Well u can even level up more, i only died 6 times in Riku Mode. mostly keep on using MM Miracle[3Mickey Summon Cards] to regain u're HP or u can use Dark Mode to make the battle easier. plus when i beat the game i was level 47, u might have a hard time trying to beat Riku Repilca, heres a hent. Use your 0's{any card} to block Riku Replica's dark Aura, or turn into Dark Mode and use the same attacks he is doing
sorry, my computer made a misake about the cuse wordit was sopossed to be it tooken me a weekto finish counting down,Mabe I will make a post of counting t a billion.
Amussed 30958
1,000,000, yah i finished first!!!!!! 1,000,000, yah i finished first!!!!!!i o****ed ofor a week to finish
Nahhhhhhhhh, its flying
The Hardest mode i've ever faced was Sora version,becauseof i think the hardest boss was Riku Replica on the 13th floor.it took me 3 years to beat Sora mode, and riku mode , it only took me a day and a 1/2 to beat Riku mode and plus how was Riku version hard, Princess Kairi San.The second boss that was hard for me was Marluxia 1st battle. it took me a month to beat.and the third hardest was Larexene 13th, floor she was a little bit hard, it took me one day to beat her.
I would say, Riku Replica, the 4th battle. the rest of the boss were a piease of cake.
ok WTF is Jesus in this conversation?
hold up i got to get something to eat cause i' mhungry and I just came from school 35 minutes ago. So hang on for a sec.
o.k u asked me whatn again?
I'm still playing Chain of Memories right now.
i'm still playing...........
I'm still vplaying, sorry.
Umm I'm a little busy sop far .Trying to COM again so it will be a while to say any comments
i would say Trinty Limit ,and all of the raids. I'm fighting the last boss on COM right now,even though i've beaten the game 11 times
Name: Sean Age:19 Wepon:Ultima Wepon Power:Twighlight
Then what is the combination of all 3?
I still need to change my sig ok,i'll be right back
I'm back, mabe it could use a little bit of editing
yah know i really need to change my sig and avatar for a sec.