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  1. Blader
  2. Blader
    I don't think it not do much as time travel, as to say, perhaps a good sparring. I don't think Xenahort knew about the almighty x-blade until he got older, and we still haven't seen everything he can do. It's said when you beat the figure, it heads towards the castle in The Land Of Departure. But, to get to the technical nitty gritty, the Mysterious Figure has a body build similar to Saix. The younger Xenahort(or Terra-nort) has a very similar build. Perhaps they're one in the same.
    Post by: Blader, Dec 21, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  3. Blader
    Profile Post

    Rienzel? What's up?

    Rienzel? What's up?
    Profile Post by Blader for Beucefilous, Dec 21, 2011
  4. Blader
    Already had this theory. Yes, it is, and if I'm still right, young Xenahort, who (I believe was shown in the end of the 3-D trailer) is the mysterious figure from BBS. It adds up, and it just fits.
    Post by: Blader, Dec 21, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  5. Blader
    Both White (Christmas) Knight and Krowley are right, Lea does look like Axel. And, in the TGS trailer we did see Even, Ienzo, and Braig. They actually did the same thing with Ienzo as well, it seems. But then again, he was a mute kid. Can't blame them there. Isa? Who knows. That's like saying in this game we'll finally know Marluxia's, Larxene's, Luxord's, and Demyx's real names. As if. Nomura said that's better left...un-said. So, it's up to the cards....
    Post by: Blader, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  6. Blader
  7. Blader
    Chapter Seven-
    A/N: Hohohoho... Meeeeerrrrrrryyyyy ... Oh. It's December, isn't it? O_O Sorry! I didn't mean to take so long...Midterms reaaaalllllllly "cramp" a writer's style... Heh-heh...

    In news of the best news ever, Kingdom Hearts 3-D (warning! SPOILER! AVOID AND GO PAST THE LINE BELOW THIS IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE SEEING THIS!) Axel shows up, and throughtout the game, even though he calls himself Lea, he stays as Axel. Oh dern, doesn't that sound like EVERY post-KH II story! High-five yourselves Axel-fans and writers, because you just made a piece of FanFiction become canon! What's next, official Xion shipping? Eh? What? A fan can dream, can't he?

    okay, okay... I'm get this chapter underway! LET THE SHOW BEGIN! I don't own Kingdom Hearts, or else most or some of the charecters from Dissida 012 would in there! Genius, right? Yes, I'm moving on Xirulo! Jeez. By the way, The Xion Replicas arer on FaceBook! They're either torturing me, or Soul, or Xion from Soul Embrace 2010, but they're always willing to talk. They are Xion Replicas (Kingdom Come) So...go bug them! they love to answer questions.

    Kairi opened the door to study, watching as dust slowly circled in wake of the new air, seeming as if the room had been untouched for ages. Her violet eyes scanned the room, checking, double-checking, and even triple-checking for surprises, ever since Axel had decided to "grab" her the last time she was in Twilight Town, she had reason to be to cautious. Or overly-cautious. She saw five mirrors, walking over to the first, she simply looked near the cloth, and a image took root, budded, and bloomed within her own mind: the sight of herself using her own keyblade to her fullest potential, unleashing devastating blows to her enemies. The next mirror, shorter than the previous mirror, felt more soothing and relaxing. Kairi almost smelt the air, feeling a warm feeling run up and down her spine, tickling, prodding it's way into her, almost like...magic? It then hit her, that this mirror must be focused on magic, and the last one on strength. Then what did the other three focus on? Some great unknown power? She stepped closer to the window, closer to the third mirror, the cool air, and a mixed warmth and what seemed a adrenaline rush took over her, opening her senses onto a feeling of seemed a beach at the point when the tide pulls back into the ocean, pulling her nearly senseless. She had step back two steps as her mind was overcome with images flying quicker, faster, more than she could handle, the magic and the Keyblade intertwined into a single force, sublime yet stronger, warm but cool. It felt like cold sunshine. The next mirror was the tallest, standing a few millimeters over head, which meant it wasn't even a inch or inches above her. She felt a different warmth, this one feeling better than the warmth from magic, more familiar, more friendly, inviting to her, but feeling distant, like something she had known before. She gazed longingly at the mirror looking at the star cloth covering that mirror and the other mirrors. The last mirror was the shortest, but the second Kairi walked near it, she was flooded with a image of light, more than she could handle, wrapping itself in her mind, covering her, until all she saw was white and gold, gold and white. Two words summed up the whole experience: simply exhilarating.

