Time travel. It's offical.
I'm looking for a sig which a photo of Kairi, her keyblade, and these words: The past will be reawakened as a new number. In never-before-seen detail Prepare yourself for the awakening of the new number. Can it be done?
We all know about Young Master Xehanort. He's royal pain. About as much as Vanitas, even if he is in his cloak that looks FREAKING awesome and has glowing red eyes..... So EVIL.... Hey, a good villain makes a good hero. Here's what I know so far: Spoiler: About Young Xehanort In one cutscene, YMX knocks Sora out cold. You see things from first person, and you see a guy in a brown cloak(sound like KH1, anybody?) approach Xehanort, when he was, daresay, twenty-ish. He's the guy with the silver hair and yellow eyes, and the freaky grin. Yup. Him. Anyways, apperantly YMX shed his body to travel time AND collect other versions of Xehanort for the main body snatcher himself. Yeah, messed up, right? And guess who was the guy in the cloak in KH1? Young. Master. Xehanort. Oh, and YMX is the Mysterious Figure. He summons the No Name Keyblade. I'm dead serious. This game gets better and better.
Okay, Blader, here, bringing you top-notch theories and info on Kingdom Hearts 3D! Last Time, we talked about the Secret Ending which featured Spoiler Kairi . Now, we going to talk about the message and a possibilty of a game before KH re:connect (or KH 3, depending on what you call it.) And now, the message: Spoiler: The Secret Message The past will be reawakened as a new number. In never-before-seen detail Prepare yourself for the awakening of the new number. You like? I know I do! I've been thinking IF BBS Vol:2 is a game, which I don't know, would we involve time travel? Square has already used in two games: KH3D and FFXIII-2. Both were and are very good games. Off topic a little, you know about Nobodies, right? You're wrong. I have sources that say: Spoiler Nobodies do not posses their own heart, but instead grow, and yes I said grow new hearts. Hence Axel's line of making me like I had a heart. And as old as this seems: Spoiler People with Yellow Eyes have been possessed by Xehanort.
True words, true words. You just call a truce.
I already tackled this, earlier, but it's good to let others now. Best ending yet!
Obviously watching how Lightning and Serah Farron scowl at people. Her glare looks either determined, or ticked off. Spoiler Yen Sid says "they" in either refence to Kairi and Lea(which I wouldn't mind) OR Kairi and Namine. Ooh....Kairi and Namine training under Riku.... YESSSSSS..... I think Riku is training Kairi. That might explain her glare....... Here is the message from the secret ending Spoiler The Darkness awakens The Light in Darkness {which or that} Leads to the Last Key Also someone translated some of what Donald and Goofy said Spoiler They were apperantly saying that he was late. Perhaps he has encountered a hitch somewhere?
There are multiple endings before the main "canon" ending. It's like FF13-2, you can choose different choices, but you have the same ending.
I'm seconding this. Also if you know your BBS history, you would know Terra and Xehanort both argue over Terranort's heart, and who should have possesion. Seven is a odd number. It's been in nearly every KH game. It could be the Princesses, it could be keyblade weilders, it could be keyholes, it could something else entirely. If you get rid of Lea from the XIII, you have twelve, if you add Ansem SoD, you have XIII. Does that mean you could subtract someone else and still have XIII?
If you've seen the Kingdom Hearts 3D credits, there's some very juicy and annoying info in them. In the credits themselves, a bunch of letters (english letters) appear throughout. Correct if I'm wrong, but they supposedly spell Spoiler "This game leads to Kingdom Hearts III." There's also a photo near or at the end that shows Donald, Mickey, Goofy, Sora in his DDD attire, Riku in his DDD attire, Xion (YAY! :D), Roxas, Ventus, Terra, Aqua, and this probably shock and cause flaming of her, as well as Kairi. The secret ending. I was wrong. Oh so horribly wrong..... :D In fact, I couldn't be more excited about being wrong! Let me explain. If Sora is gone, and he's the best Light using weilder we have, since Ventus and Aqua are unusable at the moment, and Lea is training or whatever, you need a ace up your sleeve. A really good ace. And who is that person? I'll say it: Kairi. Yes, Kairi is FINALLY making a appearance and will beat the heck out of Xehanort. Best ending EVER. Oh, and Aqua and Xehanort make short cameos. And no, I'm not kidding. Check YouTube. Time to discuss.
Given Xehanort's obbsession with X-Blade, I decided to attepmt to gather a list of possible X-Blade users. So far the list would include: Ventus and Vanitas The obvious choice, pure light, pure darkness. Terra and Aqua They're not pure light and darkness, but they could make one, given both Aqua's giant amount of light, and Terra's large amount of darkness. Perhaps Braig wanted them to make a X-Blade and mess with Xehanort's plans? Food for thought. Riku and Kairi OR Vanitas and Kairi Not exactly possible, but kairi is a princess of heart, and has no darkness. You just need enough darkness to match that, and you have a X-blade. Roxas and Vanitas Roxas is like Ven, alhough he is a nobody. Throw anything at him, and he'll fight beyond death to win. Add Vanitas? You would have a very unstable X-Blade on your hands..... Did I miss someone?
I remember from one of the Xehanort reports that one of Xehanort other motives to unlocking Kingdom Hearts was the desire to set first foot on a world no one had ever seen before. To be the first to accomplhish such a feat. Maybe he forgot that, or maybe I over-looked it. But wouldn't that also be a driving motive for unleashing the X-Blade and unlocking Kingdom Hearts? He also talks about bcoming a new state of being, within Kingdom Hearts.
if Xehanort wants a keyblade war, and we now have a lot of keybladers, how much EASIER is it to body-snatch someone and get a X-Blade? The only real threat is Aqua, and if you kncok her out, he could create one giant mess.
Point taken. Perhaps Lea and Kairi would train in Kh3?
........................ Wait- You mean? I thought because of that...... O_O Dang. Poor Sora. But what about the rest of the ORG XIII? And Roxas, Ven and Xion? What will happen to them? (snicker snicker) Spoiler LEA is a Keyblade weilder? AHAHAHAHAHA.... That happy, and yet unbelievable, and yet.....I somehow like it......
Gotta love the AMAZING quality. Especially Xion.
Not to sound like everyone else, but today in Japan there is Square Enix's tenth anniversary/premiere for Kingdom Hearts 3D.
Yep. Yes, yes, and YES! Kingdom Hearts, now don't blow up yet, does have several loose threads that been unceremoniously swept under the rug. It's not all bad, but it isn't perfect either. And, yes, some fans have been calling Pixar-films. Yes. That, and a fresher FF cast would be nice. Daresay.... Vanille of FFXIII and Vaan of FFXII? Ooh, how about Kain Highwind? And also, Nomura, make some sense, and at least tease me with a sliver of Kingdom Hearts looks like on the inside. Not the door to the realm of darkness, not a giant heart, just show me the inside!
Similar, though. Just thinking.
Okay, okay. I'll cut it short. It's probably nonsense, but in Serah's Theme from FFXIII, there are the words "let darkness fade to light". Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't KH3D have nearly the exact same statement?