Buy a cheat devise from any store like Game Stop Wal-Mart or any other place like that has cheat devices.
I've seen it too. They have a picture of it at this site.
Can someone convert the codes on the first page to AR Max.
Does anyone have the codefor Battlefields of War?
I think i'm going to cry for that vid . It was amazing but was deleted after 2 days. BEST VID EVER
Whoooooooooaaaa!!!!! that was amazing. both vids were awsome
I highly doubht that will ever happen.If it did i wouild already using cheat codes on it
No not yet but there probably will be.
Best place to probably try it is at the pridlands cool vid Evilman_ 89
How do u get Sora alone in the party?
Great vid Cloud, but how the heck did u use keyblades in Anti-Form?
Tryed that, but it didn't look so good.
The only one i know thatts in there is The Fenrir Keyblade,which is my favorite keyblade in Kingdom hearts 2
Hi there, welcome to the KH-Vids forum
Uuuuu.... could anyone tell me how to draw terra's Keyblade. if u do just post it down there.
Trying to get the "Riku Code" for Kingdom Hearts 2
I need the riku code
I really don't know. Both soras have special limits, but older Sora hasspecial forms he can use.
Thanks for the info Xaldon. ireally can't wait for the game to come out!!!!!
Finaly it's here! Great vid.