I guess I win? wow! I pwned all of you! Expecialy 1110! Actually, Mods can post on locked threads.. so it'd be the last mod that posts wins!
woohoo! Im tottally checking out the first book after I finis Eragon! Thanks for voting! and uh.. commenting!
hmm... I dont know.. let me think.. probly the day I went to my new school here in NC! I'd make friends with the friends i have now.. I'd do everything perfect.. I'd have my hair cut.. yup! That's what i'd do!
I'm gonna go to college and learn about computers and video games and creater video games! My first game will be an mmo! like runeScaoe! and I plan to be partners with JaGeX! b/c I like video games!
New page. Must re-post //filler//
he;s most likely wearing contacts! like Zobbie (His name is ZoB)! ZoBieS PicS!
oh! I didn't know their was a movie section.. hmm.. hopefully a mod can move this to the movei section.. oh well!
aw.. oh well! Thanks for rating and commenting! and thanks for telling me about the books!
the movies. There were books? I'm SO checking out the books from the library!
What do you rate The Jason Bourne Trilogy? I think it was a pretty great trilogy! So i give it a 5/5 What did you think of the trilogy?
Could you do me..?? How many noobs am I sitting next to? pleae do me?
Like I said.. it was how much you've gone OVER the 500 limit..
not possible? YouTube did it.. it's not on the Denied list.. oh well if a mod comes through here could you tell me about it? EDIT: Found it! it was a thing saying howw much you've gone OVER the 500/whatever limit..
Exactly! I was putting in the Myspace thing in my sig a couple of weeks ago and it said "Too many Charatcers" and I was like "WTF!! Their should be a count!" Like YouTube Comments!
charatcers in Sig I think it'd be a great idea if we have a count how many characters you have in your sig left. like say I write "hi" then it should say like I have 498 characters left ( or whatevr ) I think this would be agreat idea? What do you think?