Search Results

  1. myx06
    Jaks, heres my attempt at axel, srry i didnt have his hair. I'll start working on everyone else's now.

    Post by: myx06, Nov 22, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  2. myx06
    np ;) give me pictures for eddie...axel i can find...

    heres edward, he was a little hard to do...

    and gollum...
    Post by: myx06, Nov 22, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  3. myx06
    try to keep your requests "humanesque."

    heres sin city kevin...i couldn't find very good pictures of him.
    Post by: myx06, Nov 22, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  4. myx06
    Like custom avatars? just don't have time, or don't feel like makin' em? well, im here for you. just describe what you want and i'll make it. a sample is in my signature...

    1)make sure i approve avatars before you know i'm making them
    2)don't bombard me with requests, i'll take them all in order.
    3)provide pictures of your requests, if possible
    4)gimme specifics on your request
    5)if you want something else than what your character looks like regularly, plz tell me.
    6)give me credit!

    Thread by: myx06, Nov 22, 2006, 98 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  5. myx06
    ;) sure, any description, and background, helps


    for all contestants, heres a site where u can create an avatar of ur character, it might help if u cant draw well...

    Gaia Dream Avatar Creator

    theres a sample avatar in my signature...

    thanks to Sankari for telling me about the site...
    Post by: myx06, Nov 22, 2006 in forum: Archives
  6. myx06
    judging #3

    not bad, the avy definitely helps, elaborate on personality more....
    Post by: myx06, Nov 21, 2006 in forum: Archives
  7. myx06
    judging #2

    WOW!, very, very detailed....great job, if you provide a picture the character bio would be complete.

    message to all contestants: this, preferrably should be the format of your character bio, very detailed.A picture included is very helpful!
    Post by: myx06, Nov 20, 2006 in forum: Archives
  8. myx06
    judging #1

    good basis character, just a little cluttered...(ex. 2 different wings, voodoo dolls)
    Post by: myx06, Nov 19, 2006 in forum: Archives
  9. myx06
    with your permission, i'd like to volunteer as a judge...
    Post by: myx06, Nov 17, 2006 in forum: Archives
  10. myx06


    could you just lay off on that for a while, geez. you've been saying that in like every thread! (Nothing against you DarkAndroid)

    anywayz, i hope everything goes smoothly and i hope Xaldin gets well soon...
    Post by: myx06, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. myx06
    nice vid. i love the dot hack series!
    Post by: myx06, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  12. myx06
    read this!

    if you haven't voted yet make sure you read's straight from

    " Spike TV 2006 awards
    by Tomogirl on 08 Nov 2006 @ 11:14 pm
    Kingdom Hearts 2 has landed itself into two different catergories. One is for "Best RPG" and the other is for "Best-Supporting Female" (Rachel Leigh Cook). The voting is currently in session. We, as in the KH news community, need as many refreshing F5 votes for a KH win.

    Edit: ACTUALLY, if you are going to vote KH in the "Best RPG" section, don't! The website caretaker did not link KH2 to its respective "output" link. The vote will go to Elder Scrolls if you do so. Heh. I smell a conspiracy in Spike TV...

    Note: If you try viewing the video for KH2 in the "Best RPG" section, don't even bother. The lazy web caretakers did not insert a video into the coding (-reason explained above). View the video in "Best-Supporting Female" section. The narrator goes through story, gameplay, and critiques.
    (He claims the gummiship is unimpressive? Whaa? Compared to the first game's gummiship, I love gummiship in KH2! *shoots the narrator with a gummi block*)"

    Post by: myx06, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. myx06
    I'm READY!!!!!;)
    Post by: myx06, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  14. myx06
    :) all the entries are fantastic guys...congratulations we all did great.

    when can we get the final judging going, i think all contestants are ready.;)
    Post by: myx06, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  15. myx06

    thank you very much for the signature. its great!

    if you have any extra time (even though your probably overloaded with signature requests) can u make me another one please:

    name: Ifrit

    quote:"RRRRAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH" (you can shorten that if you want, or if you find something better to say)

    background: preferably black


    if you find any better one's be my guest...
    Post by: myx06, Nov 9, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  16. myx06
    sig please

    i'd like to request a signature for Amarant from final fantasy 9:

    name: Myx06

    quote: "The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty."

    background: if u have any dark clouds, dark colors, black

    here are some pics of what he looks like...

    Post by: myx06, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  17. myx06
  18. myx06
    have u rated mines yet zexion?
    Post by: myx06, Nov 7, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  19. myx06
    be careful...i took mine off of there because some people tried to claim it as their own, if u have ur own account put it on their, its safer.
    Post by: myx06, Nov 6, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  20. myx06
    heh, pretty "creative." you made that out of the "this is halloween" song right?
    Post by: myx06, Nov 6, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone