Okay guys, I think all these suggestions are just ridiculous. You all have absolutely no taste. I thought I should bring a bit of realism into this campaigning. And because I know this is just going to be crowded as fuck with positive responses, try to keep a single file line~
Anyone who is going to bitch about cross dressing can gtfo out right now. :\ Anyway, on the anatomy...hmmm...Do you think you could take a less skewed picture? Preferably one directly above~ All I can suggest currently is use a reference for proportions and hands especially. And the method you're using for the fishnet is waaay to complicated. It looks like you're making seperate diamonds when all you really need to do is make repeated crossing curved lines. It looks a lot better if done correctly and is less time consuming. I'm really happy to see how much you've improved on general proportions, though. Considering how off the last pictures are, this is really great. Also: kankles :X
Deal with it? ;D Seriously though, there are people who are going to piss you off. :\ *****ing doesn't help much, especially in something as minor as this.
In the past 24 hours I have consumed at least two koala rolls, three spider rolls, a near tray of baklava, and a piece of cheesecake. Fruit snacks cannot beat that. :3
I heard that horse meet is popular in France. :\
What, check someone else's rep? Well, you can't look at their CP or anything unless they give you a screencap themselves, but I assume she's talking about the Member List's reputation line up.
There's a difference between blatant spelling errors and variations used for emphasis.
Hey, ******cock ;D
Don't flatter yourself with that title :3
Yeah, MsgM has been licensed. I doubt it would ever be picked up by a channel like [as] or whatever, though. They usually go for the shounen or adventure genres.
Jade, you hammer DA and leave this hopeless case completely untouched? :0