meh what happened to this forum. I used to post contenst stuff all the time. You people sicken me! Either way, someone voted. Darky had like this massive icecream stain on his keyboard he never cleaned up, and it globbed up and was all moldy and it was there for like minimum 5 months before I CLEANED IT UP. xD and yes muffin, I remember you :S
Sup everyone? Many of you don't know me, but the old schoolers here certainly remember me as "darky's bro". either way, I'm helping my GF campain for a website called -No advertising- Basically a photo contest website, winners recieve cool ****, etc, etc. So vote for this picture as a 10 and every time someone votes then posts here I'll return the favor with personal secrets about Darky's life. Thanks! ~no advertising~ !
Heres a little thing I did on PS the other night took about an hour and I was mostly just experimenting. If there is enough interest I'll make a small tutorial on how to make pictures of people look smexy. Original for reference: My version:
yo mgee the sig is ballin but wtf talk to me on MSN more pl0x. Hey you got worse at sig making, I crap better sigs than you use photoshop to make lmfao -_- edit: the "sora" thing looks like crap make a version without it -_-
-_- this forum used to be active late at night =_=
...why is that?
JOSEKI DEMANDS MOAR OR HE WILL STAB DARKy.... Basically I want this ***** high levels because there is a contest going on between me and my fellow staff members at lol LMFAO someone gave me neg rep for this damn thread -.-
More Levels Rawr
more level on my pokemans!
man that was an epic fail.
hmm Im very much alive, and raising pokemon.
Yea, darky's bro strikes again, and this time he wants khv to level his pokemon! CLICK THE POKEBALL DO IT ILL GIVE COOKIE pl0x -Darkwatch's RL brother ps. I basically want this little guy to be lvl 99 because thats the coolest of all the levels rawrawrawr im a dinosaur /in before joseki is gay etc /in before pokemon is for 6 year olds /in before rick roll /in before 2girls1cup I remember when khv was actually active...
anyone play? Its pretty fkin fun all things considering, its more of a mecha/scifi sorta mmorpg, and it is mostly based on the pvp rather than boring pve =D
repliku you aren't speaking from knowledge, you're just guessing as to what it would be like. I have many friends who've taken stretches out and it healed up almost unnoticeably within 1 year. The body is a lot more resilient than you give it credit.
corset piercings are NOT meant to be permanent, they are a temporary party gig sort of thing. You leave them in for like 2 days at most Lol
Yea I agree, I think you need to have a certain level of "I dont give a ****" in order to get piercings and tattoos because ultimately people won't like you sometimes over it.
Getting a tattoo feels like a constant bee sting :3
haha Im glad! If I may ask what piercings/where/what gagues etc? I plan on getting either snake bites or another industrial to criss cross the one I have now. Yea, funny thing, I cant wear ear bud headphones now, and Im not TOO worried about it getting caught, and I havnt had any troubles so far (only my 2nd day with it)