    A chuckle came across the room, not from Kairi or Namine's lips. Kairi turned towards where the sound had come from, to find three fairies, one red, the next one dressed on green, and last one, the shortest, dressed in blue. The red one spoke first, tilting her slightly as a sign of respect. "I'm sorry if we interrupted Miss..." she paused, waiting to hear Kairi's name.

    "Kairi. It's Kairi. Nice to meet you..."

    "Why of course! We never introduced ourselves! I'm Merryweather." the blue fairy piped up.

    "Flora, dear. just look like you just absolutely need a change of clothes. Those just won't do for fighting." Flora said, dressed in green.

    "And I'm Fauna." the fairy in red spoke. "I'll agree with the others. That outfit will just not do for fighting. How about this?" Fauna said as she shook her wand in Kairi's direction. Kairi stared at her clothes, as they turned a rich shade of bright red. "Um..." she started.

    "No. It needs more earthy colors, Fauna." Flora protested, hitting Kairi's clothes with a jolt of magic. The clothes changed from the red to a dark, grassy green.

    "I think I won't look at red, green and blue the same way for a while..." Kairi thought.

    "Try having your dress go from white to bright red and then to dark green. It's not so much fun as it sounds." Namine added, speaking softly.

    "Sounds as if you're in agreement with me, Namine." Kairi thought.

    "I am." Namine said.

    "I think it needs more blue." Merryweather said, hitting the red-head's outfit with another blast of magic. The whole outfit was now a deep blue, contrasting Kairi's red hair.

    Flora snapped to attention, realizing what had happened. "I should have seen this! We did this to Sora before we gave him his new clothes. We must have doing the same to you. We're sorry for that, and hope that this can make up for the trouble." The trio of fairies hit Kairi with magic at the same time, and brilliant plume of light burst from Kairi, changing, shifting, and growing. As the light subsided, Kairi left out a small gasp at the different clothes. Her pink top had become a vest, the sleeves reaching close to her elbow, her white under-shirt now fitting to her neck, the skirt spilt in half down the middle, and white capris, reaching from her waist to her knees. She gleefully spun one foot, taking in the whole outfit, piece by piece. To her surprise, the door to the room opened, and in strode Chris, holding what seemed to be a jar with a little, blue, glowing puzzle piece in it. The second he entered the room, the jar attempted to forcibly throw itself out of his arms and into Kairi. The jar then lifted it self out of Chris' hands and floated near his face. The piece buzzed in high tone, like someone screaming at him. "Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. I get it, you can-" Chris said. The piece was apparently not satisfied by this response, lost all of the floating, dropping like a lead weight onto Chris' left foot.

    "Ye-OWWWW!" he screamed, hopping on one foot. He frantically picked up the jar, which then flew out of his grasp, off to one mirrors, in which it turned side to side' like it was examining itself, which for a jar, seemed strange. "I know I told you that I walk on the bottom of my foot, but slamming onto does not help the situation!" Chris said, still hopping on one foot. He hopped near the jar, reached with both arms...and caught air. He looked at his arms, and then looked to the right. The jar tilted from side to side, as if a person was teasing Chris. Chris' face went blank, and he stared at the floating jar. "Really? I mean, really? You just have to go there?" He spoke, annoyed by the jar's antics. The jar buzzed around the room, past Kairi, close to fairies, and back around the room. Chris followed closely, rushing past on one foot, then switching to both feet as he passed Kairi.

    "You look good in that outfit." he said as he ran past, causing Kairi to blush a little.

    "S'cuze me ladies, got a jar to catch. Now there's something you don't hear everyday!" Chris chuckled.

    "I think you're right. How's your foot feel?" Fauna asked.

    "Good, except for the throbbing. Other than that, I'm good." Chris said, rushing by, spinning on the balls of his feet to resume chase of the jar. "Urgh. Get back here!" Chris moaned.

    Kairi heard someone else laugh from the doorway, seeing blonde tips brush past the door, she recognized the figure, the blonde hair, the blue eyes, the smile. Roxas. Nialox and Axel had somehow found their way into their company, both laughing.

    "Priceless, Eh, Roxas?" Axel asked, still chuckling. He saw Kairi and froze for a moment, trying not to stare at the new clothes. A low whistle passed his lips.

    "Well well...Aren't you just cute? Got it memorized?" the pryo asked.

    Roxas elbowed Axel in the chest, making the red-head stagger forward.

    "Easy, partner. No need in over-reacting, right? Can't have your heart go kill itself can we?" Roxas grinned at Axel.

    Axel decided not to respond and scowled instead.

    "Roxas." Kairi questioned.

    "Huh? Me?" Roxas said bewildered.

    "Your name is Roxas, right?" Kairi said.

    "Yeah... What about it?" Roxas responded.

    "Namine says hello." Kairi said.

    "Oh. Hi...Namine." Roxas said, flustered.

    "There's one last thing to give you, Kairi." Flora piped up, walking towards Kairi. Chris stopped in the middle of running, turned on his feet, nearly falling over in the process, and ran over next to Kairi. "Are you okay? You look a little worked up." Kairi said. "I'm fine." Chris said. "Regardless, this is for you, Kairi." Fauna said, holding her hand out. Inside was a spinning orb, gold and bright. "Would you mind if put my personal spin on this?" Chris asked Flora. She nodded. Chris simply touched the orb with two fingers, let the orb flash for a bit, then let go.

    "I'm not meaning to be rude, but can I get two more of those?" Chris winced as he asked the question.

    "Why certainly, dear." Flora said. "Fauna, Merryweather...", as she said this, the two fairies clicked their wands together, and two more orbs appeared in Flora's hand, resting in her palm. Chris touched the two, before letting them return to her hand. Kairi took the first orb, and felt it as it disappeared inside her. She rocked back on right foot, and as she did her body went limp as light engulfed her clothes. When she touched back down, her clothes were bright red, white flames ingrained on the legs of her capris, her sleeves, and on her vest. "Whoa..." Kairi said in awe. Flames crackled and danced along her body, swaying and shifting to every movement she made. She stared down.

    "Whoa...AHHHH! Flames! Flames on me! Get em' off get em' off get em'off!" Kairi yelled as she jumped up and down, trying to shake the flames off.

    "I think she'll get over it." Chris said to Flora. "Can these be stored?" he asked.

    "Why of course, dear." Flora said. "Best of luck to you all!" Fauna cried.

    "We're gonna need it!" Chris said, exiting out the door, Roxas, Axel, Nialox and Kairi, who was trying not to burn the tower down, following behind.

    "Master Yen Sid", Chris said, stopping to bow, as he opened a Door to Light. "Thank You!" Chris said, before he ran through the Door to Light.

    "Master..." Axel said, following behind.

    "Thank you, sir." Roxas gave a salute as he passed by.

    "Master, Thanks for everything!" Nialox said cheerfully as she ran towards the portal.

    "Thank you, Yen Sid, for everything!" Kairi said, stopping to give a curtsy to the former Master.

    "No, thank you. Thank you for all that you do." Yen Sid said back, waving back.

    The Jar merely floated on by into the Door, then the Door closed.

    Onboard the Flying Wing II Kairi ran through the Door to Light only to run into something. She looked down to see her clothes were normal once again, and Chris' Keyblade embedded itself where her heart was. She looked back at him, he looked at her, his eyes heavy with tears. "I'll...I'll make it quick, okay?" Chris said, his voice shaking. The blade turned, and the next Kairi could comprehend, Namine was next to her, sitting on the floor.

    "Hey? Namine?" Kairi asked.

    "Hgh...what? Me? I'm fine...Kairi."

    "Okay, Namine. Come with me. You...I should say we...have got work to do." Chris said, taking the blonde Nobody by the hand. "Arxiba! Set course for Radiant Garden!" he yelled.

    "If you are wondering, I only separated you and Namine because we need her. You're still you, she's still all her, one person, two entities. See? Painless, right?" Chris said to Kairi, who was rising to her feet, still a little shaky.

    "O...Okay." she said, propping herself on Roxas' shoulder, as he followed Chris and Namine.

    Chris held onto Namine's hand tight, forgetting his grip. He nearly threw Namine down a hallway when they rounded a corner. They rushed into what was a hospital-styled room on the same hallway as the kitchen, off the male dorms. Chris and Namine came near one of the nine beds and stopped. Chris held the jar in his hand, yanked off the lid, reaching into the vessel to grab blue piece. He took it out, and set it on the bed. He pulled other pieces out of his pockets, setting them on the bed, putting them together. Namine saw they spelled the word Xion, in elegant silver letters. "I'm guessing the pieces are memories?" she asked.

