I plan on using my Christmas money to purchase the game. I'm so excited for the No Heart battle! When I saw the trailer I swear I exploded.
My Thoughts Geez, are there a lot of posts. I would like to say somethings on the matter, but I'm too lazy to spoiler tag single things, so I will the whole thing, talking about endings and what not. Spoiler When I was playing against the character I noticed when he stopped walking and stood still he looked a whole lot like Xemnas from the KH:FM battle at HB. After seeing the Re:coded secret ending, we do know that when a Heartless and Nobody are destroyed, the person who spawned both of them comes back to life. Yen Sid stated that MX is most likely back, probably without and trace of Terra, as Mickey said the only one left to be found was Terra. We all have come to the conclusion that the character is related to time, possibly time travel. The weapon handles, attacks, and Keyblade you win, all have a clock-like theme going on. We also have said that the weapons look like Ethereal Blades, used by Xemnas. I think, that the Mysterious Figure, is in fact, Master Xehanort's new form. He is now in full control, and doesn't have to struggle with Terra fighting for control. He has came back to TLoD for some reason, but what? I think it is so that he can prevent Aqua from sealing TLoD from darkness, creating Castle Oblivion, and hiding Ven's body there. As we know, Xemnas found interest in CO, because he was looking for the room with Ven (Sleep or Awakening, I get them confused). Either way, Axel said he couldn't find it. MX most likely realizes that Ven was in fact there, when he comes back after the destruction of Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Using the power of time, he goes back in time to prevent Aqua from "saving" TLoD. If he were to prevent her from doing so, history would change. Xemnas would probably find Ven and TLoD would be destroyed. Sora would never meet Namine, and all of Organization XIII would be alive. Riku would never meet DiZ. The effects of a change like this would be dramatic. What if Eraqus' Keyblade served a purpose too? What if the new MX had Eraqus' Keyblade? He may have been able to use it to release Eraqus from Terra, which would make it easier for the old MX to control Terra. The reason why this new MX most likely doesn't use the old MX's Keyblade, is most likely due to the fact that it is already in use. Using it in the past yet being from the future, could destroy time. It can also be thought that MX may have a new Keyblade. No Name, the Keyblade you get when you beat the Mysterious Figure, could have been a the new MX's Keyblade. Ladies and gentlemen, your thoughts on this? (If you chose to read it.)
Wouldn't it be easier to assume the Mushroom XIII are the Heartless of them?
Darn. Now that we know it takes place in the current timeline, that destroys my split-timeline theory. Hmm...trust? I'm starting to think this game takes place inside Sora's mind, while he is getting his memories being put back together. Trust reminds me of Namine, due to the fact that Sora trusted her even though she changed his memories. Maybe she knows that what she did was wrong and has Sora go on a journey threw his memories subconsiounsly? (sp?). Spoiler We may also find out about Ansem the Wise's data he had Namine put into Sora as well as his original memories.
This annoyed me sometimes, yet I soon got over it. It makes it easy to get ready for an epic ending.
I think that the instant loss if you don't win is along the lines of Marluxia's Final Form's sleight (sp?) "Doom" in Re:CoM. He had you break a set of cards like Riku's Duel Mode, and if you failed to break them all in a time limit you instantly died. Funny thing is that the sleight can only be preformed by putting together three 6 cards. Now, things that annoy me- 1.Car Heartless-Do I need to even explain. 2.Anti-Sora-The form only appears when I'm about to die and need something else. 3.Revists-I don't hate them, I just hate that you don't complete all the first visits before you gain access to the HB stufff then unlock the revisits. 4.Xemnas-Too easy compared to KH:FM. 5.Org Member Fights-They could have added more fights against the Org. For example, when Sora gets pissed at Saix at HB and when Xigbar was at TLOD. You know the first Axel battle, how he sucked and had no health? They could've done that with other Org members. More would be Luxord at PR and Xaldin at BC (first visit) 6.Drives-I love Drives but I was surprised that there wasn't a drive made for Sora and Riku. Imagine how epic it would be to use KK and WTTD together on Final Xemnas.
