Hacker hacked the forum! Help!!!!
I'm going to sound like a annoyance, but where's Kairi? What the heck Nomura! I love ALL this, but where's some smigen of Kairi? Where? T_T where is she? She has a keyblade......... -pouting-
I'm in love with the new outfits.... -drools- But where's Kairi? WHERE?!?
Youuuuuuuuuu're BACK!!!!!!! Sow, how are you? How do you feel? Are you okay? Huh? Huh huh huh?
What's up Rienzel?
Thanks! I'm trying really hard not to be pushy, but could you give me some feedback on those stories? Thanks again!
Thanks! I've got two on here in the creativity corner, or on www.fanfiction.net @ http://m.fanfiction.net/u/2983668 . Sorry if it's mobile, I use...
Working on my stories... Same old, same old.
What's up?
So, what's up?
I'm back asking for Larxene sig with the quote "Did I mention I'm in a extremely foul mood?"
-Castle that never was- -The Room Where Nothing Gathers- Vexen was not too pleased about having someone coming to work in his lab. No, more similar to being invaded, run over, and taken control of and held hostage in his lab! Xemnas had made his point clear: " Vexen, I want you and our operative to work on this project. Notify me when you are complete. Understood?" Xemnas handed a Manila folder to Vexen. " Yes, my liege." Vexen gulped. Xemnas had defintely missed his noting blueberry muffin. And without his muffin, Xemnas was as grouchy as Saix. -Vexen's lab- Vexen opened the door to find to notice a young man in white lab coat and organization cloak staring at some vials in held near a light. "So, you're the operative?" Vexen asked. "Correct." The young man replied. "my name is Chris. Yours is...?" "My name is Vexen. I have an assigment from the Superior-" " -to activate and complete project replica." chris finished. "How did you know that?" "I brought up the concept for said project. Now, if you open up the folder-" Chris began, Vexen opened the Manila envelope, and to his surprise, a vial and several pictures were taped to the inside of the folder. He read the number etched on the vial: XIV. "This project has to deal with Xion, no?" Vexen inquired. "Right. We-you and I- are combining number fourteen's current state with the DNA of organization members." Vexen was pleased to know what the project was about, but combining DNA wasn't easy. "And how will we do that if there is one Xion?" "I had genetic copies made." Chris said, placing the vials onto a rack. "see those pods on the far wall?" he said pointing to the wall in back of the lab. "Yes..." Vexen replied. "Take a closer look at the inside." Vexen stepped closer towered the pods, or at least that's what you could call them. They each held what seemed to be an individual Xion, floating in a green gel-like substance. At the top of each of the pods was a circular slot. If you followed said slot, it led to tubes inserted in the Xion's neck, wrists, and arms. "Very good work, no?" Vexen nearly jumped at the question, he hadn't expected Chris to come up from behind. "yes. Whose DNA shall we use first?" "how about eight?" "fair choice. Begin insertion." Vexen commanded. "As you wish." Chris slid the vial into the slot and watched the red fluid slither into the Xion, icily flowing from the tubes into the clone's veins. It was science, after all. Why not enjoy it? "Now what number?" "What about eleven?" Vexen asked, curious. "we have an eleven DNA sample." The two continued on, picking numbers eight, eleven, two, three, nine, ten and five for "test" clones. They had failed to notice changes in the clones, however. Eight's hair turned red at the tips and green tear shaped marks showed on her face. Eleven's hair turned pink at the tips as well, but her complexion became nearly glowing. Ten's became blond at the crown and the tips. She began to take a refined look to her complexion. Two's hair grew into a ponytail and became grey in some places. Three's hair stayed black, but became very long, nearly imitating three's dreadlocks. Nine's hair stood straight up and remained black, only to turn blond in some places with blue highlights scattered throughout her hair. It flattened afterwards, for the most part, but some pieces of hair refused to lie down. Five's hair became orange and black, part flat, part spikes. Her muscle size was increased proportional to her body, about twice the size. But, that was the first day............ And why notice then?
saw Sora-kairi 4E got banned. Drama issues, I guess. used to it. btw, I have a on-going contest for my two stories. so, If you could check it out...
What's up? heard you're from texas. I'm from georgia. whoo.
you okay? just amking sure everything's in the clear...
hmm.... typing like a crazed shadow on caffine against a pycho saix. hoo-boy, i have typedSO much....
what's up? oh, Hi!
just kidding... so, whatcha been up too?