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  1. Allstargamer
    Not me. I made sure to go down first chance I got.

    I was lucky with Darkrai. I happened th chance upon the information about Toys r Us giving it away.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  2. Allstargamer
    Don't be so quick to call names. You've got one three day weekend left to grab Deoxys.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  3. Allstargamer
    Typo. It's a typo.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. Allstargamer
    Just go to gamestop. For starters, you need the mystery gift function available and you need to have acquired the pokedex. Getting the dex is a simple enough task, but to activate the mysterygift function, you need to do a few things.

    To activate it, go to the Jubilife TV Center.on the second floor, there is a man who accepts sayings from you. Tell him the following; "EVERYONE HAPPY" & "WI-FI CONNECTION" and he shall say he can pull some strings and get your Mystery Gift. Save your game and reset. It'll be there in the start screen. From there, you just go to a gamestop, select The mystery gift function, and then select 'get via wireless' You'll get a message about a gift from space and Deoxys will be downloaded onto the DS. From there, just go to any pokemart and pick him up from the guy in green. Be sure to have a space in your party for him and to save afterwords.

    I should know, it's my second time downloading it.

    Edit: Take a look at this. It's a flier detailing what you should do.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. Allstargamer
    That or bunch of ponyta or rapidsh.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  6. Allstargamer
    It's possible that the last universe didn't even have pokemon. Hell, maybe Arcreaus is the end result of a super genetic experiment that destroyed the last one.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  7. Allstargamer
    over achiever.

    Probably from the colapse of the previous universe, IMO.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  8. Allstargamer
    Ugh, please, let's not get real world religion involved. It makes my head hurt. >.<
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  9. Allstargamer
    I believe EV is stat bonuses based on battle experience, I.E. battleing an oponent with a superior stat to yours. If you want a pokemon to have a higher attack, have it battle a pokemon with a high attack stat.

    Serebii does a better job of explaining it than I do. You can understand the jist of it in the first few paragraphs.

    I'd wager origin. It is the form he appears in game after all.

    If they are gonna do a Arcreaus poler opposite, I'd think they'd wait until the next gen. For now, I'm gonna stick to the triad idea.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. Allstargamer
    Arcreaus is the Creator Pokemon. He is supposed to be the one that created everything. (Well, Dialga, Palkia, possibly Giratina, and the three lake legendaries at least. That is one Pokemon who knows how to delegate!)

    And I'd be willing to be a fiver and a yoohoo that the statue in Eterna City'll be replaced with one of Giratina.

    lol, and I definately plan on transfering Giratina from Diamond to Platinum. I'll have myself a twofer!
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  11. Allstargamer
    Giratina is supposed to be the third in the triad. I think part of the legend got left out in D & P, and Arcreaus actually created three God Pokemon, one each to rule over Space, Time, and Darkness.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  12. Allstargamer
    Title: Beginning of Destiny: Rise of No. XIII
    Realm:Kingdom (Primarily Twilight Town)
    Chapters:24(Total currently on sight: 3)
    Summery:The birth of Roxas and his adventures in Twilight Town before Joining the Organization! Diving into the back story of CoM and KH2, It ties into the main story line, expanding on the motives and agendas of some of your favorite characters. But it isn't all back story! Something more sinister bubbles under the surface! what is it you might ask? You just have to read and find out! Gaurenteed 99.99 % less Sora and Company!

    Title: Legend of Link
    Realm: LoZ universe.(expands outside of Hyrule)
    Chapters: 1 prologue, 2 chapters.
    Summery: The adventures of Link, Link, Link, and Link like you've never seen them before! I'm turning the entire LoZ universe on it's head for this one!
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. Allstargamer
    Inorite? five minutes in I was like "Okay B*tch, you really want to give me a hand? CALL AN ACTUAL ATTACK!! STOP CLAPPING!!"
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  14. Allstargamer
    Ninjas are all about stealth. What about this was stealth?
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Allstargamer
    Picked it up today, even though I wasn't all that sure about it. I'm just a big ol Mega Man Fan boy at heart! =P

    at a glance, it's pulling from the DS game spectrobes and is utilizing a sequence of touch screen commands found on special cards to unlock extra features and power ups. Could make or break the game in my opinion.

    Also, you can open the pause menu by saying the word "Browse" into the microphone. An intriging application of the microphone for the series.
    Thread by: Allstargamer, Jun 26, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Allstargamer
    Chapter Three: Dark Rendezvous

    Shortly after Hayner had carried off the sleeping Stranger, another stranger, just as mysterious as the last, arrived on the scene. He looks around, inspecting the area that he had watched Hayner trot around in his anger just before carrying off the Stranger, and he thinks that it’s a good thing these long black coats make it difficult to be spotted in the dark. One of the perks of being in the Organization is that the wardrobe can be both fashionable and functional. He then picks up the bundle of sticks Hayner had dropped and picked out a choice one. With an almost blinding burst of light, the end of the stick is instantly set ablaze to light his way.

    “All right, time to see where the new guy was born.†He tells himself. He then sets off in the direction that the Stranger had come from only a few minutes earlier. He shortly comes into a clearing, in the middle of which is a large impact site. He instantly thrusts the torch into the ground and places the bundle next to the crater and descends into the hole. He stands at the center and realizes the impossibility of the situation.

    After some thought, he raises his arm into the air and gives a loud snap, ringing throughout the forest with the intent to summon. In response, two silver creatures slither into view as if from nowhere, their slender bodies and snake like arms twisting and bending in unnatural and unimaginable ways. Their nearly pale white leather hide greatly contrasts the black leather coat of their master. They stand before the dark robed figure, awaiting instructions.

    “Okay, you, on the left. Go find Saix and tell him we have a problem with the matter we discussed. Don’t worry, he’ll know what it is. And you on the right. Go to town and get me a burger, some fries and some sea salt ice cream for dessert. I haven’t eaten anything all day.â€

    After hearing their orders, the creatures disappear into the air, leaving as silent as they came. Alone again, he turns his attention to the wood, selecting choice pieces and arranging them in a teepee structure. He then immediately harvests some dried field grass and sticks it into the miniature wooden structure. Once finished, he retrieves his torch from earlier and throws it in with the dried grass, and with a wave of his hand over his creation, it immediately ignites. With the surrounding area now a glow in the light of the fire, he sits down on a log and with a sigh, he removes his hood, revealing a man that looks to be in his early twenties with small triangle tattoos under each eye, and spiky, shoulder length hair, as wild and as red as the fire. He stares into the fire and starts to lose himself in the dance of the flames.


    The sound of a large parcel being dropped snaps him out of his trance. He looks over and sees the creature that he sent into a town standing in front of a burlap bag. In his large, spear like hands, he holds a carton of sea salt ice cream. The red haired man walks over to the bag and looks in it, seeing four bags from Twilight Town’s premier burger joint, a stack of paper bowls, a plastic ice cream spoon, and a bag of plastic spoons. He looks at the silver being with a bewildered look on his face.

    “How the hell did you lug this bag with that scrawny Dusk body of yours?†He asked, scratching his head. He then reached into the bag and pulled out one of the bags and proceeded eating. “Hey, why don’t you go scout out where the newbie is?†He asked, bread and beef crumbs spilling out his mouth. Just as soon as he had finished with his request, the Dusk slithered back into nothingness, disappearing once again.

    By the time midnight had approached, the man in black had already eaten two bags worth of food and had started on preparing his dessert. He scooped some of the ice cream into the bowl gusto and vigor, and as he retrieved a plastic spoon, he began thinking of how much he loved Sea Salt ice cream before he was transformed. Just as he was about to enjoy his favorite ice cream, the Dusk slithered back into view.

    “Typical†He said to himself, rather peeved. “I’m always interrupted when I’m trying to enjoy my favorite ice cream.†He sets his bowl down and concentrates on the Dusk, he stares at it with intent in his eyes, resting his chin on his interlaced fingers. After about a minute, he once again speaks.

    “Okay, he’s in a back alley that was made into a hideout by a couple of kids. Good work. Now, I have one more task for you. Saix told me that this mission was top priority, handed to him straight from the boss man’s mouth. It’s been four hours since I sent your buddy to fetch Mr. ‘Top Priority’ Saix, and he has yet to show that mug he calls a face. Go see what’s taking so long.â€

    With its last order, the Dusk slithers into the air and then into nothingness one final time. Relieved to be free of distractions, he once again picks up his ice cream bowl. He picks up the spoon and brings it to his lips. He drools in anticipation as he is about to taste the sweet, salty, taste that has made Sea salt ice cream beloved through out the worlds.

    “Good evening Axel†a voice rang out from the air. “Am I interrupting anything?â€

    Now he shows up, a very annoyed Axel thinks. He puts the spoon down and returns the bowl to the ground. Wisps of Darkness sprout out of the ground and weave a door to the plane of existence known as Betwixt and Between. Emerging from that door is the right hand of the superior, Saix, the Lunar Diviner!

    “YOU’RE LATE!†Axel barked! “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting!?!â€

    “My apologies.†Saix stated calmly, with his arms crossed and pressed against his lower chest. The Dark Corridor that he had exited from started to slowly dissolve as Saix slowly approached Axel, still seated on the log, tending the fire. “I was… held up in certain matters.â€

    Axel peers over his shoulder, analyzing his compatriot. “Whatever.†He murmured, and he then returned his gaze towards the fire.

    “So, refresh my memory, Axel.†Saix said with a coy look in his eye. “What exactly is the matter at hand?â€

    “The other worlds are very beautiful so far away from town.†Axel said with wonderment.

    “Yes I’m sure they are. Now if we can get back on track, what exactly are you doing here? Does it have anything to do with that rather large hole?†Saix asked, still sounding rather coy.

    “Think it might rain tomorrow? It’d be a damn shame if it did?â€

    Saix, no longer calm, started to get irritable with Axel.

    “Right. Stars. Rain. Bad thing. Now just tell me—“

    “Although, if you think about it, a little rain might do this forest a world of good. When I was looking for stuff to start the camp fire with, I saw a lot of dried grass. That can’t be—“

    Saix, far past annoyed with Axel dodging the questions, spun him around to look him in the eyes while holding on jerking him by the collar.

    “Dude, personal space!â€

    “I don’t give a rat’s ass about your personal space! Tell me what the Hell you’re doing here right now!†Saix roared his face scrunched in anger. After a few seconds of thought, Axel hoisted up one of the two remaining bags he had retrieved from the burlap sack.

    “You ordered the Holly Halitosis special with extra onions and onion rings, right?â€

    “THIS IS WHY I CAME ALL THE WAY TO TWILIGHT TOWN FOR?!? A STUPID SANDWICH?!?†Saix roared, enraged beyond belief. So enraged, that he almost didn’t notice the fire erupting in Axel’s unoccupied hand and solidifying into a large bladed chakram! At the last second, He managed to jump back, releasing Axel as he brought his chakram around in a horizontal swipe against the bewildered Saix, scraping him through his skin. He jumps back just out of Axel’s lunging distance, pressing a forearm against the cut across his stomach.

    “Axel, what is the meaning of this!? What has brought about this betrayal!?†Saix demanded, but Axel, now on his feet, starts to laugh.

    “Don’t patronize me Zexion, you limp wristed sissy!†Axel cackled, as he twirls around his chakram. He flings the bag out into the forest, as he chuckles maliciously. “I know it’s you. Drop the illusion!â€

    After hearing this, Saix lowered his head, and a pale blue light enveloped his body and he began to change. His form became smaller, his physique became less defined, and his long, dark blue hair and rugged, aged features dissolve away, revealing a youth to be about 21 with short gray hair, excluding the bangs that cascade over his right eye. This was none other than No. 6 of the Organization, Zexion, the Cloaked Schemer, posing as Saix! He looked back up towards Axel, anger burning on his face.

    “How did you know?†Zexion demanded, far away from the cool and calm persona that had helped him wrap hundreds of beings around his finger. “My illusion was seamless! Sight, sound, even his scent was duplicated perfectly to scream Saix!â€

    “Tch, tch, tch!†Axel said, waving his finger back and forth. “You have a long way to go if you honestly believe you’ll be able to fool anyone with a trick like that! You really have got to improve your acting skills.â€

    “MY ACTING SKILLS?!? What does acting have to do with anything?â€

    “Everything! While your illusion was seamless, as you have said, your body language, your speech, and even your persona gave you away! Saix isn’t that well spoken, and he doesn’t cross his forearms and press them against his body like you did. And he defiantly doesn’t like to beat around the bush by asking me time consuming questions, and unless you’re the big boss, he never ever apologizes to anyone! Before you try to impersonate other people, need to learn everything about who they are. I suggest that you take that little tip and commit it to memory. Now, it’s time for you to answer my question. Where’s Saix?â€

    Zexion, taking this chance to compose himself. “He’s not coming.†He stated calmly. “I intercepted the Dusk before he could get the message. But it doesn’t matter. Axel, I demand that you tell me what’s going on here! As one of the original six, my word—“

    “Means jack squat!†Axel interrupted.

    “What did you say?†Demanded Zexion in a low, hushed tone, his visible eye glaring at Axel.

    “You heard me. Don’t think that I don’t know about how Saix bumped you out of the position of being the Boss’s right hand. I honestly can’t blame the boss for replacing you though, if the haphazard tactics from earlier tonight are anything to go by.â€

    “HA-HAPHAZARD!?! REPLACED!?!†Zexion stuttered, looking as if he’d been shot.

    “Why, of course! Why else would he have you babysit the lower levels of Castle Oblivion? Your methods are slow, delicate, and have a high failure rate. It’s probably your fault why the project is so far behind schedule.â€

    “YOU’RE LYING!â€

    “Sorry Zexy, but face facts. You’re like me now. Disposable.â€

    “DAMN YOU!†Zexion yelled. He then holds out his hand and a book appeared in the same pale blue light that Zexion emitted when he dropped his illusion. “I TOLD THE SUPERIOR THAT RECRUITING YOU WAS A BAD MOVE, AND NOW I PLAN ON RECTIFYING IT!â€

    “Huh, so that’s your Mad illusionist. Never seen it before.†Axel then stretched out his empty hand and fire once again erupted from nowhere and solidified into a second Chakram. He then crouches down; his feet spread apart diagonally, and crossed his arms, ready to attack.

    “Let’s see how you and your Mad illusionist stand up to my Flyin’ Hellfire!"

    With those words, Axel made a mad dash towards Zexion, and before he could react, was slashed into thirds, and dissolved into nothingness. Coming to a stop a few feet past where Zexion once stood, Axel looked back. “That’s it? What a crock! It shouldn’t be that easy.†he murmured. Suddenly he felt an intense, sharp pain in his lower back, as if he had been stabbed.

    “It isn’t.†a familiar voice from behind stated maliciously. Axel peered over his shoulder, and to his astonishment, he saw Zexion, intact, holding a knife that had been plunged into Axel’s lower hip. With an evil sneer, Zexion twists the knife, sending a wave of pain through Axel.

    “GRAAAAAH!!†Axel grunted. Fighting past the pain, Axel swings one of his chakram around and once again striking down Zexion. He then starts looking around, trying to guess where the next possible attack might have come from. It’s now that he notices a thick fog covering the clearing that he had been occupying for the last few hours.

    “When the hell did this fog roll in!? Is this Zexion’s doing!?†He asked himself.

    “Bingo!†Zexion’s voice chirped. Axel immediately concentrated on Zexion’s voice. It was a trait that he had picked up from the experience of being in many fights over his life. “This fog is a special illusion that distorts the senses. Not only does it reduce the victim’s field of vision to only a few feet, it also distorts the senses of smell and sound.â€

    Suddenly, Axel heard the sound of an object flying through the air. He couldn’t discern what direction it or Zexion’s voice was coming from. He took a chance and ducked to the left, getting cut on the cheek by a throwing knife. He then whipped around his chakram, sending a fire ball in what he thought was the location of the knife came from.

    “Nice aim. Clearly first rate.†Zexion’s disembodied voice said sarcastically. Immediately, three more throwing knives could be heard.

    “SHUT UP!†Axel barked angrily as he jumped back as the knives impaled themselves into the ground. This time, Axels throws his chakram, and a few minutes the sound of wood being impaled echoed throughout the fog.

    “You just threw away your weapon genius! Don’t you see that I’ve got you beat!?†This time, five knives zoom into view right in front of Axel. He back steps to dodge and as they are lodged into the ground, three more impale themselves in Axel’s body, two in the back of each shoulder, and one in the back of his thigh.

    Blocking out the pain, Axel thinks of the problem at hand as he pulled out the knives. Okay, something weird is going on. I know that Zexion’s freaky fog dulls the senses, but this is too much. Those knives came from two different directions, and I know that he isn’t fast enough to throw five of those knives, and then circle around me in time to throw the three that he somehow stuck in my back and leg. Okay, it’s time for a change in tactics!

    With the knives removed, Axel stands up raises his remaining chakram in the air and starts to spin it around his finger. Slowly at first, and then he starts to build up speed.

    “What the hell are you doing!? Have you lost it?!†Zexion, still shrouded in his fog, demanded with suspicion of Axel’s actions.

    “Maybe, maybe not. You’ll just have to wait and see.†Axel said earnest, a grin growing wider on his face.

    “I think not!†Zexion replied, not wanting to give Axel a chance. With those words, a barrage of throwing knives came from every direction. Axel, now with a good idea of what his radius of sight is, started to expertly dodge the Zexion’s assault, dancing around the flying knives with a smile on face, in spite the fact that one false move would mean oblivion. Not once did he stop twirling his chakram. Eventually, his chakram wasn’t spinning around his finger as much as on top of his finger. When it reached top speed, Axel’s smile grew into a broad grin.

    “Hey, Zexion! You wouldn’t happen to have an umbrella, would ya?â€

    “What, why?â€

    “Because it looks like it’s about to rain!â€

    Axel crouches down, raises one leg extended, lowered his spinning chakram as low as he could bring it.

    “Flyin’ Hellfire…â€
    The blades of Axel’s chakram erupt in fire, creating a spinning ring of fire around the outside of the metal ring. He thrusts it up into the air, sending it a mile up into the sky.


    With that, the chakram sends down a barrage of fireballs into the mist, lighting up the field. The sound of explosions echoed throughout the fog.

    “GAH!†Zexion yelled. Suddenly, the mist started to clear, revealing four Zexion lookalikes with all white eyes. Each of the four was holding throwing knives, and each was placed at opposite ends of the field. Scattered throughout the field were burnt patches of field grass where a fire ball had landed. The chakram that had been spinning up in the air finally started to slow down and make it’s decent. Pleased with himself, Axel jumped five feet in the air and caught his chakram while doing a triple back flip with his eyes closed, then landed in a graceful three point landing.

    “Don’t get cocky, you smug son of a *****!†Zexion raved. Axel, facing away from him with his eyes closed heard Zexion stomping, which he could only have imagined in anger of Axel’s successful attack. “How the hell did you do that!? That wasn’t one of your attacks!â€

    Axel opened his eyes and turned around, now being able to discern where he was, chuckling under his breath. “It’s called ‘improvisation,’ numb nuts. For a genius, you’re sure not very—“

    Axel was stunned when he finally saw Zexion himself. He was standing next to Axel’s campfire stomping out a burning book that looked exactly like his Mad illusionist, which he held under his arm, and a fifth doppelganger standing right next to him. It wasn’t this bizarre sight that stopped Axel mid sentence, though. It was the objects that he was holding in each hand, particularly a bowl with half eaten ice cream in his right hand, and a spoon in his left.

    “YOU JERK! YOU STOLE MY ICE CREAM!†hollered Axel, now every bit as angry as Zexion. “I WAS GOING TO EAT THAT ONCE I THORUOGHLY KICKED YOUR ASS!â€

    “Oh, be silent!†Zexion said after discarding the bowl and spoon. “I’m the one who has something to be mad about!â€

    “Oh, really? Why, whatever could that be?†Axel asked in a mocking tone of concern.

    Zexion, fully knowing that Axel was mocking him, weighed whether or not he should explain it to Axel. However, Zexion could never pass up a chance to flaunt his intelligence, and ultimately decided that the information would do him no good. It would also buy him time to plan his next move.

    “You destroyed my Mad illusionist, that’s what.â€

    “Don’t give me that! Your weapon is right there, under your arm! And since when did you decide to copy off of Demyx’s shtick!â€

    “It’s more than just my weapon, you moron! The Mad illusionist is an actual book. Or rather, a series of books.â€

    “Series?†Axel asked with a raised eyebrow. His curiosity had gotten the better of him.

    “Yes, a series. It’s a one of a kind series of books written by a leader of Radiant Garden two hundred years ago, of which I have, or had rather, every single copy. Like me, he loved to work with illusions, making them my ideal weapons. Like any Organization member, I can channel my power by using these books as an intermediate. But unlike all the others, my powers are altered based on what book I have with me. The volume you destroyed was volume number X, ‘The Mystic Mist,’ which was all about crippling your enemy’s perceptions by trapping them in a fog.â€

    He took the book he had under his arm and opened it, holding his free hand over the pages. The book flashed with pale blue light, and just as it faded, the throwing knives being held by the five remaining doppelgangers disappeared, as well as the knives that had been lodged into the ground of the battle damaged field. In their place, five long swords appeared in the hands of the clones. “This is volume number XXIII, ‘Mirror Mischief!’ With it, I can create mirror images of myself and arm them any way I see fit! Now I’m going to use it to make you pay for destroying a book from my collection!â€

    With that, the doppelgangers rushed towards Axel, blades raised! Axel kneeled down and held his chakram over his head, stopping the blades from reaching him, and successfully blocking the assault.

    “Testy, aren’t you?†Axel patronized. He then broke through their formation, and leapt into the air, forward somersaulting five feet over the clone in front of him. On his decent, he extended his legs, slamming his heel into the back of the head of the clone, which then disappeared into thin air. Upon landing, he spun around and in a horizontal swipe, slashed two more of the clones in one move. He then slipped the chakram onto his wrist and blasted the two remaining clones with a couple firaga spells. “These things are just like you Zexy! Ugly and weak!â€

    “Y-you haven’t won yet†Zexion barked, starting to get nervous. Once again, he held his hand over the pages and the book began to glow pale blue. More clones began to form in the same pale blue light.

    “Oh no you don’t!†Axel warned. He then threw one more fireball, hitting the book and knocking it out of Zexion’s hand.

    “NO!†Zexion cried. As the book burned, the new doppelgangers faded away. Panicked, Zexion looked over to Axel, and then the chakram impaled in the tree nearby. Axel slowly started to approach Zexion.

    “What’s the matter? Summon another book. Or can you only carry two at a time?†Axel sneered. With that, Zexion ran toward the chakram.

    Axel, immediately noticing Zexion’s intent, started to running toward his chakram in full sprint. “Come back here!†he hollered. Axel prided himself as being one of the fastest in the Organization, but couldn’t make up for Zexion’s head start. Zexion reached it first, and with one powerful pull, yanked it out, sending splinters flying and leaving a noticeable gash in the trunk. He then starts running towards Axel.

    “I WON’T LET YOU BEAT ME!! I CAN’T LET YOU!!!†Zexion screamed at the top of his lungs, all reason cast out of his mind. He swung wildly as Axel came into range. Axel stopped just short of Zexion’s attack and with a powerful swing, knocked the chakram out of his hand and into the air, and whereby Axel’s will, dissolved back into flame. He immediately followed with a high kick to Zexion’s chin, striking him with all he had.

    Zexion was sent sailing, and landed ten feet away, where then slid several feet on the slick grass, still wet from his own from his own mystic mist, until he was stopped by the foot of a new individual. Zexion crawled back and looked over at Axel, still standing where they had clashed. He was staring past Zexion with a dumbfounded and surprised look on his face, his jaw looking like it was about to fall off. Rubbing his chin in an effort to sooth the pain Axel inflicted on him, he turned around to see what who or what could render Axel in such a state.

    “Ow… Who?†Zexion murmured, but as soon as he saw who it was, he gasped and leapt back. What he saw was another person wearing the same exact coat as he and Axel. He stood regally, like a king standing in front of his subjects. His long, silver hair adorned his head like a crown. His dark skin shined like bronze in the moon light, and piercing yellow eyes that would have invoked fear in the staunchest of hearts. Instantly recognizing the individual and what his presence could mean for him, Zexion cried in astonishment and fear:


    “BOSS XEMNAS!†Axel yelled in amazement as he ran up to his superior, stopping just a few steps behind Zexion. He quickly dismissed his weapon, it evaporating back into flames. Zexion, after wiping himself off, rose to his feet, nervously waiting for Xemnas to speak. Xemnas strolled pass the two and gazed around the battle field. With the sound of the battle now a memory, the tension began to mount in the silence of the forest. A few minutes had passed with out a word being spoken. Unable to bear the tension, Axel broke the silence.

    “Look, Boss, I was just—“

    “Baiting a fellow Organization member into conflict†Xemnas interrupted, still facing away from the two.

    “Well…†Axel muttered timidly. Desperately trying to think of a reply, and failing, he started scratching his head and looked away. Out of everyone in the Organization, Xemnas was the only one Axel couldn’t read. It scared him not being able to know what he was thinking. He looked over to Zexion, who had, for the most part, regained his composure, but still had a nervous look in his eye. His right hand had been pressed once again to his lower chest, and his left hand had been brought up to his chin, index finger resting just under his mouth. Axel new immediately that Zexion, if he could still feel fear, was scared out of his mind.

    “If you don’t mind my asking,†Zexion said sheepishly, “When exactly did you get here?â€

    Xemnas, still surveying the field, raised a bag into the air. Axel instantly recognized it as the bag he had discarded earlier.

    Damn near the whole time, eh? That can’t be good. Axel thought to himself.

    “Axel.†Xemnas said loudly to grab attention.

    “A wha?†Axel grunted, caught rather off guard.

    “Tricking a fellow member into battle is indeed a grave offense.†Xemnas stated quietly.

    “Oh, crap!†Axel said under his breath. He glanced over to Zexion, whose posture had become relaxed due to Xemnas’s comment. He believed that he was off the hook for his actions. Axel sneered at the thought of Zexion going unpunished while he would.

    “However…†Xemnas said as he turned around to look at the two. Hearing this, both of the two tensed back up. “This conflict would have never occurred if Zexion hadn’t disobeyed me.â€

    Panicked, Zexion began to try to think of an excuse.

    “Lord Xemnas, I can—“

    “Save it.†Xemnas stated. He then looked Zexion straight in the eyes. “I am not in the mood for your excuses. Just tell me one thing. You said earlier that you ‘intercepted’ the Dusk Axel sent out. What did you mean by that?â€

    Zexion’s mind began racing, desperately trying to think of an explanation that would please Xemnas, who was still glaring at Zexion. Axel, who had moved away from Zexion in order not to get involved in their dispute, started looking back and forth between the two.

    “Well?†Xemnas asked, growing impatient.

    “I-I…†the normally very articulate Zexion stuttered, failing at finding the words.

    After a few more moments, Xemnas realized that Zexion wouldn’t be able to produce a favorable response. He closed his eyes for a moment. After a few seconds, he spoke, in a soft, empathetic voice.

    “So, that Dusk no longer…exists.†He said with a soft, almost sad look on his face. Axel just starred at him. He had never seen them act anything like this. Must be an original six thing. he thought to himself.

    Almost immediately, Xemnas’s stern features returned. He opened his eyes and once again glared at Zexion. He extended his right hand towards Zexion, open palm facing him.

    “You do realize that I can’t let this go unpunished, Zexion.†Xemnas said in the voice of a King about to dispense punishment onto one of his unruly knights. Zexion, with fear of knowing full well what this punishment might be, attempted to plead his case.

    “Lord Xemnas, Plea-“Zexion abruptly stopped. He clutched his throat with both hands and fell to his knees, eyes wide in pain.

    “Axel!†Xemnas hollered. He glanced over at Axel’s direction. Axel looked back at Xemnas.

    “Pay attention to what happens next, and know why I am the King of all Nobodies.†And with that, Xemnas clutched his hand, as if he were wrapping his fingers around some unseen object. Once it looked like he got a good grip, at least from Axel’s point of view, around the invisible object, Xemnas slowly retracted his arm, twisting his hand as he brought it back to his body.

    This invoked a reaction of sorts in Zexion, in that as Xemnas was retracting his arm, Zexion released his neck and began to slam his fists on the ground in front of him, writhing in pain. All of a sudden, a thin mist like gas began to come off of him, and right before Axel’s eyes, Zexion began to change.

    Zexion’s fingers grew longer, closing in onto each other, until they formed into spear like appendages. His feet stretched out, growing longer and thinner as his toes extend out to a point. His arms became thinner, and as they began to contort uncontrollably, his legs also began to thin out. Lastly, his waist started to shrink, as if he were being cinched by an invisible corset, cinching Zexion’s waist to impossibly small dimensions. Fighting to keep the two burgers and fries from earlier down, Axel watched on as Zexion continued changing.

    Zexion watched himself alter in horror as his attire started to come alive, as it too started to change. The sleeve openings of his coat and pants shrank, and merged with his boots and gloves. The slack left from the arms of his coat and his pants shrank, fitting to his now misshapen form. As if that weren’t enough, the tail to his coat shrank to just above the hem of the pants, where they then merged, creating a one piece zipped up full body suit. As the ropes coming out of his hood slithered up and disappeared into the holes, the zipper also disappeared into the ever changing suit. Just as this latest transformation ended, Zexion’s suit changed from black to pale silver. Black rings appeared around his spear like hands as black streaks ran from the tip of his toes, up the sides of his legs and up his waist. Finally, the hood that rested on the back of his neck and spine crawled up his neck, over his head, and covered his terrified face, an emblem flashing on the forehead. Low and behold, Zexion had transformed into a Dusk right before the eyes of Axel and Xemnas!

    “HOLY ****!†Axel yelled in a mixture of surprise, disgust, and fear for his own self being. “YOU TURNED HIM INTO DUSK!â€

    “Oh gee, is it that obvious?†Xemnas sneered in a rare moment of sarcasm. “Your perception is astounding.â€

    “Uh, Zexion may not be my favorite guy, but don’t you think that’s a little harsh?†Axel asked nervously. “He’s a member of Organization XII. Even he deserves better than that!â€

    Xemnas stood silently, his hand still clutched around the invisible object. He stood there for a couple minutes, looking at the Dusk formally known as Zexion writhe in pain.

    “Axel, why do we of the twelve toil tirelessly on the completion of our project? †Xemnas asked.

    “What are you talking about Boss? You said it yourself that we work for the benefit of all Nobodies!â€

    “Exactly. We only call ourselves Organization XII to honor the twelve strongest Nobodies. The ones who are able to remember what it was like to be human. In truth, our Organization is much more expansive. All of the Nobodies under our command are a part of this grand operation of ours. They put their trust in us, and in return, we guide them. The Dusks, which are our greatest numbers, trust in us to restore them. They would willingly go to their doom if it meant furthering our cause.â€

    “Huh? But isn’t that what they are? Mindless lackeys?â€

    “They may be ‘lackeys,’ but they are far from mindless. In fact, they are our most loyal servants because they know something that we don’t.â€

    “Oh yeah, what?â€

    At that moment, both looked at the Dusk, who was still writhing in pain.

    “They are the only ones who even have an inkling of what it could be like, not to exist. Because they are the least of all Nobodies, they are the ones who dance upon the line between existence and oblivion, unable to move away from it. Because of that, they trust us to one day restore them. I will not allow any Nobody to abuse that trust, no matter who they are. Whether they be of the Original Six…â€

    Xemnas looked Axel straight in the eye and gave him a big, evil grin. “Or an eighth seat with tendencies of insubordination. And if you think this is bad, you should see how I treat traitors.â€

    Axel smiled and gulped nervously. “I Got it.†Axel squeaked. With that, Xemnas turned his attention back to the Dusk, coiled in pain. He lifts up his clutched hand and brings it around his adjacent shoulder. In one swift motion, he throws his arm back out, uncoiling his grip in the Dusk’s direction. Axel watched the Dusk transform, in a reversal of the same grotesque manner that he had originally, back into Zexion. At the end, Zexion was on his arms and knees sweat running down his face and raining down onto the ground.

    “Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah…†Zexion panted loudly, his eyes so wide, they looked as if they were about to fall out of his head. Xemnas walked over to and went down onto one knee and looked at him.

    “So untrusting. I honestly thought we were above such notions as deceit. You and I are of the Original Six, the founders of the Organization. Harbingers of the rise of our kind. I am disappointed.â€

    Xemnas grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him by the onto his feet.

    “I had considered relieving stewardship of Castle Oblivion from Marluxia and hand it over to you, but thanks to this little stunt, you blew your chance. Now return to your post and resume your duties until I say otherwise. Now go.â€

    With out saying word, Zexion limped away. A Dark Corridor opens up and a defeated Zexion silently walks away without looking at Axel or Xemnas, and disappears in to the Darkness. As the Dark Corridor closed, Xemnas started walking toward the camp fire.

    “Well? Are you coming?†Xemnas asked Axel with a passing glance. â€I may not be Saix, but I feel that even I am suited enough in dealing with this case.â€

    “Uh, Sure, but…†Axel said nervously. He then pointed to himself. “What about me? Don’t I get punished as well?â€

    “You’re currently on a very important mission. I’m willing to forgo your punishment in regards to this.†Xemnas said. “That is, unless you want to be punished?â€

    “NO, NO! That’s quite alright!†Axel said hastily, not wanting to go through what Zexion just did.
    Xemnas chuckles darkly as he sits down on one of the logs. He opens the bag that he had been carrying the whole time and took the burger out from its wrapping and took a big bite.

    “Whoa, wait a minute! You’re not actually going to eat that, are you?†Axel asked.

    “What do you mean? It’s not like it landed on the ground, and you were joking about it being a ‘Holy Halitosis’ thing…â€

    “That’s just it. I wasn’t joking. They really do have a burger special that’s called Holy Halitosis! I heard that after eating one of those, this one guy’s breath stank for weeks, no matter what he did!â€

    Xemnas looked at Axel, then at the burger. “Not bad, and I’ve certainly had worse.†Xemnas said as he took another bite. He removed the onion rings and proceeded to eat them. Axel sighed, and after making note that his seat was up wind from Xemnas, retrieved the final bag from the burlap sack. He had worked up an appetite from his battle with Zexion, and he thought it would be rude to have his dessert while his boss was still eating. The duo ate in silence for a couple minutes.

    “So, the fact that you aren’t back at headquarters by now and from what I gathered from the Dusk you sent asking for Saix, I take it there is a problem with the young one.†Xemnas stated, finishing his last onion ring.

    “Young one? Oh, you mean the newbie!†Axel said, he himself finishing the last of his fries. He thrust his thumb in the direction of the hole. “Well for starters, he likes to make flashy entrances.â€

    Xemnas looked at the crater, eyes wide and jaw dropped with genuine surprise. Axel couldn’t help but smile, seeing his Boss acting so out of character.

    “Are you serious?†Xemnas demanded. “He actually did all that?!â€

    “Mmhmm.†Axel hummed, once more taking the ice cream and preparing a bowl. “He also put on quite the light show too. Defiantly unnatural, since it really isn’t how any of us were born. Ice cream? It’d help with the stink breath.†Axel said, taking what little advantage he could from Xemnas’s dazed state.

    “Sure.†Xemnas muttered as he took the bowl. He started eating with a profound look of deep thought on his face. “What else?â€

    “Well for starters, he’s as weak as a new born baby. He could barely walk.†Axel said, relaying his observations from earlier that night as he prepared another bowl for himself. “I don’t remember being like that when I was born, and I sure as hell wasn’t naked!â€

    “Huh. Unconventional circumstances, unconventional birth.†Xemnas muttered to himself.

    “Did you say something?†Axel asked.

    “Nothing.†Xemnas said. “What does he look like?â€

    “He had spiky hair. Looked like he was a dirty blond. Roughly five feet tall and looked to be between the ages of fourteen and sixteen.â€

    “And where is the young one now?â€

    “By the time I had found him, he had stumbled his way to the hole in the wall of Twilight Town. He had collapsed right in front of the hole. Before I could grab him, one of the locals came out and took him into town. I already had a dusk track down his location. I felt it was best to report in before proceeding.â€

    Xemnas, finished with his ice cream, sat with his elbows resting on his knees, fingers interlaced.

    “Do we even need him? I mean he really doesn’t seem all that useful."

    “Axel, this isn’t good.†Xemnas said in a tone of caution. “If the young one isn’t in adequate shape, then his first mission that I had lined up for him, one that I believe is imperative to the survival of the Organization, could end in disaster for our kind.â€

    “And what kind of mission would that be?†Axel asked, curious as to why there would be such a need for the newbie.

    “The Heartless in the area around Twilight Town have been acting up. I’m worried that they might come here, to this world.†Xemnas said.

    “Oh.†Axel murmured. “That is bad. But you also know that there is a chance where they might not even show up around here.â€

    “Maybe so, but I don’t want to take any chance. The Heartless can have every other world for all I care, but not Twilight Town.â€

    “You don’t care.†Axel said with a tone of slight disgust and patronization. He turned away from Xemnas for a moment to throw another couple logs on the dying fire. “But I see why you’re so edgy about it. Twilight Town is our birthing grounds. If anything were to happen to it, there would be no way for Nobodies to be born and our numbers would just start to dwindle until there are none of us left.â€

    “Exactly.†Xemnas stated, arms freely resting on his knees.

    “But what in the world do you think the newbie can do about it?†Axel asked.

    “I have reasons to believe that he has a very special power. A power that can not only protect Twilight Town, but speed up the production of our project ten fold.â€

    Axel fell silent. Something about Xemnas’s statement struck him as unusual. Xemnas stood up and dusted himself off.

    “From now on, you report to me on this matter. Continue watching the young one, and if nothing changes in the next seven days, be sure to contact me via Dusk messenger. If he recovers, then approach him with caution. Is this clear?†Xemnas anded, waving his finger at Axel.

    “Crystal. But before you go, can I ask you something?†Axel asked.

    “Very well.â€

    “Did you have something to do with this? The newbie’s birth, I mean.â€

    Xemnas looked at Axel, and lifted his hood over his head. As his face became covered with shadows, Axel could have sworn he saw a big, sinister grin.

    “Yes and No.†Xemnas said in a playful tone.

    “Wait, what do you-“Axel tried to ask as he stood up and reached out his hand towards Xemnas. But before he could finish, dark wisps sprouted from Xemnas’s feet and intertwined around him, consuming him in a Dark Corridor. As the Dark Corridor faded, the place where Xemnas once stood laid vacant.

    “Crap.†Axel croaked. “I hate it when he does that.†He then proceeded to clean up the camp ground, cleaning up the bowls, spoons, paper bags, the ice cream carton and wrappers. He stuffed them all into the burlap sack and slung it over his shoulder. He then checked his watch which he kept in his side pocket. After that, he raised his free hand into the air and snapped, summoning a Dusk.

    “Go to HQ and tell everyone to stay upwind of Xemnas for a while. Don’t worry about any questions they might have. They’ll know what you’ll mean when they see him. Or smell him anyways.â€

    After the Dusk slithered into the air, Axel picked up a stick roughly the same size and shape as the first and stuck the end into the fire, creating a torch. He then looked at the fire, concentrating on it, watching it diminish until it the coals went cold. When all was done, he started walking back to town, garbage bag in tow, reflecting on the events of the night and thinking that things will never be quite the same once the sun rises.

    Chapter 3: Dark Rendezvous. End

    Again, your timely responses and thoughts would be most appreciated.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. Allstargamer
    lol, lucky SoB. XD

    Anyways I got through it just fine. I expected more though. I wish I new I'd have no reason to go through there without some special event item, or else I wouldn't have bothered.
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  18. Allstargamer
    Bottom line: A great movie to rent. not worth the ticket and snack price to see in the theater, but a good rental.

    That being said, it was better than I'd thought it'd be. Though it's a little sad when the best part of the movie is a little behind the scenes shot in the ending credits.

    Highlight for spoilers.
    Camera man: Can we move the shot in? All I can see is ass.

    Verne Troyer: Yeah, well now you know what it's like.

    In case you don't know, Verne Troyer is a midget.
    Thread by: Allstargamer, Jun 25, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Allstargamer
    lol Yeah, you can pretty much bet those will be making a return. ^^

    XD my step dad said something that just made me laugh! "THey're pretty proud of their Big Balls!"
    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Allstargamer
    I'm escorting some girl through the cave off of victory road. Her arcanine keeps using helping hand and doesn't attack.

    Post by: Allstargamer, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Gaming