I know there are some glitches on kh2 but this one just isnt right.sora was attacking when he found himself falling when he was on the floor.Wierd!!!!!
Whats your favorite bakugan brawler?Mine is dragoid.
okay.I will teach you all the steps of hacking a pokemon gba game. you will nead a USB port.an advance map,advance text and pokemon overworld.to get them go to wah.studiopokemon.com/
Hi guys.My favorite pokemon is the pokemon i made from hacking embaby.Please if you dont know what embaby is check it out
Yah,but I have to hack it first if I can do it right
I've hurd your pretty cool.I'm a fan of your videos.So how did you write "coder" under your username?And don't you already hacked the throne room mod?
I've made a pokemon up.its named twella.its the last evolution of swello and tallow.If you have a pokemon you made up post here