Three friggin hours? I higly doubt thats possible...
Especially when its a side charecter! (Imagine being goofy for a playthrough)
What do you want me to say >_> "Secret Sleeping Fma powerz?"
*Starts to make handsigns for sleeping jutsu* On the count of 3!
Good cause If you WERE than....I would come out of your computer screen AND SLAP JOO! :sleep: Just go to sleep please!?! (Force your self to log off....And than.....Meh GO TO BED!)
I dont know you but.....DONT GO AWAY!!!! I PROMISE I WONT BE AN ENEMY! I COME IN PEACE I WILL BE YOUR FWIEND!!!!! DONT GOOOOOOOO!:nono: But if you doooo.....:glomp:
No dont fade!!! And whatever you do STAY AWAY FROM THE LIGHT! *Super secret Fade in jutsu*@Rain
I cares if joo sleep or not! So go to friggin SLEEP T_T! (Have you been drinking or something?...I hope not)
I IS NO DREAM! See watch :glomp: *Pinches self* Meh I know im in no dream!
Lawl Np... And WTF RAIN ARENT YOU ASLEEP YET! (Not saying this in a mean way)
Wtf What drill? Theres a drill? Oh and Welcome!!! Hope you post lots obey the rules and have fun!
Oh your cool making me waste my uber FMA Powerz! Edit@Rain- First im happy that now your not feeling stressed and GO TO SLEEP ALREADY T_T.....PLEASE?????????
*Chop chomp chomp* *Wago wago wago* *Meh* *Hugglez* *Gives cokkiez* *Revives SVA with Uber FMA powers*
I can do that no prob! *Rock a bai baybie....* I forgot the rest....If you Go to bed ill hugglez you tommorow?...Im sorry thats all I got... (Also sorry Rain but it wont lemme rep joo =/)
Well it was the only KH game I played but it was friggin sweet! I loved the sleights and everything Especially how they added a part where you could play with riku!
I dont know you BUT GOODBYE! (Why are you leaving? And are you leabing forever?)
Thanks! (Yesh now I feel welcomed)
O_o I find that a bit scary even if it was a joke o_O
Grats! I feel happy today cause I finished my first AMV!
I feel bad for you...But where exactly is it showing? O_o