For some reason beyond me, NA gets maybe some stickers and a extra weapon or something. Japan? All the stuff NA got, PLUS extra content PLUS epic bosses PLUS additional background info. And yes, I'm looking at you KH II FM+, and KH BBS FM. And they get a special themed console for the game. Did we do something wrong, and tick Japan off, and I don't know it?
Due to my complete blitzing of FFXIII, and not getting anywhere (I.e. just finishing chapter 4) I decided to ask the fans here this: Which is better content-wise, Chararecter wise, Wimpy love interest turned herione And overall plot-wise. And, also, I'm asking opinion, not trolling.
I has, I'd wouldn't be the same person I am today, or wouldn't have meet some many people because of it.
Already calling that it will only be avaiable in Japan. Just sayin'.
Syndicate released today in NA! Yes!
Okay. Thank You.
Yes yes, and I consider you equvilant to the crumbling Germany at the end of WWII. XP
I laugh at attempts to make me a slave. ALL attempts. So, XP
Okay. Whatever. Nice to meet you.
I may have not told anyone, nor can I remember doing so, but guess what? I'm Mormon.
It is very funny. Have a question for me?
I've wondered, "If there's a forum sniper, is there a forum shotgunner?"
Of which I am learning from. Oddly, I'm in honors physics, and understand that better than math class. Go figure. Also, love the gif in your signature.
Hey random people who post hi to other people in the Spam Zone! One thing for you: FACEBOOk. XP Opinion is opinion, I understand that. But ya know.....<< >> Oh. Yeah. XP to the XP power!
I'm average at it, kay? Does that settle it? Do you even know anything about me?
Unfortunately, due to my love of BOTH cake and ice cream, I choose ice cream cake! Really, though.....cake. ???? I have no idea. [Insert Nobody name here!]
I have one other thing to say. March 29, 2012, I shall raid Wikipedia with any and or all electronic devices in my possession.
Ha-ha! True,True! :D
That's good to hear!
That's what I meant, Vaintas and Ventus seperate from Sora to get the X-Blade, while Sora or Terra serves as the host body. And yes, Xenahort is a pedo. Just ask Aqua.