*runs into the room with a big bag of cookies in his mouth* "yewo how are woo?" *runs through a hole in the wall with cookies in mouth still*
Pencil me in for the next life too will ya?
AHHH YES YOU ARE THE COOKIE GOD INDEED!!!!! *Munches away at the 2 new bags as the pile of crumbs continues to grow by the second*
Shy is NOT allowed *Tana Panda attacks with a cuddle attack!!!!*
*Eats the cookies VERY quickly leaving a rather large pile of crumbs on his belly and on the ground*
I have an idea for a drumming solo!!! *Tana Panda lies on his back and begins to pat his belly... pat pat pat..pat pat....pat pat pat pat...pat* What did you think of that?
*Grabs the cookies and runs to a corner of the room quickly to begin eating* Anyone that gives the Tana Panda cookies is a dear friend!!!
*Sniffs the air and immediately turns around* Do i smell cookies and hear someone enjoying them without me!? *Sits on the ground and begins to...
*Runs in chasing a butterfly heading straight for you... paying no attention to his surrounding Tana Panda jumps straight into your arms trying to catch the butterfly but failing* Oh hello there... I'm Tana Panda... Nice to meet you *Jumps out of your arm in persuit of the butterfly*
You had BETTER be blinded by my extreme cuteness!!!
Not much just looking for ice cream or cookies *Rolls away*
*Walks into the room on all fours sniffing for cookies* Hello!! do you have any treats??? oh and WELCOME!!!! *Continues to sniff around*
*Rolls around in circles and bumps into your legs* Hello!!!
I dont see whats wrong with saying whatever pops into your head as long as its nice and cuddly *skips around the room with his fat panda belly...
Sounds amazingly great do it!!
*sits and awaits a command so that he can have a COOKIE!!!* (just a teast ignore this)
*looks at the treats* oh sweet panda god!! Cookies!!!!!! *runs over jumping up and down trying to get some cookies*
Well i think that in the beginning god created earth and on the 7th day when it was all done... he needed a way to get everything moving... you know the earth rotation and what not. But god was very tired for he had just spent 7 days making this. so on the 7th day god asked chuck norris to give the earth a swift roundhouse kick to get things moving. Oh and this is my own personal joke that i made up. Atleast i think i am the first to use it casue i sure didnt read it off any websites.
Wow. Welcome to the emo genteration where it is now not just a music genre but a fad. Whats the most irritating about this freaky Emo fad is that they have turned Bisexuality into a trend and not a lifestyle. i'm sick of the Emo guys making out with each other just becasue they think that it makes them cool.... it doesnt.
My Goal is to become an English teacher and teach in Japan but i dont want to be there for the rest of my life i would like to see as much of the world as i can. so all countries is my answer.