Search Results

    Pretty simple. What features from the side/bridge games do you want to see return in KHIII? Ranges from anything in CoM, Days, Re: coded, BBS, or 3D. Due to the fact that there are a lot, you can choose 6 options in the poll.

    Feel free to discuss the reasons for your answers here.

    Multiplayer - I really enjoyed the multiplayer Days and BBS had. I would love to play with a friend or play against people in KHIII.

    Customizable Characters - I loved being able to change your armor color in BBS, allowed people to be unique with how they are represented in the multiplayer.

    Multiple Playable Characters - This is a must. With 3D and BBS using this feature in the story, I think it's safe to say we should be able to play as some of the 7 lights.

    Limit Breaks - IF bosses can have desperation moves, why can't we? I think this would be helpful to get players out of the those sticky situations that we can get in.

    Trophies - Adds more the game and gives you a better sense of completion once you have cleared, the game.
    Thread by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Aug 12, 2012, 26 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    Assuming Sony will eventually PS2 the PS3 (still release games after the new console has been released) I think KHIII will be one of the last PS3 games, much like how Re:CoM was for the PS2.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    Nice job, I want this to be the ending now.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    I would like to see Kadaj replace Sephiorth as the super duper uber secret boss.

    And I would like to see another Square series get into the mix with FF and TWEWY.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    My 10:
    Night of Fate (Kingdom Hearts)
    Another Side (Kingdom Hearts Final Mix)
    Struggle Away (Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories)
    The Encounter (Kingdom Hearts II)
    Deep Anxiety (Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix)
    Vector to the Heavens (Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days)
    The Tumbling (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep)
    Hunter of the Dark (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix)
    Forze dell'Oscurita (Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix)
    L'Impeto Oscuro (Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance)
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Jun 23, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
    If I could pick 3 Pixar worlds to be in the next game, they are as follows:
    1. Toy Story
    2. The Incredibles
    3. Monsters Inc.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
    Honestly all I think needs to be done is a Re:Days on the Vita or 3DS. And they need to fix the battle system (enemies going awaying, coming back with full hp) and improve the panel system. And more cut-scenes. And something that will never happen, online.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, May 10, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    Hey Evil, I used the Role Mod, and it did in fact allow me to beat all the bosses, yet it didn't let the battle end. I then tried again with a Enemies to Bosses mod that I jokered to L2 rather than R2 which had Bosses to Enemies. I tried using it after I beat one boss, yet it didn't work.

    Is there anyway to turn the mod off in battle? Example, I go into the fight with the mod on, beat one of the two bosses, then switch it off so when I beat the last it ends the battle traditionally. If it's not possible to do so, just let me know. Thanks in advance.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 29, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
    Now truly at this point the story has become complex for me.

    And you gave enough spoilers warnings, so I assume we don't have to use the tags for the remainder of this thread? Anyways, here goes.

    This now explains Saix's yellow eyes, and pointy ears, but it is still unknown where he got his scar. And is it Xigbar and Saix or Briag and Isa? I keep seeing both sets of names being used, as if interchangeably, which upsets me.

    So I MX has 1 of the 7 lights, is he referring to the defending lights (Keyblade Masters) or one of the 7 Princesses of Heart? I'm assuming the first, he could quite possibly have Terra locked away somewhere, I mean all the "original forms" of MX have been slain or no longer exist (Xemnas, Ansem SoD, Terranort) so Terra should have returned by now. I'm assuming the new ones (Ansem SoD and Xemnas) are as you said, collected by YMX or maybe MX can make them appear.

    13 Darknesses is what gets me. Assuming that the other four apprentices (Dilan, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo) are not apart of the 2nd Organization, along with Lea and Roxas, who will fill up the 13 slots? So far we have MX, YMX, Xemnas, Ansem SoD, Xigbar/Braig, and Saix/Isa. They have the rest in hooded figures, but who could they be? I would hope that it's Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene, or at least the first two, due to the fact that we still don't know anything about their histories. I don't think Demyx and Luxord were traitors, so they might still be in the equation. I'm pretty sure Vanitas will show up to be a member, but that still leaves 4 slots. Do all the members need to be part Xehanort? I could see Maleficent and Pete being a part, yet none of the hooded figures looked like them. I wonder if MX would fish Repliku out of darkness to use him now that he doesn't have Sora or Riku?

    I honestly don't think MX could have all this planned out from the start, but if he did, he truly will be a force to reckon with. I thought I would be able to follow his plan, but man oh man is it a giant headache.
    Basically everything you said has nothing to do with the point they brought up. And by end, it is the end to the Xehanort Saga, which I personally wouldn't mind if the series ended too. I mean, how are they going to introduce a new enemy that can have a well-thought out plan like Xehanort (assuming he planned for most of these events to happen), and how could he/she/it be tied in with the characters we already know and love?

