Code Has anyone hacked the cloaked roxas yet?
Question Does anyone have a pokecommunity acount?Because I do.I'm GuitarHeroHacker
Code Whats the code to wield the struggle bat?
Sorry Tularim.The first part was just getting into the story.
How do you become a moderator?
Pokemon amothost is a pokemon game where a trainer named Brendan meets a neigboor named May.They became friends over the days until brendan gets his pokemon and they go their seprate ways until one day when brendan goes to the sinnoh region and finds May with Dawn,ash,misty,and brock.He looked with his pals Red,lucus,Jimmy and his pokemon swampert.They said hello and had some fun around sinnoh until all of them saw the pokemon dialga,palkia,darkrai and giratini in the air battling.They all got seperated from each other.It was now ash,brendan,misty,Red.And the others were May,dawn,brock and jimmy.TO BE CONTINUED.Please rate
Wow I'm not sure about my codes.Now my old signiture said,"Hacking codes is a piece of cake".But everytime I hack a code it does not work.What am i doing wrong?
how do you close a thread.and how do you become a medorator
What is a dump code I dont know what a dump code is.Can you explain it?
so whats new
Yah,we had the ones that cloudstrife hacked but didnt worked.I'm a new member so not much with me
I tried but it didnt work.Ill check it later
Where should i go if im looking for the mastercode
Im kinda wierded out that sora and kairi didnt kiss
My favorite battle I would have to say is 3rd marluxia.whats yours
good idea.Ill do what i can
Im making my rank merlins housekeeper
how do things go around here.Like whats the cool things on here.i need to know
it was wierd
I want some codebreaker codes for kh2.please post here