I just noticed that. I kinda agree that 14-year old Sora should have the voice from KH1. CoM just didn't seem to fit in my head. I asked myself how did Sora's voice change? Maybe Castle Oblivion affects your voice.
After looking through all the screens it says you play as Sora and Riku (KH1 Outfits) with abilities. To me, I think this game could be a possible alternate ending to KH1. Spoiler Instead of just Kairi going home, Sora and Riku jumped to the other side with her. This ruined Organization XIII's plans because Sora would now not go to Castle Oblivion. This would also make it so Xion would have never been created and Riku would never have met Diz, therefore no capture of Roxas. Thoughts?
Upcoming KH Games Help Hello. I noticed that Kingdom Hearts 3D isn't under the Upcoming Kingdom Hearts board or sub-board, so where is it? Or has it not been made yet? I would like to see it made soon if it hasn't been made yet because I have some thoughts I would like to share on the game that is a bit to big to be a reply. Thanks in advance.
They are very alike, they even share Quinton Flynn as a voice over.
I myself would like to say congrats on the interview. Also as already said, I'm glad to see Quinton Flynn actually did it and isn't one of those "I'm a famous voiceactor, so I can't talk to you." kinda people. And for the people who wonder how he did it I know how he did, Skype. I heard the alert noise near the end.
This list for the win. There is a lot worth there and maybe if the series ditches Sora as the main character, the new character may visit worlds that Sora has not. Yet Stardust made a good point, I also would like to see more original content in the games.
No. The American bundle is complete garbage because it's just a normal silver PSP. Japan got a limited edition Kingdom Hearts styled PSP.
It's the handle of the blade.
There area where he is shown in the trailer is part of The Land of Departure Spoiler which is where Eraqus died.
Yup. Here it is: http://na.square-enix.com/e310/gamesDetail.html?id=3
I think it's true that waiting for BBS has payed off. In the most recent update on the main page, there is a virtual E3 booth. In the E3 trailer for BBS it let's us hear a nice amount of voice actors for the English version. But one thing for sure is brand new. Near the end, it shows Aqua fighting a man in a black coat, currently known as the Organization's clothing of choice. He wields what appears to be swords of blue energy, identical to Xemnas. His left hand has the blade backwards and in front of him while his right hand holds the blade forwards but above his head. Could this be the added boss? And if so, who is it? Edit: Picture - http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff172/SUPERSMASHDRAKE/NewBoss.png Link - http://na.square-enix.com/e310/gamesDetail.html?id=3
Wow that sucks. I would do that if I knew how.
So my brother was playing on DisneyXD and he noticed a button with Axel's face on it. He clicked it and revealed a game called Kingdom Hearts:Magical Puzzle Clash based off of Days. I thought it was new and haven't seen anyone say anything about this. It's your basic puzzle game. Get three of the matching tokens in a row. You also can use magic. You can choose to be Roxas, Axel, or Xion. Worlds are called realms. Sinister Sundown plays for all the normal battles. Tension Rising plays for Boss Fights. You start with 3 tokens, A yellow Keyblade, a green crown, and a blue King's Seal. You unlock more though. Link: http://disney.go.com/disneyxd/#/xdgames/playnow/&content=863191 Spoilers for the game follow. If you would like to contribute post in a spoiler. Spoiler Agrabah Heartless - Shadow, Scarlet Tango, Fire Plant, Deserter, BOSS Large Armor Wonderland Heartless - Sapphire Elgey, Blizzard Plant (Orange Heartless Token unlocked), Tricky Monkey, Pink Concerto, BOSS Lurk Lizard Olympus Heartless - Flare Note, Li'l Cannon, Jumbo Cannon (Purple Nobody Token unlocked), Clay Armor, BOSS Morning Star Neverland Heartless - Beast's Castle Heartless -
I knew it would happen like this but I want Sonic Adventure 3. Or any game with a Chao Garden. Or Sonic Heroes 2.