Humph..... what a pity:ninjacat:
all punks arent emo.
its funny id give it a 7/10
I like it it looks really good but like misty said it looks a littile funky.
Ah sweet that means the game will be really long hmm.
Low-flor-rida feat. t-pain
do you think this will be multiplayer? i would love that.
todays my b-day woooohoooo
when do we think its coming out? cause my birthday is today and i wanted to get it next month
you think this is evil?! look up evil disney on youtube they will show you stuff disney has hid from your mind.
bad day- alvin and the chipmunks lol actually im listiening to alot of songs i have a play list so lets see im listeining to 1.blow me away breaking benjamin (I LOVE THIS SONG) 2alvin and the chipmunks-how we roll 3.alvin and the chipmunks- witchdoctor 4.alot of linkin park songs 5.alot of fallout boy songs and alot of reliantk and alot of the all american rejects
in the 2moons game is there a way i can just use the arrow keys to move cause i hate clicking
Is there a way in 2moons i can just use the arrow keys to move cause i hate clicking on a spot to go there hey ca someoe post here EDIT:crap i accidetly double posted
everthought that the bald guy in the kh3 secret movie thig was diz?
to lazy to go to the right place lol
well i live in florida are there any final mix kingdomhearts 1 versions i hear there was
can you buy the kingdomhearts finalmix in america?
im hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
tell me your most irritating boss my was xibigar
Fart Like A Chimpanze You Lion