    "Yes, that would be them. I picked them up while Kairi was getting new clothes." Chris put the last of the pieces together. "

    "Okay. That should do it." Chris said, dusting his hands off. "Now, for the fun part." Chris placed his hands on Namine's shoulders, and sighed. "Showtime." he said. Light began to radiate from Namine, glowing, shining, glimmering.

    "What...What's going on?" she asked Chris.

    " I am making the job much, much, simpler by increasing the light in you, in order to speed up the process." Chris said.

    "What process?" Namine questioned.

    "The process...of Xion being able to live." Chris said calmly.

    Namine gasped, but her face then turned to a look of determination.

    "I'll do it. I...we all owe her for what she did." she said.

    Namine stretched her hands forward, as Light shot from them, and began to form the outline of XIV's body, light tracing the curves and shape of her frame. It was like watching a drawing come to life. The light began to go faster and faster, lines crossing and doubling over themselves, other lights forming black threads, others flushing out the brilliant blue eyes, some curving, twisting, bending taking the shape of each individual raven hair in her hair, while the rest did their jobs, forming metal, zippers, gloves, feet, hands, boots. The final touch were elegant silver threads sown into the left shoulder, forming the letters XIV. Thin silver lines ran down the cloak, on the middle of the sleeves, and the sides of the pants. The boots were pinched with a touch of sliver at the points. The silver trickled down the cloak, forming a edge on the bottom. More silver pooled at the cuufs and a image of a mouse head with circular ears formed on the outside of the gloves. The whole outfit gleamed and brightened, reflecting every last ray of Light from Chris and Namine. Namine nearly collapsed, physically spent from the ordeal. Chris caught her under her arms, letting her rest herself against him.

    "Remind me to see if we could go into the fashion business. We'd make a killing on the clothing." He said.

    "Sure. Whatever you say..." Namine said weakly, eyes fluttering.

    "Okay... Definitely over-used your abilities. That's going to come back and bite me, I feel." he said. "Let's just get you up on this bed..." he said, as he picked Namine up, "...And let you catch some z's. Good Deal?" he asked Namine.

    "Sleep is good..." Namine sounded very tired from the way she spoke. The second her slender frame hit the white sheets, her body burst into little white orbs, flying out of the room.

    Chris' face blanched. "Huh." he shrugged. "Must headed back to Kairi. I can't really blame her, because if had that happen to me, and I was a Nobody, I would do the same thing." Chris mused out loud.

    Xion bolted straight up, eyes full of tears, black cloak already on, halfway out the door before even speaking. Her eyes were wild with emotion, a walking bomb, some might say. She sprinted down the hallway, tackling Roxas, while avoiding Kairi.

    "Roxas! Roxas! You have to stop me! I'll...I'll take all you! Stop..." Xion began, arms over Roxas' shoulders, but then started to cry, tears pooling on her face.

    Roxas put a finger to her lips.

    "Xion it's okay. We're fine. Okay?" Roxas said. Xion rose off Roxas and helped him get back on his feet.

    "Hey Xion! Catch!" Chris yelled, over-hand baseball pitching one the orbs Flora has given him at her.

    Xion caught it, and was surprised when it sunk into her.

    "Whoa. What does this do?" Her question was drowned out as light covered them, and she, Roxas, Kairi, Chris, Larxene, Axel, Luxord, Demyx, Arxiba and Nialox found themselves staring at a small marketplace, the ruins of a castle in the distance. The sky was a cheerful red and blue. Chris looked at the rest of the group.

    "Everyone...Welcome to..." he began.

