It's suppose to help with headac-FOREHEAD DIRECTLY TO THE APPLY
Why, or Why Not ~ Katakiri Rekka
Special ~ Mew
Fitmouris. Seriously.
Ounces and pounds.
This is me. 100% natural.
Fuck yes.
My mother is dead *slitslitslit* *weepweepweep*
Har ha har~
*cough* Censorship >_>
Some necrobumps are nice, such as the one about DA getting hit on by some old guy.
Yeah, I saw this in Upon's blog last September. My reaction was pretty much this:
Oh shit, that's sexy.
Seriously, Xaldin, be ashamed lol.
iPraise is looking spiffy.
What's Love ~ Fat Joe feat. Ashanti (~_~; )
Does that air on American channels? Pilot Candidate. Though it isn't such a bad thing, since the dub was horrid.
Sadly, there was no pun intended >_>
I praise you for having the balls to post it. :,D