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  1. Blader
    Oerba Yun Fang: Uh.....Thanks? It's just one d, not two. Happens.
    Crypt: Epilepsy
    Misty: I'm good. And you are?
    Post by: Blader, Feb 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Blader
    True, true. Just since everybody was going on the whole 'dark Sora' thing, I thought I'd chip in my two cents.
    Perhaps with the multiple Xenahort's, it could be a personality thing, and Old Xenahort and Yound Xenahort are the more dominant personas, with Young Xenahort commanding Nightmares, while Xenahort pulls the strings.

    On a different track(and possibly unrelated, yet quite amusing), I was watching a newer FinalFantasyVersusXIII trailer, and does anybody else noitce that Stella seems very much like Namine, in look and dress and charecter? And Noctis, resembles Roxas and Zack Fair in hairstyle, and Roxas in dress and attitude? Just wondering.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 16, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  3. Blader
    Shidonic: Hmmmm.....Kingdom Hearts.
    Keyblade Spirit: AUTO-IGNORE ENGAGED
    axel91:.............Uh. Math was never my strong suit. I don't know! More of a English type.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Blader
    Considering your last theory hit it on the head, I wouldn't be suprised if this did as well. Do you have any thoughts on Axel, Roxas and Xion?

    EDIT: Re-read some additional theories, as well as yours. Now I'm going to try and sum up the plot(according to Sora's case).

    We have Xenahort, Xemnas, Young Xenahort(a.k.a. Mysterious Figure a la Birth By Sleep). Now IF Xenahort is reborn, in his current state(as Master Xenahort, not Terra-nort), he needs two things. A, the X-Blade, WHICH would provide Vaintas' re-birth to duke out with Ventus, AND a new body. So, with Sora comatose, he COULD take over Sora, much like Terra, which would explain Sora not receiving the Mark Of Mastery, and Vaintas. Which means.....The guy has been pulling strings, even THOUGH he was split into a Heartless and Nobody, perhaps by either his own muttled memory(which I doubt) or Braig, who could remind him, "Hey, boss man. I think we should go after that Keyslinger dude. Looks to a real fighter, if ya catch my drift." I made up the quote, and it certainly sounds plausible, but it could be proven wrong. Although, I did hit the Mysterious Figure to Young Xenahort relation on the head....

    What about you guys? Yes? No? Maybe?

    On a side note, since Namine came from Sora's heart, like Roxas did, yet Kairi's soul and body, why does she bear a resemblance(like Roxas does) to Ventus? Perhaps she has Kairi's old personality, but Ventus' looks as a girl? Just throwing a mini-theory out there.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 16, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  5. Blader
    It's easy to remember.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Blader
  7. Blader

    I dare you...

    I dare you to ask me a question.
    Thread by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Blader
  9. Blader
    Epic. Neat idea, I like going that far back, because we haven't go that far back. Yet.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: Archives
  10. Blader
    Dude, new KH trailer. EPIC.
    Profile Post by Blader for Beucefilous, Feb 15, 2012
  11. Blader
    Wouldn't put it past the guy who's screwed up most of the universe, three times at least. Over a piece of FREAKING history. Dude, some questions are better left un-answered.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Blader
    I freaking love this video! Nice to someone else reference it!
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Blader
    I HAVE YET to beat him in either KH or KHII. But the KHII file is at level 52ish. That might explain that. It's not just you. I did know a nine-year old who beat Sephiroth without trying. I'm not kidding.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Blader
    2: How do you think he left Destiny Islands, his homeworld?
    7:That would Epic! Dibs on using Kairi for romantic/awesome! Or Roxas, or Xion.
    9:If you read into Vaintas and Xenahort more, Xenahort is one TWISTED guy. I mean, he is loco to the loco.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Blader
    Me either. I thought Versus would maybe finish and release this year, given XIII-2 is out of the way. KHIII? I predict 2013, to extremely early 2014, depending on much development you take into account.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Blader
    I still say Days, in the case that BBS SCREAMS console game. On a Psp, which is why everyone loves it. It's pre:Kh on a handheld, and I really wish Days had been on the Psp as well, to receive "best KH game" and "best graphics".
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Blader
    I'm in southeast U.S, and here, even there are KH fans, it's more console KH than handheld, because, unlike the handhelds, the console games are always fun to re-play, whereas the hand-held, when you're done,'re done. Could you imagine if BBS sold on the PS3? Yeah. Epic. But fans around want KHIII, heck, fans EVERYWHERE want KHIII, and they are having to turn to other games(In my case, Uncharted series, in others, Zelda, Mario, Call of Duty, and others.) to wait on KHIII, which Nomura is taking his SWEET TIME with. A multipack collection of Days, BBS and coded for PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360 would have been better than each separate game. That, and people want the Org back, and they want the main three(Sora, Riku and Kairi) to get some character development and be a fighting trio, not duo. Just listen to the fans, Nomura! WE WANT KHIII!!!!!
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Blader
    I really need to get a mic for my computer! Curse you high prices! I'd love to voice Braig! Dude, Cali surfer voice, yeah man. Gnarly.
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Blader
    Hmmm....13. That seems to be a reoccurring element in the series, no?
    I've viewed, re-viewed and thought it over. BEST KH Trailer EVAR!!!!!!

    Everybody is saying that Xion would meet Sora. Maybe. It would be cute, and depressing. Xion's such a happy/sad girl.





    To Best Buy to buy a 3-Ds because I have gift card. Come loyal Final Form Xion, TO BEST BUY!!!!!!! XD
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Blader
    Agree, agree and...AGREE. But them coming back alive? It does seem more cunning, but perhaps not everybody knew. Axel sure didn't. Xigbar may have known, he may not.

    Xemnas does say that he doesn't care if Xion kills Roxas or Roxas kills Xion. One keyblader is enough. And for Machina, Xion is a CLONE. You're using a clone of the main hero's love interest with black hair and a keyblade, to grind ANY progress on reviving Sora to a complete halt AND collect countless hearts, and get a version of "Sora", completely loyal to you. Win-win-win situation. I still think Xigbar has some faint idea of living again, that and his hand is in everyone's pie.
    His spying list:
    That's a fairly good list to keep tabs on, as well as a good chunk of blackmail. And, if you're going to die, why throw out a ambiguous comment about Ven, Aqua and Terra? Not some cheesy last words? You would have some inkling of possibly being brought back to life? Maybe?
    Post by: Blader, Feb 15, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts