why did u have to do that.I copied these for nothing!!!!!!!
ok age 8 is defanatly to young,age 12 is good
I realy can't wait for 358/2 days. what game are u waiting for post down like this Game: 358/2 Days
duh, it's DiZ, he gave it to him so that the organization would not know who he is
ok its on the tv, i'm realy listening a football game Cardinals vs. SanFrancisco- on T.V.
It said in the gaame that sora never remebererd Twilight Town, but for some reason that he created in his memory.
are tyhese for AR Max. I'm just checking.
She punched Demyx in the face one more time
are u one/, great i can't believe i wasted presious time of my life doing this post.
Maybe not, u know how angry she gets when she has anger issues.
Ok what about the 14th member of Organization 13. many people think it is Aqua if it is a female
If it was 10 years before the original Kingdom Hearts we all know, how come Master Xenort is bald?
i am also waiting for the most to play other than 358/2 Days. The bad neews is that i don't have a PSP. i might get one for Christmas. The game won't be out until next year. i still have time to get it.
first of , Namine` changed kairi's luck charm into what sora had in ReCOM to change Sora's memories that it was Namine` he was looking for, not Kairi.
that could be awsome though, it would be copywrighting, wait a minute ,that is unnessisery. either way continue.
oh corse she is, duh!!
can i join or what?. i read the rules 5 times.
i like roxas' new clothes though. it looks way awsomer than before!!!
Name:Sean Age:15 Descripition:Same stuff that Roxas has except with black hair Weapon(s):Ultima Weapon keyblades from KH1 and KH2
i call SAIX!!!!!!!, besides i all ready have a D.S.