You disappoint me. :\ Why naut? :B
I'm not going to start anything with you, but I'm not going to limit my speech on the internet of all places. If I'm going to hell for not seeing it as vain, so be it. You more than likely know my stand on that. "You're 56% likely to be an Indigo!" It's really a bunch of bull, as most of the questions are better answered by an unbiased other. :\
...that is SO hilarious. What an extremely flawed quiz. It's the internet and all, but Christ. "1. Are you intelligent?" I have nothing else to say.
It's not polite to bother your mom while she's in the shower. ):
I'll need a picture. Because I know Sam to be pretty hawt IRL. :\
Evidentially not.
....Do we need a sticky for people to stop making these threads? Yeah, it's a reoccuring problem. Everyone gets them. Please cut the pointless threads.
Considering that wasn't the sole purpose he got banned, it wouldn't affect the situation in the least.
.....I shamelessly snerked at that.
The best bet would be, I don't know, because you nerve them with this dumb shit? >_>; Umm...what?
I'd rather you stop fagging around with the emo threads, but if it would relieve me of your crap then sure. :\
Latex. :B Urhahahrhahar.
I are Kona. Avoidant IRL. ):
HSM-vids History.
DS Enter the thong >:0
Since when I have I been a huge lurker? Minus ban time. :\ DS fo' sho'.
Obviously nominated for irony. ;p
You know I fail at male anatomy. ): And liek Zandyne ;D
And don't events always get twisted by word of mouth in history? :\
How could you leave out the best part of your name? <_> OH, LOL WIN WIN WIN