Whoa?! I never knew that. Well, now that I think of their voices... Yeah, they do sound alike. A lot actually. This only makes Heroes even better. ^^
Cool. The 360 really isn't such a bad purchase if you want to play Japanese games. I've been wanting to get one for a while now.
Anti-Form, no contest.
Whoa, gaming commercials... I don't see those anymore nowadays (granted, I also don't watch TV anymore, but still...). The only commercials I can remember from my whole life would be Zelda Majora's Mask, Ratchet & Clank and Beyond Good & Evil. I thought all of those commercials were good and they made me wanna check out the games. Anyway, I never saw that commercial because I live in Europe. We never get KH commercials here. I thought it was pretty lame btw... I hate it when they use voices like that. "You never know who you'll run into next. KINGDOM HEARTS". What-everrrrrrr.
All you people are exaggerating. KH took half a year to hit US. KHCoM took less than month. KH2 took 3 months. Even if it has the same amount of content as KH2 (which I doubt), it shouldn't take more than a few months. Half a year or even a full year is too long. I expect this game to follow KHCoM's footsteps. A year + a month after its announcement it will be out in Japan. A month later US will get it. Just in time for the holidays.
I'm a fan of the older cartoons like Rocko's Modern Life, Angry Beavers and Ren & Stimpy. I also like SpongeBob. Too bad there haven't been many new eps for a while... There have been a few, but it's really hard to keep track of when new eps are coming.
Anybody else looking forward to it? Only like... 7 more hours (unless I converted the time wrong). Sadly, I live in The Netherlands and it'll be 3 AM for me when it airs. So it'll be even later when I actually have the ep (through perfectly legal means, honestly). I was thinking of staying awake, but I also have school tomorrow. I'll probably stay awake though. I really wanna see the ep as soon as possible. This show is just amazing. This LOST and Prison Break are the only non-anime shows I still watch. So yeah, can't wait, can't wait.
Nacht made me gay.
I've been following this game somewhat ever since it was announced. The gameplay seems fine, and I like all the parodies in it. I also liked that EA openly stated it's meant for gamers that are also Simpsons fans and that you won't get everything from it if you're just a Simpsons fan. I'll probably check this out once it gets a price cut, but it's not one of my top priorities.
Ugh... The PSX remakes are horrible. I own IV-VI on PSX, but only played them a few hours and then went back to the SNES emu. Loading before and after battles just takes too long. Also, you don't need to play FFXI. Seriously, it's not worth it. Especially right now when popularity is only decreasing (except for in Japan, maybe). They only have between 200k and 300k active users. World of Warcraft has over 8 million subscribers. FFXI doesn't have the gameplay nor the people. Actually, most people that play it are elitist bastards. You also don't need to play it just because you like FF. It's an MMORPG, and like all MMORPGs it's lacking in story. It's also not set in a world that nowadays most FF fans would like (a more futuristic world). So yeah, it's *just* an MMORPG, and not even a good one.
None. Although I did get banned from GameFAQs, which is pretty much why I'm here and not there... Well, actually, I'm a GameSpot user, but they share game forums. I have no idea why I got banned... My mod history is still clean too. Ah well... But I'm usually a good boy.
You already start out wrong. Master Xehanort (bald man) was not the one to turn himself into a heartless. That was Professor Xehanort. Here's a picture of him. He experimented on himself and turned himself into a heartless which also created a nobody. I don't see why I should read the rest of your theories when you already start with such a big mistake. Also, personally I think Professor Xehanort is Master Xehanort's apprentice (wearing the helmet and the suit Riku wears when in dark mode).
Nope, never heard of it. And I don't feel like typing it out and Googling for it. If you post a link I'll check it out. :P
I don't think it's needed to put any thought in that.
Nah, it's not really my type of game. But you can download the game from the PlayStation Store if you want it.
Hmmm... only $17? Well, compared to the "charms" who are about the same size, they're very cheap. I might actually get one of those.
Actually, I think they represent the games. The knights are from Birth by Sleep. Sora and Jiminy are from coded. And the Org are from 358/2 Days.
Definitely Marluxia. Scythes rock!
Actually, he fights Riku twice. The first time Riku loses. Riku then decides to become one with the darkness. The time Roxas loses, Riku should already look like Ansem bringer of darkness. If you really put some work into it, you can get rid of the white pixels.
Well, I also expect at least one game to come out in 2008, but not because they like to spread their games equally or whatever. It's because of development time. KH2 and CoM were announced at TGS 2003 (also in sept). CoM was released a year + a month later in Japan, and another month later in the US.