wow that would be amazing.
2/10 because im generous for your avatar 3/10 b/c your sig made me laugh.
1/10 1/10 just because.
6/10 sig 7\10 avatar w00t
suburban knights - hard fi thanks to neocloudstrife w00t brave new world - yuzo koshiro thanks to evilman falls apart - thousand foot krutch thanks to omega erks karma - bump of a chicken thanks to my friend.
i posted yes but i dont mean b/c i dont know you.
yea soon i will edit this post and post really awesome songs that many of you have heard and want but dont know the name. just wait patiently. you will not be disapointed!
finally. ive been looking for that code. i hope they put it in the front page.
what system is it coming out on? i hope ps3.
i think the reason newer games arent as good anymore is b/c nowadays people worry too much about graphics or how the character looks. they forget about the story line and gameplay. back then games werent so much in depth with graphics. they just worked on a good story and awesome gameplay b/c that's all they could do. XDD but yea. the simplicity made the games good. sometimes the complexity was very good aswell. basicly im trying to say is that most games back then had better titles than most games now.
NO I DONT like your AVATAR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. im joking... it's cool.
i need help with my ds armax. i accidentally deleted everything.
wow i cant wait for next weekend now. xD thanks for the information.
ahhh omg i love this thread. i love super nes. it had some of the best games. the games i loved in it was "secret of ever more" and "super mario legend of the seven stars". those games were epic.
yea kindv like the final boss jecht in final fantasy X. (he's basicly the final boss) that was some interesting music when you fought him. i fight him occasionally just b/c of that.
finally a sight-viewing code. btw when you are in sight-view how does it effect the bosses that try to kill you? do they still go for you? or do they go phsyco and hit nothing?
it does drasticly. i can tell you that. the gameplay can be badass but if the music is gay. the game is gay. kindv like the little mermaid part in kingdom hearts 2 american.
thank you so much!!!!!! keep amazing people.