    I just hope that the Xehanort Saga goes out with a bang. By this I mean a lot of worlds, a few playable characters, and an ending that makes you feel like you've witnessed it all, and you truly ended the battle that has influenced so many.

    I'm very interested in the
    second Organization and its other members.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    All 3 could be continued, but as you said, it may be weird. Disney worlds having different time could be a possibility, bu I think it would put the story all over the place.

    And for Atlantica, if it were to use the Little Mermaid 2 storyline, that would mean there would be land and underwater parts, which I think would be stupid to have Sora and company change from humans to underwater creatures and back when going to different areas in the same world.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    Thanks! And the code I have is this:
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    2033E830 00001412
    2033E834 00004A00

    I'll be sure to fix it.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
    I remember how I started my journey with KH. I would like to say I was around the age of 4. I know this because I got a Greatest Hits box, and KH didn't go Greatest Hits until April 2003. I believe I was at Best Buy with my mom. I was obsessed with video games as a child, getting a new game console ever year or so, so I looked in the games section. Sure enough, I found Kingdom Hearts. The cover intrigued me so I grabbed it. As I was going to my mom to ask her if she could get it for me, I realized it was for PS2. The only console I owned of that generation was a GameCube, but I got it anyway, due to the fact that my uncle had a PS2 at the time. I eventually go to his house, being so excited and all to try the game. I got stuck on Destiny Islands, when the Heartless attacked. I didn't know to go into the secret place, so I was a bit upset. I then had to go home, so I turned it off and took my game with me. Sure enough, I got a PS2 for Christmas that year, and played the hell out of KH, eventually getting the guide.

    Either the next Christmas of the year after, I got Chain of Memories. I was surprised, as I didn't even know it existed. I got up to the final Marluxia, yet I couldn't defeat him (I only relied on sleights, making my deck run out very quickly.) I eventually got an Action Replay for Pokemon, but I found out it had codes for CoM too. I used a maxed out deck to beat Sora's story, and I flipped when I unlocked Reverse/Rebirth. Due to the lack of codes working for R/R, I beat R/R fair and square. After seeing the ending, I realized that a sequel had to be coming, so I eventually got better at using the internet to find information.

    KH2 came out when I was in 4th grade, and I think it was the first game I have ever pre-ordered and counted down the days to release. I bought the guide when I picked the game up, so I spoiled myself to everything on the car ride home.

    I can say that I have pre-ordered every KH game since then, and I'm 16 now, about to finish 10th grade. In fact, the only reason I got my PSP was for BBS, and the only reason I got my 3DS was for 3D (then Mario Kart 7 was announced). But yes, I don't know exactly what drew me into the series, but I sure am glad it did.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    I have a few questions regarding some of the codes:
    1. Can Riku use Sora's Keyblades via the UWM?
    2. When I warp to the Final Xemnas battle, it takes me to the area, but no boss fight. How do I get the fight?
    3. When fighting multiple bosses through codes, defeating one ends the fight. Is there any code that makes it so ALL must be defeated? If not, is a code like this possible/in the works?
    4. Is it possible to be saved by another character instead of Mickey? For example, play as Roxas when Sora gets KO'ed? If not, is it possible/in the works?

    Thanks in advance.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
    Well we know for a fact that Deep Jungle won't return. Disney no longer owns the rights to Tarzan.

    And the Hercules TV show was a prequel to the movie, so the only way it's happening is if there is time travel for Disney worlds, which I pray there isn't. On the other hand, instead of using the TV show's plot for Agrabah, the plot of the third movie (Aladdin and the King of Thieves) could always be used.

    And for KH-only worlds, I can only see Twilight Town being used for reuniting with Hayner's gang, or if there is more story there in regards to DiZ and Namine.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 18, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    Now I just need to decide what pin I should get with my Blank Exchanger.

    Oh and a question. In the future when the Blank Exchanger is obtainable again, if you already have one can you get another? As in, have more than 1 Blank Exchanger in your pin collection?
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
    Hey everyone. Assuming that KH3 will be the next game, I want to know everyone's opinions of worlds that they don't think will return and/or don't want to return.

    I personally think that Beast's Castle and Halloween Town won't return. They basically have nothing left to give unless they are to be KH-only plots.

    I pray that Wonderland is never used again. I hate Wonderland with a passion.
    Thread by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 15, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    I feel for you with Deep Jungle returning. but I believe Disney lost the rights to Tarzan, hence Deep Jungle being cut from CoM.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
    Glad to see someone who works on the game feels better when not changing from the default Keychain. Now I know I'm not alone.
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
    1. Toy Story
    2. Jungle Book
    3. Robin Hood
    4. Dumbo
    5. Chicken Little
    Post by: SUPERSMASHDRAKE, Mar 31, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts