I'm hoping she does. I also voted for don't care because I don't mind if she doesn't. I don't think the intro would be the same without her music.
Lets say I have it but I can't technically say I bought it. I'll buy it as a part of 2.5 though. That's good enough.
Yes, they do indeed capture the mood quite well.
If I remember he actually did die. Zexion said that to Riku and it was also in his journal.
The NOBODIES still die. Can't deny they faded away. Someone in the game said Roxas was the only nobody who didn't have to die to reunite with Sora.
Your messages are at 666. What is your next move?
I just remembered the cheap attack where MF grabs you and pulls you upward then slams you (or throws you idk) into the ground. the attack is a one-hit kill and the fact that even if you use once more or second chance he does the same exact move on you right after that. He felt broken every time I died like that.
FINALLY SOMEBODY ASKED ABOUT 2.5 geez! I just wanted the man to say SOMETHING! Now that he says its in development I'm no longer "worried" about it. I'm more worried about somebody asking about reaction commands.
The platinum trophies. This should go for everyone.....what?
Xemnas for me. The lack of emotion and the manliest voice in the world.
Her being a Xehanort is more reasonable. Young Xehanort did say that he sent Sora in the journey or something. She's Mommy-Nort.
Why isn't Xemnas an option? Well I'd have to say besides Xemnas, either Demyx, or Xigbar. They were both quite interesting to me and at times difficult. Xaldin, I didn't enjoy because he was too difficult my first play through. Just made me hate him.
Since KH3 won't be here for a while I'd like some news about even just a Japanese version of 2.5 right about now.
Because Red cares about the post count. In the end we only reply for the post count.
They were brought forward from a point before they died. At least that's what's assumed if it hasn't been confirmed.
I'm sure that Nomura is going in the right direction in this. Though I'm not too erratic about the return of dream eaters (the colors are worse than bad Final Mix colors IMO), it also provides more diversity in enemies and allies. I'm sure we'll see heartless and nobodies return and there is a chance Unversed could too. The only thing is that I want more details xD
To be honest I prefer how the characters looked in Kingdom Hearts II. It just feels like something is off when they look like that. I'm eventually going to get used to it because let's be honest here, I HAVE to. It might just be me ramming but I'm not exactly ecstatic about this "Kingdom Shader"...
Places like The Jungle Book that aren't as popular as The Lion King. Everyone I know has seen The Lion King but there are a handful I know that haven't seen the Jungle Book. That's besides the point but I'd love to see more places like that.
Now why doesn't someone ask him about things like reaction commands instead of switching the topic to Versus XIII? =_=