Ah, that's nice, thanks!
That's just a cutscene from KH coded. But I can definitely see where you get the Brawl idea from... Ain't gonna happen, though. Kojima basically had to beg for several years (at least that's the word on the street) to get Solid Snake in there, and there were multiple Metal Gear games on Nintendo consoles (but all but one were for the NES, so....). There's very little chance of Sora getting a place in Brawl, because KH is just not a Nintendo thing. And so far, Solid Snake still remains the only third party character in the SSB series ever, and it might stay that way.
Well, they are making it in both 3D and 2D. And it sounded to me like Square-Enix has already agreed to release it internationally (or at least the US). So I think we'll be able to see it it some form or another.
Oh, I definitely prefer Re:CoM over CoM. I actually never beat CoM because... I just didn't like it. But Re:CoM was great. I actually liked it more than playing through KH2:FM, even though I got KH2:FM+ mostly for the bosses in KH2:FM.
You mean this one? Hehe, I just love the face he makes. And because it looks so silly, I just can't think of him as evil... I wonder what he's saying.
500 hours?! O.o Wow, how long do you usually play your KH games? I personally haven't ever exceeded 40 hours on a single playthrough.
Not that I know of. I hope they'll be translated soon. They might explain things a bit further.
Hehe, he actually acknowledged the Roxas/Ven connection back in April. Well, we also haven't seen her in any of the screenshots. Maybe, just maybe, she's not the third playable character.
So basically, it IS KH Zero, because it's set before KH, and they always use "Zero" to indicate that (Earthbound Zero, Resident Evil Zero...). Well, they did fight each other in KH2:FM. That counts.
Errr... what's wrong with it? Looks fine to me. It's even in full 3D.
Riku has never killed me. Although he has defeated me. On Destiny Islands that is. I've never beaten him there. But I've never lost to him in Hollow Bastion. Even on FM:Proud. He's quite easy. I think the first battle in HB is actually harder because he has so much space to do his acrobatics so it's hard to get to him.
I've only played the closed BETA, but I had a lot of fun. I was actually gonna buy it, but it just never happened. Since it isn't WoW, eventually I thought it was already too late. But it was definitely fun to play an MMORPG in such a setting. It's kinda GTA-ish. And you get to up your jumping strength so you can jump from building to building, which was pretty fun.
I played this like... I dunno... 2 years ago or something. It wasn't that great. Actually, it was horrible at the time. It was unplayable due to lag. But the gameplay seemed fine. I might try it again... maybe.
I was also hoping for next year, and I think it's doable for them, but now that I know it'll be the last of the 3 to be released, I'm not so sure anymore... They might want to spread things up a bit. They probably think 3 KH games in one year is a bit much. It would definitely be a bummer if they're gonna release it in 09. I mean... man I would be 19 years old by then. And still totally into KH. XD
I hope she'll be able to handle a weapon. Unlike Kairi... >_> But she shouldn't be able to kill me within one second. Larxene was just evil in KH2:FM. XD
What I guess you didn't know, is that Terra's command menu isn't fixed. It's randomized. You can only use magic when it pops up, and it won't require MP. You might also be able to scroll further than the 5 slots on screen, but I'm not sure about that. He has already stated they will bring ALL THREE of the games to US. Although coded might cause some trouble due to... well compatibility issues. Japan's mobile phone technology is a lot more advanced than the US'.
Hmmm... so less world travel? I do hope that doesn't mean we're stuck in Twilight Town the whole time. >_>
Whoa, awesome interview, even though it didn't say who Ven was. Not that I was expecting that... XD Yeah, it would be nice if the player got to decide who they want to play as and when. I always like from the KH series you can just quit a world mid story and continue or start another one. I would like to have that freedom again.
Square-Enix already confirmed it's not, though.
Mushrooms, fish and coconuts of course. And maybe paopu fruit.