I beat the elite four in Diamond Recently. It was easier than I thought. I got a little stonewalled when I fought Lucian, but I managed to beat him. Cynthia seemed to fight in some sort of pattern though. I lucked out and had pokemon on my team that could take her. Once I got past her spiritomb though, I had a relatively easy time. She took my infernape all the way down to a single HP with her Roserade before I finally managed to take it down.
I tried buying a used leaf green in the hopes of reaping some poor sap's saved file and cache of pokemon Via importing them to pal park. No luck. Looks like I have to do it the old fashioned way and play Fire red all the way through to get the three legendary birds and Mewtwo.
Third'd. No Yaoi for me, thank you very much.
Good thing I'm not a human. I'm a Reaper.
A lot of good ones have already been mentioned, but a few that I found to be enjoyable are. Rave Master ID_eNTITY Fairy Tails Great Teacher Onizuka Case Closed Full Metal Alchemist.
don't sell your Wii. TMM made multiple points. Even if you don't regret it this year, sooner or later a game will come along that will make you regret it. There is so much about all three systems that makes them worth holding on to. And there is no telling how long the shortage will last. The amount of Wiis released is severly limited, and you can't really say when you'll be able to get a new one.
I think you're thinking of the Legend of Link. This is the Beginning of Destiny, My Roxas fan fiction about the time of his birth to his induction into the organization. The normal cast seen in KH fictions won't be appearing, and it serves as my way of going deeper into the background of the story of KH CoM and KH 2, as well as having its own unique story. It's my absolute first serious fanfiction. Currently 24 chapters and growing, it's fairly popular on KH Insider and Fanfiction.net. Nobody was showing any indication of interest here, so I asked Kayleah to close the current thread and I started another under an extended title. So far, nobody has even made a peep in it.
I'm desperately hoping for somebody to show some interest in my BoD fan fic.
Dang, he beat me to it! XD
So I decided to start reposting my Beginning of Destiny fic under an extended title and maybe a little tweekage here or there to let more people get an idea of what it's about at a glance.
:registro5B15D: :registro5B15D: :registro5B15D: :registro5B15D:
<.< >.> Spinning makes me naucious.
Beginning of Destiny The rise of No. XIII Prologue: The meeting in the wasteland A deathly silence has fallen on Maleficent's castle, which has become the center of Hollow Bastion's recent History. Life stirs in the barren world that exists outside the castle walls. A figure Cloaked in a black coat stands alone on a ridge that oversees. If the world were not barren, if the people of this once great world weren't wiped out or driven away, they would never have known that inside the castle, a young boy is confronting who he believes to be his best friend. That is, nobody except the cloaked figure. As he stands there, silently watching their destinies, and his unfold; five other black cloaked beings emerge from dark gates. After a pause, the first cloaked figure speaks to the others, breaking the crushing silence. “I thought I told you not to disturb me.” The first figure said in a cold and unfeeling voice that could chill one’s heart. With some hesitation, the figure farthest left steps forward and removes his hood, revealing the face of a young man roughly the age of 21. He has short, light blue hair that contrasts his dark colored apparel. He starts to speak in an emotionless tone, different from the first figure’s, in that it was the kind that would be used in business to make one appear professional. “We just thought that you would want an update, lord Xemnas. As per your instructions, Xigbar and Xaldin have been harvesting hearts to add to our 'project.' Lexeaus has managed to harvest some hearts while he, Vexen and I have been over looking the construction of Castle Oblivion. While it was a sizable amount, it won't push us towards completing the project ahead of schedule. In fact, it looks like we won't be finished until ten years after our ten year deadline. Also, we--” “Zexion” The first figure, now confirmed as Xemnas, says sharply, interrupting the youth. He has yet to turn his gaze towards the others. “Y-Yes, lord Xemnas?” Zexion replies, a quiver in his voice. “Why does it take five members of the organization to accomplish a task that one alone would suffice?” Zexion falls silent, unsure of how to answer his superior’s question. After a long pause of silence, the figure farthest to the right of Xemnas, Xigbar, removes his hood, revealing a man with long, scraggily hair made up into a pony tail with a rubber band. He has an eye patch across his right eye. Xigbar speaks up, loudly and profusely. “We came to ask you why you aren't down there!” “This old record again?” Xemnas asks with a hint of annoyance. “Enough. I will hear nothing more of this. I have made my decision.” The cloaked figure to the right of Xigbar pulls back his hood and revealing a man with long, black, cascading hair that has been meticulously made into braids. Anybody who knew him would instantly recognize him as Xaldin. He pleads to Xemnas, urging him on. “You are being given something that all of us can only dream about! The chance to regain their heart! Their original Heart! You can be complete again! Why can't you see that?” “I