Oh and by the way I fond this on KH Ultimania. http://na.square-enix.com/khrecom Oh and by the way, I found this on KH Ultimania. http://na.square-enix.com/khrecom/
Same here.
Okay now I'm definatly going to buy it. Weird, the realse date is close from being its 4th anniversy coming out in North America for the GBA. Funny isn't it.
Aww man, 2 days ago I was so close to getting a PSP. My friend said I could have but I would have to repair it first before I could even own it. It cost $200 to get it repaired by someone
Oh yes. Now I can tell my sister the whole story during between KH1 and KH2. She never watches me play on the GBA version. So I need it
Hmmm... probably might not work. I will use this for later on in the future when I get a Gameshark.
Never mind I got that issue today.
Sorry there is no code yet but will on day make one soon.
Oh great now I really have to save up for a PS3.
Hey I get EGM issues. Problem is that i didn't get the issue yet. Probably i have to resubsribe my issues because i have 1 more issue left.
Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! I've already tried to beg my dad already to get a PS3. And of course the answer was no. This might suck for me
Whoa nice vid NeoCloudstrife!! Do u have the code for armax or any other cheat device yet?
Nice vid Anti!!
Here Roxas Performs Reaction Commands YPJR-Y35D-UJ515 JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT 0KT4-N6PG-X02WY
Same here we are having storms cause of the hurricane,I live in Texas.Anyways back to main topic, Marly wanted to have power over the organization cause everyone in the organzation thought that he sucks at fighting and was a mansex?
It took me 3 years for me to beat it. I took my time and got stuck on the Sora parts, but got through it.The Riku version took me 3 days cause it was so easy to get through.
I agree on you for that.There is no point in making CoM as a choise,but KH2's does more damage than KH1.So I'm going KH2
someone convert these to AR Max can you convert these to AR Max
Thanks for the code. For some reason the 1 00roxas00 gave me never did work.Thank you so much.
Nice vid Erikz, good xd.