If you look at it that way, then almost every Video game has a moral behind it. An easy example is KH2 with the whole ´2 opposing forces cannot exist without the other´ theory or that hearts are incalculable. Same goes for some movies, tv-series, books etc.
#15 - Wow! Those effects are amazing! Especially the blurred fore- and background, as if it has real depth in it. + that colorful line is pwning. #6 - Maybe a bit monotone, but it's very sharp and very well done. #19 - It's colorful and catches the eye. Maybe a bit too much sparkles in it. Overall a nice sig.
Believe it or not, but I hard some really hard times against Captain Hook. I just couldn't dodge those nasty presents. It took some several tries and some powerleveling, till I figured out how to use monster cards. =.=" Now I'm stuck at the third Riku Replica, right after destiny's island. (I'm not so far in the game since I don't spend much time playing it)
I'm here to make another attempt. But why bother when I've already seen some killer-sigs. O.O Guess I shouldn't worry about the lack of colors. ^_^"
W00t! Gained rep! (Legend of Zelda Get Item Theme plays) *doo-doo-de-dooo!* It's good to here that someone likes it. :)
Bleach: (When Rukia stomps on Kon) Kon: Hehe... nice angle Nee-san... And I have never watched Dragonball Z, but this quote is an all-time classic: Vegeta: IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!!!
Injection in your pants
*is being lured to this thread* I may be new and not really skilled, but heck, I gave it a shot anyway. http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h88/RagRappy/IWillSig.jpg I haven't added some text on it, cuz I don't know what you want on it. I could always add some text to it, or if ya want to do it yourself...go ahead.
Maybe not the usual graphic artist you hoped it would be, but I made an attempt. I was just doing nothing, so I thought that I could finally make myself useful. http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h88/RagRappy/X-303Sig.jpg
3) This sig is very nice, I like it a lot. Though it seems like some graphics were cut out on the right of the fellow, in the lower part. Maybe you should've used the blur tool just a teeny bit. 11) Calm and relaxed, text is readable despite small size and render fits with background. 8) Some parts I like, and some parts I don't. Overall it's a good sig.
First SOTW contest I ever entered! Of course I'll hope that some will like my sig! :D Hmmm...maybe a bit messy :/ ... anyway it's with Doc Ock!
It kinda saddens me to see all kinds of people on tv who claim to have special powers. I don't know how, but I always feel like it's obvious that those people are all frauds. I don't really believe in super powers. I sometimes think that were all damned to live a life without any exciting powers, that having powers in real life is too good to be true. But if I think twice... what would happen to the world and everything on it if powers really do exist? What would happen if someone evil gains an immeasurable power and uses it to spread chaos and despair across the world? We would probably curse those wretched powers when such time comes. IF I had any powers, then it would be: Realistic: Lightning fast Reflexes (To scare the crap out of those annoying class mates of mine >:3) Unrealistic: About the same as Roxas had, but then to be able to control time completely (Damn you stupid mistakes from the past!!! Hmmm....makes me think about Prince of Persia...)
I like DDR, but I can't really say that I like it a lot since I've only been on a DDR Dancing Pad twice. I didn't got much chance cuz there were always people dancing on the machine when I was around. A whole bunch of people are always on the side watching how those dancers rock the machine. I wouldn't even dare to play and dance in front of all those people. I'm afraid they would think stuff like: "WTH is this nub doing here, playing some stupid song on easy mode!?" Stepmania is a blessing!!! I'm addicted to Stepmania and now I am trying to conquer most songs on Oni-difficulty. I even stepped some songs of my own, but all just failed either because it was off-beat on some points or the steps weren't fun at all... :( One downside of playing Stepmania is that everyone who sees me play says that I'm akward and don't have a life. :(
I think I'll go see it next week, same reason as NRA has. To avoid the big crowd and people who try to ruin the movie and fun by throwing popcorn at people/talking as loud as they can/shouting out all kinds of spoilers. I want to enjoy watching PotC: AWE(SOME XD suddenly popped into my mind O.o), so I would really hate it if someone would try to spoil all.
I think too that Emo is a style. People that show their emotions more clearer and are interested in things that can bring out someone's emotions some more. I guess... It's kinda hard for me to explain...I might be completly wrong. But what people think and say about razors and suicidal inclinations is a bit exaggerated if ya tell me. Maybe a few of those people who were Emo were just very sad at the moment and tried to commit suicide by cutting their wrists with razors. It became known across the world, and most people must have thought that being Emo means to be very sad and try to commit suicide by cutting into whatever, with razors. That thought has been strenghtened by kids who just want to get everyone's attention by trying to cut their own wrists. I know people who do that just to be popular. They do stuff like dropping their razors in front of their classroom mates on purpose and say "Oopsie... I accidentally dropped my razor". Now THAT, is pathetic.
None of my friends who know I play and like KH and FF games think I'm stupid because I play them. But that will sum up about 2 persons... -_-" 1 of them has KH1 and likes it too. He claims that he will buy KH2 when he has enough money. The other thinks the gameplay rox just by looking at it. And my big sister was totally psyched about it when she first saw the commercial of KH1 on tv. She bought it immediately when she had saved enough money together. And I think that it totally pwns to meet up with all kinds of Disney characters and let them fight alongside you. Disney rox!(I even held a presentation about Walt Disney in front of the class, not too long ago. They didn't thought it was stupid or childish.)
I have been on this site for just one day and I just wanna say hi to everyone. I'll be checkin out this place for KH info and videos but maybe you'll see me post once in a while in a KH-related (or other) discussion topic, or maybe I'll compete in one of the Sig contests if I dare to. I hope I will stick around this site for a long while (and that I won't be a bother to many people in some way :( )