said Silence!” Xemnas asserted, his anger starting to rise. The Figure to the right of Zexion already has his hood down by now. He has long straight hair that is as tan as the dessert sun. The smells of the chemicals that occupy his lab cling to his coat. Vexen starts to articulate, more from his own fascination of the possibilities of what lie before them than with any real concern for his superior. “And from a pure scientific stand point, you are passing up a rare opportunity! If we could just capture your Heartless, We can study it! We can find the location of our Heartless, and to purify a heart without the use of a Keyblade! We can even find a way to stay in control, to not allow our hearts, to allow Xehanort, Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus and Ienzo to be the truth! We, Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion can become the Truths!” “Silence!” Shouted Xemnas, his patience running thin. “Lord Xemnas, we just want---“ Zexion pleads. “SILENCE!" Xemnas raged. His voice rings out with such anger and malice as it echoes off the canyon walls. He turns around and faces the others. While he has yet to take off his cowl, they still remember the fear that his gaze wrought when they were still capable of feeling, and they remember the power that is backed up by that gaze. They all remember why his word is absolute. The echoes die out, and xemnas’s anger subsides and he composes, returning him to the cold, unfeeling creature that he truly is. He then speaks with the authority that has made him the superior, the absolute ruler of all Nobodies. “Now, I will not hear any more of this. All of you will return to your posts. My word is final.” “Yes, Lord Xemnas.” The five chant in unison, and they leave the same way they came, each one summoning a Door of Darkness and leave to carry out the will of the Organization. All leave, save for one. He lowers his hood and reveals an aged man with spiky, dark red hair. He stands there gazing at Xemnas. “If you have something to say, say it Lexaeus.” Xemnas ordered. “I just want you to know that I think you are making a mistake.” Lexaeus stated. “Maybe so.....” Xemnas turns and locks eyes with Lexaeus, lowering his hood to reveal a man with dark skin, long, silver hair, and a face that reveals that he is stern in his convictions. “But it's my mistake to make.” “Very well.” Lexaeus replies. He opens his gate and leaves, silence falling over the dessert once more. Xemnas once again turning his gaze to the castle below. After a while, Xemnas speaks, as if to some unseen witness of their meeting. “Don’t insult me. I know you have been waiting just inside the corridor just after they arrived. Tell me Saix, do you plan to criticize me on my actions?” Saix appears from a dark corridor. He has long silver hair and a scar in the shape of an x across his face. He immediately assumes a defensive posture with his arms behind his back as a sign of loyalty towards Xemnas “It’s not my place to criticize you, Xemnas. I will follow you regardless of your choices. Although, it does raise the question as to why you would not seize such an opportunity.” Saix inquires. Xemnas falls silent. His stern face and gaze falls soft as if he has become lost in his own thoughts. Fearing that he somehow offended him, Saix tries to apologize “Forgive me, Xem---“ “It is amazing, isn’t it? That a Heartless like my counterpart even exists? “ “Xemnas?” Saix asks, not even bothered by the fact that he was interrupted. Xemnas turns his gaze to the setting sun, and looks like he is lost in profoundly deep thoughts. Without looking at Saix, he begins to speak. “Early after the foundation of the Organization, Vexen and Zexion performed a study on the number of Nobodies that exist. They estimated that roughly three billion, two hundred and twenty five million, five hundred thousand Nobodies in existence. Since not all beings produce a Nobody when they become a Heartless, their numbers are supposed to be infinitely greater. Billions and trillions of Heartless, and only one like Xehanort. That is what happens when shed your body and soul so you can give your heart willingly, unyieldingly to the Darkness.” “I get it now.” States Saix, his hand to his chin, as if he came to some divine understanding. “Your heart wasn’t consumed by Darkness, you were cast away. Abandoned.” Xemnas turns and locks his eyes with Saix. His cold eyes and stern face have returned with even greater resolve than it did before. “Yes. And if my heart prefer to be without me, than I will become real without it! For all Nobodies, I will lead us all to Kingdom Hearts, where all Nobodies can truly exist!” Saix chuckles maliciously as he says “And I will strike down anyone who thinks they can stand in your way.” “We’ll see.” Xemnas grinned . “Why are you here anyway Saix? You wouldn’t break orders unless it is of importance.” “I have Axel stationed at Twilight Town for any interesting developments. And the spells that will summon any Heart released from a Heartless by a Keyblade are almost complete. Pretty soon, we will be able to streamline the production of our 'project.'” Saix Replied. “Perceptive, anticipating my orders like that. It is because of this that you are my second. Thank you, Saix. You are dismissed.” “Thank you, Xemnas.” “Oh, and before you go, I have one more order for you.” “Yes my liege? “Add one more throne to the meeting chamber. I have a feeling that Organization XII will be changing its name to Organization XIII before