The pic is obviously shooped.
lol, never heard of it. And with good reason (after checking out the ratings). You should probably skip this one. Even if you like the game itself, nobody will be playing it.
I sold the Punisher as soon as I got it. It's Blacktail VS Red9, not Punisher VS Red9. So yeah, sell the thing and go for Red9.
Whoa, that's surprising. That game had 6.0 written all over it.
Isn't she a bit too young? She would be a teen mom then. I don't think Disney would allow such a thing.
Nice info, but please, PLEASE Ctrl+F "Roxus" out of there. I hate IGN. The people that write the KH articles don't know a thing about it. In an article about the trailer they thought cloaked Roxas appearing before "a council" (the Org) was an older version of Sora! Anyway, again thanks for the info. It was still informative.
Those things are NEVER allowed at anything Square-Enix related. It's a bit ridiculous, actually. But metal detectors would be a bit extreme, so you'd think there has to be someone that recorded the audio...
Oh man, there are so many songs I like. I like the (mostly boss) battle songs (so many...), the secret trailer songs (Another Side and Fate of the Unknown), Simple and Clean (I like this more than Hikari, but Hikari is also OK), Passion (Sanctuary sucks though), the orchestral versions of Passion and Hikari, Destati (Dive into the Heart), Sacred Moon, (Reviving) Hollow Bastion, and... Well, I think that's about it. So yeah, that's A LOT. I'm mostly about the boss battle songs though. You listen to the OSTs and remember all the track names. I can probably name all tracks of the entire KH series. I can't do that with any other OST/album. I just love the music in the KH series.
Yay, people are quoting my sig. :P Anyway, yeah, I'm also looking forward to fighting Master Xehanort. He seems like a funny guy.
Hehe, looks like someone else noticed the boobs. I thought it was just my perverted mind. XD It could be something else y'know. But the hair doesn't really match up with Aqua, so I don't think it's her.
I really don't mind. I already had a DS since launch, so that's OK. I've wanted to get a PSP for a while now, so that's fine too. And the mobile game... well, I'm not planning on getting that, since it's just a puzzle game. I'll just watch the cutscenes online. Of course, I'd rather have these games on the PS2, but that just isn't gonna happen.
Ummm... no. He's asleep. Also, the slash is called OVER. That's how they wrote it in katakana. So math might not have anything to do with this.
Maybe, just maybe, there will be a "KH Potion". Japan only, of course. Square-Enix has already released "FF Potion" for the FFXII release, and next month they'll releae the "FFVII 10th Anniversary Potion", which looks like canned soda.
I don't need it in English. Since all story based scenes were voiced, I was able to understand the Japanese just fine (after years of watching subbed anime, and doing some studying on the side). And even if I weren't, there are vids with subs online. So what's the big deal? Can't afford to pay an extra $30 for a Swap Magic to be able to play the game? Seems cheap enough for me.
Well let's review what we've seen. -Terra in the Great Maw, wielding a Keyblade (with an angry face) -Terra holding Unconscious Ven in the Great Maw? Possibly after a battle with Baldy Xehanort? -Ven at Destiny Islands(?) -Ven at Olympus Coliseum.(?) -Terra weilding a Keyblade in the desert with Bald Xehanort. Fix'd.
Yeah, I guess you could. I liked it in KH though. But in KH2 it was just... bad.
Hehe, I have computer class all the time basically, and we're allowed to do whatever we want, as long as it's not distracting to other people. Watching vids is not allowed since it might keep other people from their work, but listening to music (with headphones of course) is OK. It's very nice to be able to work like this. Of course, we still need to work, but it's your own fault if you start lagging behind. I wish school was like this sooner...
Hehe, I was thinking the same thing... The way Terra is holding Ven... I'm sure yoai fangirls are getting all sorts of ideas. XD
Errr... you don't need to fly to the US to play these games. They're all region free. Even if they don't release in the Europe, you can import them. Chances are, since KH is pretty popular, stores will already have them in stock. Anyway, that's a lot of new info. Now all we need is the trailers...
Hey, welcome to the forums, hope you have a good time. ^^