xDD I forgot to take it outv my bookbag... sighss.. my stupidity xDD well i guess i will just buy a swap magic coder online instead of another codebreaker. just so i can play final mix+. i wont use codes on it until i beat critical mode. which will be fun i bet.
oh man mgs series is freakkin' one of my favorites. i like the 4th gameplay but the 3rd had an epic story line. 2nd one was alright. never played the first one unfortionately.. well i did play it in snakes dream. xDDD
someone rate my sig.
i wish i could but my stupid codebreaker broke. gotta go buy new one now. if only i had a swap feakkin magic.
i say kudos for antiweapon and omega erks for this one. some really epic codes right here.
too much pain and suffering.
are animation mods hard to make for this game?
dammit i want to play this game so badly. i just know by the looks that it will be a badass experience. too bad everyone else rented it on blockbuster already.
cool. just having fun with the attack sora code. lol xDD
well i feel like attacking sora while playing riku b/c i know deep down inside riku wants kairi. edit: you know that's a good quote... well i like it!
so know any new codes? btw what do you use for hacking? :swap magic coder, codebreaker, armax, gameshark 2, your powerful telekinesis WHAT?
who else is helping you make that code?
hey im not sure if you know this but im just asking someone random. is it possible for me to change my "destiny islands resident" back to moogle...
"code master" is a pretty awesome nickname to live by.
ANIMAL CROSSING IS BETTER!!!!!!!! muahahahahhaa. sims is cool i guess... yea i never played sims so dont blame me. im sorry for the people I frustrated. can someone tell me what system sims 3 will be coming out in.
oh sweet. no worries i already have the codes. cant believe it was that easy.
that guy is such a wimp. he could pass for a little girl. i hate demyx so much. no offense to anyone. his weapon was awesome tho. remember when sora called him out saying he couldnt even fight. demyx just wimped out... then went psycho on sora's bit ch ass. xDDD i guess he is a bit badass enough to not be called a wimp. i just had to think about it.
i wonder if they stopped production of this code... i mean... wow this is just too epic.
wow i still cant believe 500 songs... WOW xDDD go soad. cant wait to play their songs.
anybody have "mickey does finishers"?