screw tht shyt.... KEEP GOING liger
Japan (or was it some other country?) made a water fueled car. It runs quite far with only 1 gallon, however, it is still under prototype and so far it is not looking too well but they try. They plan to have the engine that runs on water to other country's if they are successful.
b-b-boring! lol...had to say it :P
yummy!(fruit salad! yummy, yummy!)
kingdo*m hearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! *=reply on "m"
You cant post something less than 10 characters, dots are common to add to a short post
I don't get it, why does it make people sad?
Awesome..... I pray to god that 358/2 days will be Wifi (if so, I also pray that it wont be laggy).
I think you have to play as Roxas. lol
Which charcter are you (plan to) play in 358/2 days? Well, ever since I heard 358/2 days was going to have game play for all of the organization XIII members, I thought, "Which character should I play?, what character will other people play?". The question is just as it is on the title, Which character do you plan to play (if you can), in 358/3 days?
Well, didn't it say that in an interview or some announcements on a preview that Xion wields "a" or "the" fake keblade?
any1 watch heroes last night? do i need to say more?
you kinda makes more sence if your gunna post sumtin like tht in a diff thread, i mean this thread was made by someone else..... ps. Jonas Brothers are super gay XD じゃね!。。。。このばかアホ!!
nice....ima totaly get this oh yea nice vid