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wrong plae to post but no he wont be in kh3 cause he wont be alive cause its 10 years before kingdomhearts and i think hes 10 in kh
hes awsome and i cant wait for the new movie coming out this year.
I never seen it but i may now.
I heard there is a Halo movie coming out in 2009 and there is already a making of it but i also heard in 2009 theres a kh movie. discuss
Hmmm i dont know its something we will have to figure out in the future.
I think it was made be exanhort or whatever that guys name is.
I will play as ven hes cool.
I saw it and it was AWSOME!! i like the monster and the monster had minions to.
To make the best game ever!
Cool i might make this hmmmm....
im tired of getting picked on with names and people saying i cant do this or something else when they have never seen me do it it aggervates me so much what should i do.
Hi welcome to the forums please read the rules and follow them and you will be a good member
I think Deathspank should make a free forum so if he dies.... or cant pay for this site no more we can go there..... forget about the dieing part but anyways who agress cause i have friends here and if something happens then i wont be able to talk to them anymore.
"I'll come back for you i promise" sora "DOH"homer "Hmmm donuts"homer "Me tarzan you jane"tarzan
LOL i almost fell out of my chair........but i thought on family guy it said babys come from the special place down there "inserts down arrow