    "Radiant Garden." Kairi finished.
    Post by: Blader, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: Archives
  8. Blader
    After watching the Jump Festa trailer again, I'm thinking. Will Roxas, Namine, and Xion make cameos? When did Mickey, Sora and Riku fight Master Xenahort? That was Aqua, Terra, and Ven. And what ifthe hooded man is the journal from re:coded, or better yet, a different Riku? And what about the BBS trio? Why weren't they shown in the pre-rendering? And what about Kairi? And will Vanitas beat Riku up? And where's the other orgXIII members? to wait till 03-31-2012 and find out! (note: I wait until the game releases in japan, then spoil myself. Beats waiting to long and forgetting.)
    Thread by: Blader, Dec 19, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  9. Blader
    Just got finished watching the new trailer at Jump Festa and Oh my......
    Pre-rendered? and Axel, Xion and Roxas in that form? Axel,(no homo on this) looked hot, Roxas, for some reason, looks like a doll, and Xion? Oh Xion, Xion, Xion Xion. Looks like Lightning from FF XIII, and sooooo cute at the same time. I'm gonna go squee my head off at that now.
    Post by: Blader, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  10. Blader
    Yes, yes, and triple yes. Which makes wonder...does anybody Saix will show up to be a sort of counter to Axel? And what about Marluxia, Larxene, Luxord, and Demyx?
    Post by: Blader, Dec 19, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  11. Blader
    Yay! Axel's going to be Axel in the upcoming games and 3-D! I knew they couldn't get rid of Flamesilocks that easy! Anybody else excited?
    Thread by: Blader, Dec 18, 2011, 31 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  12. Blader
    The Axel quote is from the NA days, being, "Why do I always get stuck with the I icky jobs?" right before Axel faces Xion. TRON LEGACY? I'm going to be so pumped to get a 3-DS now....

    If you're wondering why Axel is the way he is, it's a fanfiction habit to leave as Axel, instead of Lea. Some people just can't just kill a good character, can they? So excited to see something from the fanfiction community break through! XD
    Post by: Blader, Dec 18, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Blader
    I'll agree with you. I don't think she is, she just needs some growth. And a longer skirt. Jeez, Nomura. What were you thinking. On the whole Keyblade idea, Xion(who, yes, is a mismatch of SORA, I get it. She stills looks like Kairi, though.) gets beaten multiple times in Days. Riku, a heartless, Axel, and eventually, Roxas.(T_T that was depressing...) She never really wins. I'm not saying she should be all-Aqua or Lightning-like, and beat EVERYONE. No. Noooo. Not really her style. And as for the one-hit kill on those Shadows, I have a theory.
    Destiny's Embrace originally belonged to Aqua. Kairi gets handed the same blade. How did Riku get it, if it's (I'm guessing here... Don't flame yet...)a keychain for Aqua? Eh? Ehhhhh?and that blade makes it easier to hit critical hits, or she amped it up(but didn't know it) with Light. Or she's naturally good. Doubting the last one.
    Post by: Blader, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Blader
    Well, yes, but it would be neat. There's a pinch of un-explained stuff for Riku in KHII. And besides, Nomura did say he wanted to cover Riku's absence, and King Mickey in KHI. I like the idea, though. Reverse Days would just deal with Xion more, her having (pardon me for saying it), Sora and Kairi-themed meltdowns every 2.3 seconds. But still, I like the idea.
    Post by: Blader, Dec 11, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Blader
    Thank you! I just put matching personalities together, that's all. To continue with Notre Dame, Judge Frollo and Gabranth. You shall be judged...
    Post by: Blader, Dec 10, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  16. Blader
    TWENY prequel? Yes! And the others! But yeah, I see your point. Lost Odyesy looked very good, though.
    Post by: Blader, Dec 8, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  17. Blader
    I know! Lost Odyesy was going to be one of the games that got me a X-box 360, but it never developed. Why is it that the rather good or really unique games that could become series, stay one-hit wonders? You know what I mean?
    Post by: Blader, Dec 8, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  18. Blader
    Wouldn't that possibly be BBS Vol 2?
    Post by: Blader, Dec 8, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Blader
    I remember the Atlus 2001 game Skygunner did that. You could choose between Japanese and English voice acting and subtitles, and there was bit of a wait. Japanese release: September 2001. NA release: June 2002. Yeah... That's a while. I wouldn't mind, however.
    Post by: Blader, Dec 8, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  20. Blader
    Like the title says, have you ever had something that you thought needed a sequel, but didn't get one? The video game Kingdom Hearts almost didn't have a sequel, but the fans saved it. On the contrary, the video game Skygunner however, was released and although the plot called for a sequel, the company never made nor developed it. A fan-based sequel was made, but it's rather cheesy gameplay. How about you guys?
    Thread by: Blader, Dec 8, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Discussion