I want to show you a video i made.Its about kh2fm codes i found.Here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0yrs1FUWps And you guys can send in your own videos if you like.
Acctually.That wasn't exactly what i was talking about.I mean like take pictures from the games and then post in as your avatar.Mine i found on google images
I was watching a video about Cloaked Roxas using axels blades.Is that fake.
Hey,how do you add an avatar?
Code Whats the code to play as cloaked riku?
The kingdom key
Yes Yah.Whats the code to play with kiaris keyblade?Or is there one?
Code I was testing someones code.And then,It wiped out my memory card.It really sucked.I was testing the play as cloaked roxas and it just delited my saved games.It sucked so bad.But,the code works. Thanks.Heres the code Play as Cloaked Roxas E026FEFF 0034D45C 2081cc44 00000347 20e67644 00000101 2081cdb8 00e91130 2081feb8 01038f20 2081ff38 00fe12e0 2081ff78 00fe5c60 2081fef8 00efd300 208200b8 00e7d430 2081f218 00ff3a10 2081db18 01080f60 2081cef8 00e9b910 2081cf38 00ea9280 2081cf78 00eb6fb0 2081cfb8 00ec33e0 2081cff8 00ed10a0 2081d034 00edc350 2081d078 00ee6e40 2081d0f8 00efd300 2081da58 010556b0 2081cc58 01023820 2081ffb8 00fea5b0 2081fff8 00fea5b0 20820038 00fea5b0 2081f998 01041d00 2081f9d8 01041d00 21106598 00fea5b0 210fe868 00f28be0 210eb708 00f28be0 210f3348 010ae000 210f6f98 010ae000 211dfe48 0108c180 2081d6d8 00f12b60 20820078 00e68660 2081d678 00fd4030 2081f518 0104a2d0 2081f558 010de3c0 2081f798 01080f60
Does anyone know what the code is?Cause i saw it a few minutes on ClousStrife252khvids video
Question Is their a code to play as cloaked roxas yet?
Final form code Hey,"Is there a code thats lets you play as normal sora but with final forms outfit?".
terra friendship I'm working on a code that terra is on you team.Well he tries to attack you,but it only effects enimies.Know what I mean?
Code Heres the floating keyblade code: Floating Keyblades: VAN3-7E2U-P9F30 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N
Terra hack Hey guys,Im hacking a code and I might need your help What Im planning on doing is,You all know the battle with terra,well he's on my team,but he tries to attack me,but it only affects enimies.Know what Im sayin?
Can you convert this to A R max? Sorry,i havent been on for awile.Ill go to final mix
Code Hacking I am trying to hack a character mod for terra.Well,what i'm planning on doing is you almost all know the battle of terra in kh2fm.Well,hes on my team,but he tries to attack me but it only affects enemies.Do you know what im saying
Question Whats the code to fight 5x sephiroth?
I think its impossible too.I think he was talking about playing as duel wield roxas.The regular one but hes cloaked.Like the one you fight with axel.He fights you.Thats what I think.
f I heard that someone was trying to hack a code that allowes you to battle duel wield roxas cloaked one from kh2fm for regular kh2.That would take a long time.I think its impossible.What do you guys think?
I mean like partner,enemy.those kind of things