im going to the arcade to get a trophy YAY YAY YAY lawlz
za what now lol I wish this game would get more funner
every now and then but i want KH2 final mix lol
emma watson turns out to be an axe murder and kills you i wish for my baby sister to go to bed
lawlz i knew they were ebil
you get a small mouth but a fishing hook grabs on your mouth and stretches till its big again lol im ebil i wish for nicholases weird adventure 3 online game to come out
everplayed jak and the precursor legacy OMG I WILL NEVER BEAT THAT GAME i have 50 precurser stones and i need 70 GD man but part 2 and 3 are way better you dont have to collect precursor stones
7/10 you look good
NO YOU MONSTER YOU KILLED THEM lol you become smart but later get hit by a brick and devlompe brain damage. I wish i had a mcrib with a large fry and a coke right now From Mcdonalds lol
title tells it all
it becomes saturday but transforms into flagalenceday where everyone farts lol I wish for a ps3
you get a wii but the wii drops when you cat jumps on top of the tv knocking it off I wish for a sweet christmas
i dont know how fast i type i proably 80 gwam proably because i have been typing all my life lol.
srry but you only get 5 lol i wish for KH3 to come out on ps2 please lol
Ahhh the famous clip in family guy classic lol
Thank you all for greeting me here.
you get the taco but i come by and eat it lol I wish thanksgiving was here again lol
alright this is a forum game this is how you play. the person above you make a wish then you ruin the wish and you make a wish and then some one ruins your wish. Ok like this Johnny:i wish i had a steak to eat. lilly:the steak comes to life a wreaks havoc on the city. i wish for nuggets And so forth any questions? ok i will start I wish KH3 was out right now
sorry im new what is mcp?