My new vid...The real slim santa with halloweentown, kinda like a DUB. it's being optimized as i'm writing this, so i'll come back and put the link in when it's done. The Real Slim Santa video
your right mistymighty, it is blade! tally one point... next avy.... hint:from a popular anime series...
i already gave you yuna, heres rikku... and tidus is on this page -------------------------------------------------------- samurai, heres sephiroth....
well, not quite, it was tidus, but i'll give you that one....tally one point. it was a little hard... heres the next one... hint:from a popular film trilogy, "he slayed those who walk the night, even though he's just like them."
heres yuna, i'll do the others later.....
we already did zell, twilightsown got that one.... this is the one were doing... click here
twilights own, you are correct! tally one point for yourself.... sure darkwatch, just gimme a little credit.... on to the next one... hint:also from a final fantasy game...
I will post an avatar and you guess who it is...there will be a total of 10. whoever gets the most right, will get to put a banner in their siggy that says "Avatar champion." just a fun little competition make sure you keep count how many you get....:) no cheating! heres the first one..... hint: from a final fantasy game....
USA.... heres namine, ill start kairi kairi... older kairi...
heres roxas... i'll edit in the others once i finish...
I agree, with all of you...but you have to put into consideration that there have been reports that he is on drugs... heres the video if you havent seen it.... micheal richards biggotry and heres his appology on Letterman... apology
thats much better...;)
here's the link, i had to recreate him. Nall item List
what do u mean "items"? items on gaia?
yes i am using tektek (thanks by the way) but on the first page i said that im making them for whoever doesn't feel like it, or doesn't have time... yes i do enjoy making them.:)
Wow, thank you JackS27:D
demyx with guitar on back... i tried...
heres the second
heres 1 i'll edit in the second one later....
Sara i leave the captions to the users;)