I too agree with getting the FM content in this "remakes." If they were to be more than HD graphics, I hope they give KH1 the KH2 system. KH2 played much smoother for me, and I would love to play the original with the controls from 2. Oh and they should nerf Riku's 2nd battle. I think everyone can agree with that.
SCII the best game in the series IMO. III was fun, but it keeps deleting it's save file for me. I still play IV, but it was a bare bones game. If it didn't have online, it would be collecting dust. I hope to see a return of Weapon Master Mode (SCII) and a long story mode (SCIII). SCIV was just 5 matches per character, and they called it a story mode. I also want the option to pick your weapon, so you don't have to make a CaS with the weapon you want. And to whoever mentioned Kratos, he already was a guest character in SC:BD, so I doubt they will reuse him. They said the guest characters have already been chosen, and they will announce them later. The game creator said he would like to see FF characters as guests, so I'm looking forward to who they would be if they were from FF. I'm thinking Cloud or Lightning.
I think that is a horrible way to force people to buy the game new. What happens if you beat the game and want to start over? What happens if you don't like the game and want to get rid of it? It would appear that Capcom is not very fond of the used game business, using this to combat it. I heard that some stores will be taking it for trade-ins, but the amount is small.
Keep calling Gym Leaders and rebattling them. Or go against the E4 a few times. There are some weekly/daily battles that you can get in, like with your Rival.
The first time I played though, I only had troubles with Sephiroth and Xaldin. Now both are easy to me, but Sephy still can give me some trouble. Now that I know how, I destroy Xaldin as soon as I get the chance to make up for what he did to me when I was younger. Xaldin was the first battle I used the King on too.
As previously said, that would be quite boring. Remember, that an advantage that PS3 has over 360 is that online is free. You don't have to pay-to-play with friends, family, and the whole PSN community. Sony also just announced some ID Security program which is free. This hack however, will not influence if I choose not to purchase a PS3.
I see everyone mentioning White Forest, but it has an issue. White Forest has nothing in it unless you play the game wirelessly. You need to use Entralink, which can only be done wirelessly (not online), to get stuff to appear. Everytime you use it, wild grass starts to grow. If you are big on getting your Pokemon to high levels and training, I would go with Black, because Black City has trainers that you can battle everyday. Both games allow you to battle various trainers everyday, but Black has more.
This is a very interesting question I must say. I guess the reason I want is because I want a full game like KH2. BBS was great, it's just to get a nice level (like 99) you had to grind. It's more than likely going to be on the PS3, so I need something to push me to finally get my own PS3. As long as it gets announced, I would like them to take as much time on it as they want. KH2 was rushed because everyone said they wanted it, so that's why KH2FM had so many new additions, because they couldn't get into the original game due to time issues. I also want to see what happens to the story, and what SE/Disney can do on a current-generation console to improve the game. Imagine if KH3 had DLC, like Keychains, and possibly world add-ons and stuff like that. With DLC, a game can live as long as the developers want. Imagine being able to download Missions for the Mirage Arena, or whatever KH3 will use as a tournament/fighting hub.
Well, if they do happen to remaster any of the games I own for PSP, this will be the final push for me to get a PS3. Some games I would like to see are: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Only KH spinoff that doesn't make me sick, and possibly could be the only way to get Final Mix worldwide. Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Truthfully the only FF games I have played are Dissidia, and I love them to death. Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy - See above. SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - Possibly it could be a huge add-on to SCIV, because I liked the new additions, it's just it was too small of a game on the PSP. Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron - The greatest SWB game I have ever played, and Elite Squadron was trash. Would be nice because there is still no word on SWB3. Sonic Rivals - I enjoyed this game a lot, and I usually don't enjoy Sonic games.
I got White version. I'm not interested in the Black legendary.
The video is spoiler heavy. Watch at your own risk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6HQqYvc49g I made that and would like to see where everyone else stands on this. What do you guys think of 3D? Of The BBSFM secret ending? What do you think will happen next? So basically, I want your thoughts on what we are going to see in the future for the Kingdom Hearts series.
I don't think so. They may start to realize it after Spoiler Data Sora's Keyblade was destroyed.
What difficulty are you on? Either way, I highly suggest getting a 100% in the journal for all 3 characters should do it.
Use your shotlock whenever you think you may take to much damage (your invincible during shotlock.) Also use Fire commands. They follow him and do a very small amount of damage, but when you enter the Firestorm command style, all your normal attacks knock him back. When he is inside the guns, don't damage them, just focus on blocking. I suggest you use the "Mark of a Hero" keyblade.
I've changed my mind just a bit on the game. Seeing the loads of new content from the US version, yes I want it. Yet the current price and chance that it may have a worldwide release have me saying no. (I have no money for it now, and don't want to waste any if it DOES go worldwide.) So I'll sit back and watch new things slowly get put online bit by bit, and hope that it comes worldwide. I even made a petition for it to go worldwide. It'll be fun watching that grow and some new scenes and such from BBSFM.
Aha! I'm glad to see someone found this, as I have been unable to find anything on BBSFM besides the Secret Ending and the new music. I'm surprised to see No Heart use his armor as a weapon too, hence his kicks and such. It would also appear that No Heart has the same or even greater power to manipulate the Keyblade, as seen in KH2FM with Terra's Lingering Sentiment. He made the Keyblade a wall, a cannon, and wings from what we could see in that video. I personally want to see what happens when you don't break out of his grip when he holds you up. Looks challenging, but no where near as hard as Vanitas Remnant or Mysterious Figure. Probably due to the fact that it IS a Mirage Arena match. If you were to bring friends into a super boss fight it would lag like no tomorrow. I want to see more on that Keyblade that was used, as it looked like a prize for beating No Heart.
I have it. I'm not that far so I don't have much to say. Let's just say it's a DS game. It's better than Days, but I thought Days was the WORST KH out there so far.
I would recalling seeing Nomura state that he has seen the pleas for Pixar worlds, and he claimed to be interested in them. Also whoever mentioned Deep Jungle, Disney no longer owns any rights to Tarzan. I would want a few Pixar worlds, like The Incredibles and Toy Story. I still want a Dumbo world too.
For certain I believe that the apprentices, Lea, and Isa will return. The others may or may not, but if they do we will most likely learn more about them, like their original name.
I for ne am very excited, and the only footage of No Heart was in the trailer, but it wasn't a battle. I would hope in some way it is cannon, but it most likely only there to improve the significance of Xemnas and Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. No Heart was a determining factor in making me want to buy BBSFM. I will be getting it as soon a I can.