No, it's just the fact that there was meme attempt and failure in that. Obviously the admin thing is sarcastic, yeah. Yes :,D
Lol, 16 Filler
Someone fucking stab me.
Gay gay gay ):
I cried tears of ointment.
It doesn't fail any less. :\
;ddd Xaldin, Stop Giving Rimjobs To Your Inferiors.
I better win this. ): YOU VOTE FOR ME WE HAVE SEXY TIME, YES??
I can't believe tummer made this. XD And the correct term would be failURE at life. :3
Desperation is flattering. ):
Dee ay is liek teh besst. :B
nRa. :3~~~
Boris is a very disgusting name anyway. It just has a gross feel to it, all of his past aside.
Sadly, very untrue as of late.
Posting Euphienator in a sticky~
*cough* I judge emo-ness more by personality, no appearance. :\
lol 4chon speak. /ic/ = artwork and critique board on 4chan. /i/ = oekaki board on 4chan. /ic/****** = user on Upon's paintchat Upon = awesome person who did those paintings I linked you to in IRC. weeaboo = anime art done by someone who doesn't actually live and/or is native in/to Japan. kawfee = new spelling for coffee And I bang my stylus against the desk to make it work properly since it's been jacked up ever since I started sucking on it several months ago. The plastic nib is pretty much no more, so it's more or less useless. And IRC IRC IRC~ LOL, NO TRIGGER ): EDIT: omg ew smiley *disables*