame religeon used to control people's minds by convincing them there is an invisible man in the clouds who knows everything, but honestly, its mostly because they're opinionated asses who think that their way is the only way and that YOU need to believe it as well or your condemended to hell. and furthermore I LOVE hating on christians because they get so damn mad about it, like it actually MATTERS what I think. Its just hilarious how "OMG HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!?!?!? YOURE GOING TO HELL!" Yea well efing deal with it, stop being so opinionated and keep your freaking religion to yourself. http://youtube.com/watch?v=sWi0irkAz1I thats how I feel, its a short poem that sums it up real nice.
Really, I'd like to see it without the animation. It's just distracting.
yawn....this is fun.
honestly, its an ok drawing, but that does NOT look like cloud, clouds face is much more filled out at the sides, whereas this guy looks like he needs to gain 20 pounds to be cloud. =P
If every scientist in the world was here, do you really beleive you could win this pointless argument?
haha, and let me guess, you shell out your own money to feed all this crap? Well whatever floats your boat. "Miracles" happen all the time. I was almost hit by a car coming home, I wasn't paying attention and a car was 10 feet going 30 and it slammed on the breaks and swerved out of the way, I jumped off my bike, and rolled across the street directly in front of another car. PRAISE THE LORD ITS A MIRACLE! oops, I forgot, I'm an atheist.
The main idea of the Athiest is to rid the world of organized religeon so that they stop taking our untaxed $$$ and quit with the brain control of the populous. Its a pretty old gig =P
quoted for truth. If there is a god, he cares about if you're a good person, not if you have **** sex with other men. Lol.
Lol You're funny. You yell at darky who did absolutely nothing, but then when I diliberately attack you to piss you off, you say "god doesnt want me to" just look at yourself, you sicken me.
blah blah sin sin blah blah going to hell, gays are bad, etc. **** it man. I hope that there is a god and when you get to heaven he gives you **** about not accepting your neighbor. Because honestly, everyone is different, it isn't your business whos *** I ****, period.