what does "uh" mean?
how do you post poll threads?
ok 1. you play darth vader in the beggining and he's so badass. in the rest you play the apprentice but later on they will realease downloadable content which will allow you to play as Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan. 2. yes. im pretty sure it takes place right after "sith" 3. lol really fun. that's something to look up on youtube. I cant wait for the installments.
i know that first one. im talking about the new video. you should check it out.
do you know the name of the song on the kh1 animation mod video of neocloudstrife's?
One shan't tell me those words. I will make it happen.
you guys stop being noobs and wait patiently young padawons. LISTEN to your sensai. the information will be released when we least expect it im pretty sure.
hello EvilMan_89. I noticed your youtube account is bloodyjab. anyways im just asking if you could tell me the song title for your video Kingdom...
think 2 player kh2 is impossible?
mike is your papa.
ghosts are FAKE to me until I become one. WHICH I highly doubt.
I am GOD. worship me. I am the new prophet of enlightment.
really? one of the most impossible?? are you sure?
is it completely impossible to make kh2 a 2 player game? i mean in one room atleast. example: one person plays one sora and another plays roxas or another sora or someone else.
no. i mean i hope it comes out before christmas.
second message
talk about this epic game in this forum. i am the guru of this game. any help just ask me. or just look up help on google. xD anyways this game is badass in every dimension accept the dimension ruled by f-a-gs.
make my dinner.
i hope this comes out before chriST MASS.