oh yea i just heard about this today. i cant fcking wait. halo 3 is one of my favorite games.
who's ready for it?
two player kingdom hearts 2 is resulting in many falluires for me. but i will not give up.err im just going to give up. too complicated.
dont think.
i know this is spam and it will never happen again but does anyone know the name of the song on this video posted in this thread right now? im sorry for breaking the rules. please forgive me. when i find out i will delete this message. well... i will even if i dont find out. soon. i need to know this song.
i thought this was actually a good movie.
xDD GOOOSEBUMPS xDD *sighs* ... yea the show is humiliating.. some of the books rl made are ok ... most are EPIC FALUIRES altho i use to like em when i was young.
japan duh. those people are badass. never china... i would get killed... just japan.
lol badass name and avatar man.
i hope you find out. im sure they should work... roxas and sora works is all i know.
I feel your pain. haha. sorry. forgot to say my point to him. xDD
anyone know if those codes for replacing donald with antiform allie etc. work?
do they work?
btw who made them?
what are these codes? i mean are they for kh2? im lost? Donald replaced by Antiform ally (R2) E00CFDFF 0035B55C 21cb99f0 58455f50 21cb99f4...
lol.. really funny when kh2 sends you a message saying "FAKE".
dude... mr. omega erks... you are completely amazing. this SUNDAY. omg... you... wow... i.. am.. speechless... thank you... so much.
yea this game is definately better than mercanaries 2.
damn that's awesome. what are they?
thank you so much.