hey luxord. i just want to befriend 12 people with a different organization member name from mine. anyways whats up? what games are you currently...
how's is going O R A N G E?
final fantasy vs 13 is exclusive.
how about everyone obey my order. i must have power. muahahahhahaa. what i want us to do is... destroy the world of little mermaid... hahahaaa. perfect isnt it? ... and what ven? said too. and lexamus.
not to mention they're also busy with final fantasy vs 13. wow they are busy.
well... hello there. any new information? about kingdom hearts 2 codes?
oh wow i remember this movie. it was so badass. i just hate how sephiroth didnt put up THAT good of a fight. he just stood there while cloud was going to annihilate him... MOTHER!
I wonder what song they will use of her's in kh3. that's what im really excited about. we just have to wait so long tho.
I know it will. there's a 98% chance they will.
i dont think they even know about this site xDD but most of my firends know wbout it b/c of me. i go on this site in computer science. xDD
hi rosey. anything new?
go ansem the wise.
you have utada on ur picture and that's badass.
damn i didnt think anyone else would know about so i didnt bother. my bad. btw nice place tiger human.
so anything new man? any codes ur having fun with?
Finally people. The movie is being made. This information if really hot. I mean really. If you want to know more about dragon ball the movie the go to this link. p.s. i dont care if this movie is going to suck. im still going to the premier at 12:00 am. here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HQqEf1Okdw
that would be awesome if you could fight sora, donald, and goofy just like in final mix but the tables have turned.
wow that's frekkin awesome.
you've really got me wondering now.