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  1. naetle07
    If you have beaten Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and/or Platinum, and are still looking for a challenge outside the Battle Tower, look no further! Pokemon Fenrir League is here to help. We are basically Wi-Fi Gym Leaders who schedule battles with people around the globe, and, when someone wins, they recieve a JPEG image of that Gym Leader's badge, and a special prize Pokemon. For example, if you beat me, you get Lugia or Ho-oh. Interested? Come on over:
    Thread by: naetle07, Mar 14, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  2. naetle07
    I'm starting a serial walkthrough of all KH games in America available on PS2. Right now, the first 18 parts of KH1 are on my YouTube channel, albeit with bad quality, soon to be fixed since I got my Dazzle set up. Anyways, the link to my channel is

    The last 18 videos posted are all walkthrough parts.
    Thread by: naetle07, Mar 1, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: FAQs and Guides
  3. naetle07
    To the best of my knowledge, I think you have to complete all worlds on Standard, Proud, or Critical Mode, including Atlantica and 100 Acre Wood, and Hollow Bastion 7th visit/Space Paranoids 3rd visit, then play through the ending again. Beat all Data fights, then when you go to the Gummi Ship, there will be a new episode at Disney Castle. Go to the Hall of the Cornerstone, and there will be a gaping hole in the back wall. Press triangle and get ready to become Terra's b**ch.
    Post by: naetle07, Mar 1, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. naetle07
    I had trouble beating him at level 80, so I used my new GameShark2, hacked Max HP, MP, Ultima Weapon, Attack, and Defense, and still I couldn't beat him. Even now at level 100 he's hard. Now, the Ice Titan is another story...too easy.

    But, not only was Sephiroth not in the original Japanese version, but neither were Kurt Zisa, Phantom, or Ice Titan. So, for Final Mix, they added them, Diamond Dust for beating Ice Titan, One-Winged Angel for beating Sephiroth, and Xemnas/Enigmatic Man as a boss after beating Phantom, Kurt, and Riku when he's controlled by Xehanort's Heartless.
    Post by: naetle07, Mar 1, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. naetle07

    Video Parody

    About a year ago I started my own Kingdom Hearts parody. The most views it has on YouTube for one episode is like 450. I'm posting this both to get more views for it and maybe a few subscribers if you like it. Below are links to all episodes available. There is no 6 because YouTube took it down due to the song Iron Man.


    KHTUF1 *Remastered*:




    KHTUF5 (Note: Blocked in some countries):








    Thread by: naetle07, Mar 1, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  6. naetle07
    Hardest: Grim Reaper, it took me 30 minutes to beat him on Proud Mode!

    Easiest: Sephiroth, he pwned me in KH1, but he's easy as sh*t in KH2. If he was in CoM, it'd be hell on Earth.
    Post by: naetle07, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. naetle07
    For Sora, Vexen. It took me 15 tries or so and 13 levels to beat him!!! But Ars Acranum helped a good much....

    For Riku, probably Zexion. He kept stealing my cards, but it only took me 3 tries to beat him at level 35, then 2 levels for winning! But then there was Lexaeus (though I beat him first time with a little health left), who smacks me around with his TOMAHAWK OF DEATH!!!!
    Post by: naetle07, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. naetle07
    To me, it should be like this:

    Square-Enix should never have released Re:CoM to the U.S., rather, they should have released KH1, 2, and CoM FM's (yes, CoM FM, that's what Re:CoM basically is) as a special 3-pack as the last games to be released on PS2, since the guy at GameStop I bought Re:CoM from said the PS2 is going out soon so they made limited copies of Re:CoM.

