Ok,Ii'm still using mteal Chocobo ;pbecause i 've beaten riku in 3 tries and still onw with metal Chocobo,but Olmpia has one strengh more. Also Olmpia has -1 MP, u need some good MP.
Yesterday I beated the Hercules Cup and was telling the difference of the better keyblade Olmpia or Metal Chocobo. they both send out powerful explosions which is better
i really don't think that the world will come atan end on thet date because, if u've seen I'am Legend,not everyone died. people say that the world will end in 2032 becase there will be a very close meteor will smash Earth, ut some speices will survive like rats, but u already know we will survive by a 95% chance.
wow thanks alot for that, now i can tell my friends about it!!
I don't know what it is either, but I know what it has to deal with Final Fantasy
what is the cheat for that, i want all!!!
I think he would be a bit yto dark,because it already has Cloud in, for an example it would be stupid to put Barret in Kingdom Hearts because almost every word he says is a curse word. Thhe game is rated E and rated E10, the game would just be rated T.
any codes for max strengh for Goofy?
u actualy did that?
Can i get the code for two Clouds in party?
i don't even think there is another code for that And how in the world did u get the code for a playable Xemnas?
sory, Ican't, i don't even know the code.
welcome to Lego Star Wars Cheatcodes; send ou some cheats of the game, and don't send something off topic , its the new rules here: are some of my favorite... Invincibility: 4PR28U Big Blasters: IG72X4 Classic Blasters: L44HD Purple: YD77GC Silhouettes: MS999Q Moustaches: RP924W
o.k. i get he point, their not new, but i still have some codes to share ,but thir secret
more codes from Castle-Oblivion here: 2 Valor Soras : 8NPG-XRPZ-VQU5Z MEA4-V23A-V8ZKY
Note: Do not tell anyone these codes!!!!!!These codes only work if u have FINAL FORM, or else it will freeze!!!!!!!! (Detection Sabor) TDYF-X969-XT06G AABK-0BN3-DXJHU (FAKE) 4D2E-V6Y2-5T8KX (Edge of Ultima) KWYQ-1D8A-VY8NT WQW2-PTTE-AXHBX Read the note above before doing!!!!!!!!!!
right now i drinking hot choclate, because were I liveits almost Christmas and i thought, what was evryone's favorite holiday.
thanks for putting them up, i really needed a new avatar!!!!!
Ewww, i hate greentea.besides i already finished my icecream.
Well since I 'am eating icecream right now, i wonderered was is everyon's favorite icecream, of cousre i'm eating Vanilla.