*Rayn opens a portal and finds Mixt* Rayn: Who r u?
Rayn: why hav u turned to the darkness? why hav u foresaken us? why hav u cursed? OOC: sorry, but Mixt, I kno it sounds stupid, but u got to fill this form Name: Age: Keyblade: Appearance: Gender:
*coughs blood* Rayn: wat r u doin?!?! *jumps in the air to attack Hiro*
Rayn: huh? isnt dat Hiro? *walks toward Hiro* Rayn: Hiro. Hiro r u alrite?
Rayn: we all want to defeat him.... sadly will it come down to fightin each other, to get revenge on him...i hope it does not come down to dat *sayin as Rayn falls asleep on the tree, next to the tent* *Rayn awakes to find every1 is gone training* Rayn: alrite! today is the day i do the ultimate training cession *opens a portal and walks thru*
Rayn: finally a tent, not a good one, but a decent one :D Rayn: this...island...i tink...this is my....
Rayn: wat! u hav been to this place? OOC: ooooo nice mystery background touch, I congradulate u, Hiro
Rayn: and im Rayn *runnin back to Doxyc*
Rayn: Really...a knight, hmph, lets test ur reflexs *still not believin Hiro is a knight, also* *jumps in the air and strikes Hiro, but Hiro defends, jus as a Knight wuld* Rayn: looks like u r a Knight, wat is ur name
Rayn: hmmm, looks like we dont *Keyblades flash into hands* Rayn: maybe well hav time after this, hehehe *as Rayn runs toward the figure*
Rayn: hmmmm, u kno, i dont really kno *grabs fruits from a nearby tree* *tosses the star-shaped fruit to Doxyc* Rayn: this looks really good
Rayn: hehehehe, i will *Curaga* Rayn: Ahhhh, i feel mch btr now OOC: hehe, it cam into my mind:)
*gains conscience b4 Doxyc, sacrifices himself* Rayn: u fool, its not hurting that bad *smiles at Doxyc*
*still unconscious, not knowing where Rayn is* OOC: KeyBladeUser, wat will be ur name for RP?
Rayn: No!! man i need to get him to a medical tent fast *pulls Doxyc up and puts Doxyc on my back* Rayn: U btr not die on me! *a light starts shining* Rayn: wat...wat is... wat is this light? *walks thru, sees the world of light* Rayn: FINALLY WE MADE IT, now to help Doxyc, I wont let u die, Doxyc *runs thru the fields of things unexplainable by words* Rayn: found it..... we made it Doxyc, now the doctor will find the cause of ur pain...jus hang on....jus...hang... *Rayn falls on the floor exhausted and bleedin on the right side*
Rayn: k....*panting* i think we lost him Rayn: wat do u tink dat Keyblade War he was tlkin about? *looks at Doxyc* Rayn: WHOA! DOXYC R U OK?, WER U WOUNDED?
Rayn:alrite, i tink Xehanort changed this place, cuz thats was wer the portal was Rayn: let's jus keepin runnin til we find the portal to light
Rayn: very foolish...but, i guess ill avenge my family too, this day *as my eye turns from dark brown to light blue* *jumps into the air and thrusts Oblivion at Xehanort's chest* *misses and blocks the hit comin at my head* Rayn: we btr make it out of this alive, i want to see wat this "Keyblade War" is
Rayn: thr r days for revenge and thr r days for runnin, this is a day for running, Doxyc *blocks the blade about to hit Doxyc* Rayn: run!
Rayn: hld on, i tink we can get out of darkness Shouts: KARA-MUNI Rayn: ok portal is open *shoves Doxyc thru the portal*