the end of the day.” “Of course.” Answered Saix. And with that, Saix left to carry out his tasks. Xemnas returned his gaze to the castle, and watches as a new chapter in the story of two young boys from an isolated island paradise begins, the birth of new Nobody who will have the keys of destiny in his hand, and his own Heart, carrying out its own ambitions. He watches all of this, from the ridge above the castle, Smiling as he watches Kingdom Hearts starts to fall into his grasp. A Nobodies Choice: End. Beginning of Destiny, Chapter 1: Births and Awakenings Pain. So many things are associated with pain. Fighting, dying, living, and loving. Pain is a constant in all things, even birth. The pain of igniting the spark of life has been considered the most excruciating pains imaginable, Even if it is under the most conventional of circumstances. But what of the pain of birth under the most unconventional circumstances? He remembers once being part of someone, or something else. He was at ease. He was complete. He was whole. He remembered what life was before. Then suddenly, darkness consumes him, and he feels it tearing him away from something precious. He feels it ripping something precious out of him. Separating that precious thing from him. Engulfing it. Consuming it. Then everything goes numb, and he feels himself floating, drifting to someplace else. He thinks of nothing. He feels empty, and begins to silently drifts away to sleep. All of a sudden, there is light. He feels it around him, pulling him back to that precious thing. It comforts him. The warmth puts him at ease. It helps him forget the pain. It helps him forget the emptiness inside of him. It helps him forget. It helps him forget his past. It helps him forget his name… He jolts, as he realizes that the light is pulling his memories away. He desperately tries to hold onto them, and once more he is engulfed in pain. As his memory is torn away, he once again begins to float away, but now he is thrust away. Away from the light, the darkness, and from everything he ever was. He speeds towards a distant world. With out a form, he passes countless worlds. As he nears his destination, it approaches the twilight hour, and once again he is given form. He descends; he rushes across the sky, red from the setting sun. Past the beach, past the streets, past the tower, and into the forest. He lands in a clap of thunder. The wild life scatters. He is born, and like a newborn, he is weak. His entire body is burning. His mind is a haze. It hurts when he tries to move. Fighting past the pain, he struggles to his feet, and desperately starts walking towards the light of the city. Every step he takes feels like his last. He stumbles and falls aftert what seems like an eternity. He instantly falls asleep, too weak to continue. When he awakes, he will be stronger. But for now he must sleep. Interlude: As the last of the sunlight fades, a young boy enters the forest from the hole in the wall surrounding Twilight Town. He stomps around angrily as he scouts out wood to be used as fire wood. “Your fault for putting it off she says. Should have done it when I asked you, she says. BULL! Why couldn’t she just get Mac to do it? He’s old enough now! I made those plans to go to the Arcade with Pence and Ollette weeks ago!” He continues his rant, ignorant that his path is obstructed. “God forbid that the little one should get a little exercise. Why I ottaaaAAAAAH!” THUNK! The young boy trips and hits the ground. Rubbing his head, he rolls over to see what he tripped over. “What kind of jerk leaves a log with arms, legs and blond, spiky hair in the middle of the middle of the road oh MY GOD! There is a NAKED guy in the middle of the road! And pretty messed up by the looks of things. Okay, don’t worry buddy, I’ll take you to our hideout and me and the gang will take care of you!” The young boy picks up the limp stranger and slings his arm around his shoulder and starts limping back to town, unaware that they are being watched by others with their own interest in the stranger. Chapter 1: Births and Awakenings: End. ------- For those of you who have been paying attention, I'm reposting chapter BoD with a new hook in the title in hopes to get people interested. It's the story of Roxas's life until he joins the organization, and as such the regular cast you'd see in KH fics will be absent. I'm told it gets better in latter chapters. Hope everyone decides to see for themselves! ^^; If you're interested in the story, I'd appreciate it if you posted. I'm always happy to know when people like my work. And if you think you might have some advice that might prove useful, again, go ahead and post.
The only non story shiny that I've ever obtained was a Shiny Golbat a few weeks ago. Other than that, the only shiny I ever encountered was in Silver at Lake Rage.
Already went, thank you very much.
The most addictive? I'd have to say it's this one called cube, where you click on the sets of colored blocks, they disapear and you try to make em all vanish. And TWEWY comes in at a close second.
Exactly. Old games are losing their value in a lot of stores.
Information on trading in a game from that particular generation. they might give more for more recent games, or less if they already have a lot of saphire cartridges. A lot of stores base their trade policy based on their stock.
Sheesh, sorry. No need to get up in my face. I just didn't think of any reason why trading in a game would be somthing that's all that relevant.