It seemed only yesterday that I first rented it when it came out. I rented it 4 times until I bought it Jan. 07. It just makes me want to play it all over again. I also remember thinking that where was Sora, Donald, and Goofy at the beginning of the game. I didn't beat CoM yet at that time so i didn't know what happend to them at the beginning of the game.
Nope not really that much. I grew up with Disney and will probably die with Disney. Other than that KH changed nothing out of the Disney movies.
Wow very nice. Can't wait til it comes out for North America
I think Sephiroth is going to dominate this compition
1. Roxas, cause of his strenghth 2. Sora, he's the main character and he's awsome 3. Sephiroth, cause his attacks which can wipe you out with one swipe,unlike FF7 4. Cloud, because he is my idol, I look up to him. 5. Terra, because he seems awsome
Most codes should be on page 1. Other thn that click on the spoilers
I have sadly just beat the game also, but i would rather wait for a little while before i start adding codes to the game
YEeEEESSSS! My dad should be getting the preorder from gamestop today!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great! luckly I can trade in my DS Lite for a DSi. For some reason my R button on there doesn't work anymore so I can't play Chain of Memories GBA version anymore cause it deals with the L and R buttons alot.
Wow nice Mike
I'm going to get the day it comes out. I can't wait a month from now waiting in line for my copy!
Whoa nice, by the way u whooped Terra's butt
My family is voting for Obama. I'm voting for Obama, but not for that reason you are thinking. The reason I'm voting for Obama is because he will lower people's taxes and end the war in Iraq. Plus I'm democratic so I would have to vote for him anyway.
Welcome to KH-vids Mike!
It is posible that Terra betrays Ven and Aqua because Aqua says, "Terra isn't like that, you know that !"
Xion weilds the keyblade?
Hey you did my idea at the end of vid. Thanks Erikz.
Yeeeeeessssss!!!! Now I will definatly buy a PSP. Oh by the way, if look closely. The Sleeping Beauty world is called 'Enchanted- Domination'.
Oh well. I can still wait because I don't have the money to buy it yet since I'm saving up for ReCOM.
I already know who the actors who play as the organization members. I'm not telling because it would be best to find out that for yourselves.