chain messages are so annoying a gay. just ignore them.
yo janime6(66) jk anyways what's up?
did you play golden sun?
yo im the first to ever sent you a visiter message W00t. btw our bday is 2 days apart. badass huh.
im getting the white one. (jap. version of course xDD)
*sighs* production means - the act of producing; creation!!!; manufacture. etc. creation of this code would be smaller words. i feel it has stopped. no updates or nothing... well one but none for american ntsc. that's what i think wont happen. oh well. im getting swap magic coder soon. (meaning i can play final mix's hense use this buggy code.) this is a badass code. neocloudstrife is awesome for working on it.
oh wow. looks like i should be number XI(11) in this group. dont worry.. i wont try to overthrow this organization... or would i??? xDD jk.
nice point. i surely can not wait for bbs to come out.
may i join your org. xiii group?
do you think ven is roxas?
i see you're a fan of utada hikadu. AND you even called her by her nickname... wow you're awesome. go beautiful hikaru W00T!!!
omg dude. you are missing out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you NEED to play that game if you're a mgs fan. i hope you get a ps3 asap.
thank you so much. (for the text information)
lol omg who would want to be a rep whore xDD crazy people nowadays. yea i just wanted to have fun in that thread. next time i will read the...
could you tell me how to change the colors of my text? and ty for the information.
btw looks like i only gave you two guys rep xDD. like it matters.
now you people tell me... im sorry.
if someone posts in here i will give them a good rep just for the heck of it. EVEN if you curse me out xDDD side topic to get you started. just give chuck norris a compement... or curse him out... or me. (this is so people wont just say random stuff. you can make your own.)
oh my bad. i shouldv read carefully.
the cd cracked b/c i threw backpack down. im prob just going to get a new one tommorrow at lunch at game stop. and buy swap m. later. then attack sora some more when i get a new one.