    Pros: No more imports or b****ing about not having FM's; stuff we can understand; finally telling Japan that since we got Re:CoM, we can get ANYTHING from them!!! :D

    Cons: Dissappointment in finding that Enigmatic Man (Xemnas) is a pain in the a**; throwing your PS2 out the window because Terra keeps killing you on Critical Mode, only to learn that Testuya Nomura (creator of KH) had a hard time beating him; crying because the Two Across isn't as good as you hoped.
    Post by: naetle07, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. naetle07
    YouTube deleted about 35 of my videos. Most were up for months then just came down, and some of my videos are blocked in most countries. In fact, an episode of my parody (Kingdom Hearts The Untold Files) was taken down because the song Iron Man was in it. So now I have to remake it without the song.

    One way to avoid it is to upload a vid with a song no one knows or has rights to, or dropped rights. Some bands include Haji's Kitchen, I.O.N., Slow Roosevelt, Tendril, and Dope. Some song examples are below:

    Haji's Kitchen (Day After Day):

    I.O.N. (Deeper):

    Slow Roosevelt (Silverback):

    Others include using songs from the Tony Hawk's American Wasteland soundtrack, such as...

    Sonic Reducer:

    Ever Fallen In Love:

    Wash Away:

    If you want any of these, I can put them up to download at
    Post by: naetle07, Feb 28, 2009 in forum: Production Studio
  10. naetle07
    Not to get on you guys' nerves, but when do you think you will capture and upload the Re:CoM english scenes? I'm tired of having the over-the-limit MB count of the english scenes from kh13
    Thread by: naetle07, Feb 25, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  11. naetle07
    I'll clear it up for you guys:

    1. The castle was found after the Organization moved into the Castle That Never Was.

    2. It is NOT in the World Tha Never Was, it is at End of the World, the last world in KH1. The analogy behind this is:

    2.1. When Kingdom Hearts was closed, the path behind the door glowed, and when Sora disappeared from Kairi's sight in the closing FMV, he, Donald, and Goofy were in the fields shown in the epilogue. After chasing Pluto for some time, they went tosleep for the night. Sora woke up with an odd feeling, and continued on ahead. This was Marluxia's doing. He lured Sora to Castle Oblivion, which was further down the path. Behind the castle was an on-going war between light and dark, and the castle was closer to the darkness.

    3. The castle has no power other than the cards and card worlds. The memory loss is Namine.

    4. The castle was made for memory experiments. Vexen was conducting the actual tests, though.

    5. Marluxia was made in charge of the castle because Xemnas knew of his and Larxene's ideals, and wanted to lead them to their own demises. He apparently knew that Axel could be trusted, so he let him tag along.

    Post by: naetle07, Feb 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. naetle07
    The castle was abandoned, but I think I read somewhere that it will be featured in a later game, mabe 358/2. Also, the Riku Replica was destroyed, and he was technically a Nobody, if you think about it.
    Post by: naetle07, Feb 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. naetle07
    I have a decent amount of PS2 games. I have...

    1. The Simpsons Road Rage
    2. The Simpsons Hit & Run
    3. Kingdom Hearts
    4. Kingdom Hearts II
    5. Star Wars Battlefront
    6. Star Wars Battlefront II
    7. Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy
    8. Jak II
    9. Jak 3
    10. Jak X Combat Racing
    11. Dragon Ball Z Budokai
    12. Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2
    13. Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3
    14. Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2
    15. Lego Star Wars
    16. Tony Hawk's Underground 2
    17. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
    18. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
    19. Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
    20. Madden 2001
    21. Family Guy
    22. Spider-Man 2

    I've rented...

    1. Futurama The Game
    2. Spider-Man
    3. Bionicle Heroes
    4. The Simpsons Skateboarding
    I can't remember the rest!

    I've had stolen from me...

    1. Tony Hawk's Underground

    I got rid of...

    1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
    2. Freekstyle

    I'm getting for Christmas...

    1. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
    (Maybe KH2FM+, but I doubt it)

    Anyways, I play Ja II, Jak 3, Jak X, KH1, and KH2 a lot. I saw Ja is better than Sora though.
    Post by: naetle07, Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  14. naetle07
    i like it in kh1 cuz it wipes out enemies completely, and kh2's is just random attacks alone...but i vow on kh2's, hands down.
    Post by: naetle07, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX